Friday, March 15, 2013

Tweet This, Tweet That.. A Weekly Twitter Recap

Hi Lovebugs!

Last night's happy hour somehow turned into 12:00am and four Moscow Mules so you'll have to excuse my subduedness this morning. Anyway, it's Friday woo hoo! I'm helping my girl Max out today, which you can find here. Ps. This morning, she text me a screenshot of Justin Bieber's Instagram at the same time I was leaving her a comment on the same exact picture. Weird right? I also decided to take casual Friday to a new level with yoga pants and tennis shoes. I wonder how many weird looks I'm gonna get today?

I decided after about a month of doing this Twitter recap and having great feedback, that I'm going to keep it as my weekly Friday post. Once I made the decision to keep it up, I knew I wanted a fun logo to use every week. Insert Kaitlyn from Put a Bow On It.. she hooked me up! I knew that she had just started doing some blog design work, and in less than 24 hours she made me the cutest graphic. If you're thinking about a new blog design, you must contact her. Her designs are gorgeous and affordable!

Now for the tweets..

Do you even know how much fun work would be if I could send emails like this?

Agreed PLL, agreed. Also, delete all pictures where he looks sexy and you look drunk!

Keep your hands off of the Dr. Pepper lip smackers.. it was just common sense.

Considering I may or may not have made a joke about pot while the new Pope was being introduced, I think you know I agree.

I for one hoped that that was exactly what the new Pope was doing Taylor!

There is a special place in hell for people that don't use their blinker, just saying.

My girl crush on Chrissy Teigen has taken over this week. Her tweets are awesome, but her blog is the best thing ever!

My other girl crush is on Olivia Wilde and this tweet made me laugh out loud for reals. Can you imagine how many tweets she gets? I'm so glad she found and replied to this nimrod.

Proof that Jef from The Bachelor is still trolling twitter looking for hookups, and also Anna Kendrick's tweets are seriously funny.

This is almost my reaction too, Sean seemed like a 16 year old boy during ATFR.

Yes, that.. exactly that.

Someday I hope to tweet Robin's exact words.. okay maybe not, bathing my dog is enough work.

I couldn't have said it better myself Allie, all guys that have been mean to me or my friends deserve bad things.. like bird poop on their head or falling off a cliff.

So let me get this straight Meagan.. shirtless Bieber? No. Shirtless Channing? Yes. I think all girls over the age of 16 would agree!

Just so we are clear Kay, I have a fairly expensive curling wand.. and I haven't touched it since I watched that video.

Time for some jams to get through Friday and on to the weekend!

City High- "What Would You Do"

I saw someone talk about this song on Twitter and it's been stuck in my head all week. You're welcome!

Have a great weekend, and see you Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!



I agree! There should be more shirtless Channing Tatum pics in this world!
And Kaitlyn did such a cute job with the Twitter recap logo- I love it!


Definitely just listened to this song. Are you stalking my Spotify? ;)


Amazing Twitter recap...and even better song!! Putting that on right now!


hahaha possesionista is always on point. and yes for justin, he seems to have lost all his damn shirts.


Love this!And yes..please get mr. channing tatum to take off his clothes..asap!


Justin... get your shit I mean shirts together!!!!!


Ooooh Sam I wish!!!!


Love Kaitlyn's design! And, giving the hedgehog a bath? Somehow I don't think that's one of those "real quick" chores.


I had so many comments to make, but then the good ones kept coming and I couldn't even begin to remember all the things I had to say. So glad this is staying a weekly thing!


Bahaha Posessionista's is my fave. Also, YES to this song. I once acted this song out like a music video in my basement. And recorded it. Thank God there was no YouTube in middle school.


Oh my gosh, my emo tweet. LOL. True story girls, true story. I made the mistake of stumbling upon a very hidden folder of photos yesterday and my retinas were burned. ;)

Thanks for the shout out sister. xoxo


You already know the love I have for you and Chrissy Teigan. Or whatever her last name is.


Great choice! Thanks for reminding me about this songg! haha


I love this idea! You could make it a linkup!


I just signed up for Twitter this morning but now I'm thinking that I could just read your Friday posts instead! Thanks for the recap :-)


Ha. Love this!


Thanks for the Friday chuckle!



You are the sweetest for the shout-out :)

And I'm terrified to use my wand now, too! Mainly because I can see smoke coming off my hair when I use it.


This is a genius link up, Miss Sami. Why can't I be as brilliant as you?! Love it. And you, duh. I'm now going to listen to some City High :)


I heard that song just the other day! love a good throwback and channing ...swoon....


BAHAHAH i am digging this weeks tweets! HILAR!!!

love this weekly post! Glad you are keeping it around!


Hahah I love that song and it will now be stuck in my head ALL day!
Great Tweets!


Additionally, I think it's weird that I ran around singing this song in high school. I'm sure I didn't really think about the full meaning of the lyrics but I kind of got it. . .


Anna Kendrick has the funniest tweets and Conan has pretty good ones, too! Thanks for featuring me...glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks Justin Beiber shirtless is just wrong.


I LOVE this song and totally forgot about it. I bet it is $0.99 on itunes. Done.


I should so start doing this! Though last night I did dedicate a post to replies and mentions involving involving a tweet of mine from some figure skaters


Oh my goodness, I had totally forgotten about that song!


I think you should get a real live hedgehog. Lily could use a pal.


The crew of City High is from around my way. I don't know them but I like to pretend I do since they're so close to me. Also...the one guy was on A&E's Intervention.


I totally forgot about this song, but I love it! Have a great weekend!


love the twitter recaps.
love the new logo too!

also sick of seeing Justin Beaver without his shirt. woof.

Happy Friday/Weekend!


Love your Twitter recap! I do a similar thing on my blog! Can't wait to link up!


Thanks for featuring me pretty! That tweet was so about a guy that did me wrong 3 years ago. I guess it goes to show that EVENTUALLY karma will get revenge! Have a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday :)


I haven't heard that song in forever! I love your tweet recaps


I love your twitter recaps. It makes twitting funnier!



Shirtless Channing and I too am so afraid of doing anything remotely close to burning my hair off like that video!


"So for you this just a good time but for me this what I call life... c'mon!" haha I'm so glad you posted that song! That was my JAM back in the day!!! Said the girl from Atlanta. haha LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Great post!

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