Monday, June 24, 2013

It's Time for Mason Shenanigans!

Hi Lovelies!

It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.

Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!

**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**

Let's get to it and have some fun!

As most of you know, I am still enjoying my weekend on this lovely Monday morning! Don't you worry though, I have left you in very capable hands. The prettiest of capable hands in fact.. my friend Mason. No, she was not named after a jar.. in fact the jar was actually named after her. Le duh. Anyways, she's funny and I like funny people.. they make me happy. She writes some killer Bachelor recaps if you're into that and if you're not you should be. Anyways, she's the greatest of the great.

Take it away Mason..

Hello and happy Monday, beauties! 

I'm Mason, and I blog over at Mason...Like The Jar, and I am so beyond thrilled to be taking over Queen Shenanigan's blog today. Like excited times eight billion. Like...this excited:

I'm sure you came to this gloriously beautiful and sparkly slice of internet today for some gawjus hair and to catch up on Sami's Weekend Shenanigans, but she's off having the time of her life and spreading shenanigan joy all over Dallas with two crazy cats named Max and Helene, so I feel like I should start off by saying, if you came here for photos of beautiful hair, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed by what I have to offer...

Exhibit A:


But shenanigans? Shenanigans I got.

You want Bachelor Shenanigans? I gotcha covered girlfran. I may or may not have a ridonkulous obsession with this trash tv, so I spend way too much of my life watching it and writing about it. With maybe a Mean Girls reference or two thrown in there just for kicks:

And speaking of The Bachelor, I'm basically BFF with Emily Maynard. Kind of.

Aside form The Bachelor, I also have love affairs with other guilty pleasure tv, such as Pretty Little Liars and The Real Housewives. And mayyyybe I've converted a particular man in my life to the religion of reality television. Just maybe. And yes it's a religion.

But anyway, back to the shenanigans.

You want dating shenanigans? I've got you covered there, too. Like when I dated a "dino boy" in college

no, not that dino boy.

Drinking shenanigans? Let's just say...I've been a lush from an early age. Case in point:

...and my lushy habits haven't changed even the teensiest. Wine is my bestie, fo sho. After all, wine is the meaning of life, no?

Gross shenanigans? Unfortunately, I might have had a bit of a New York bus trip mishap senior year of college. And I may or may not have ended up with crap all over my luggage. Like...actual crap. Ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? 

What about childhood shenanigans? Basically, in the 90s, I was a real treat and made my sister do really bizarre things like...dressing up like this

Embarrassing shenanigans? I've got enough of those to fill a book, but the best was when I fell allll the way down an escalator in Paris.

Basically, I'm a hot mess.

I'm just a shenanigan-filled little blogger with the same name as a jar. Along with all the shenannies, I also have a bad shopping addiction, love music (and sometimes make playlists for "that time of the month"), love giving presents, and will judge you so hard if I catch you taking duck face selfies in public. I also really stinkin love the poo outta Sami, and I'm super jealous that Helene and Max have been playing with her this weekend.

But it's okay. Alexa and I brought Sami along in photo and in spirit on our love fest of adventure of magic.

So hop on over and say hi, muffins! I would love love love to get to know Sami's beautiful readers, because lemme tell ya, Sami is pretty goshdern fabulous, so if that's any indication, I'm sure you all are too :) Anyway, come say hi, and I promise it will be a partayyyy!


I mean, I die. Is she not fab? Anyone that loves GIFs as much as I do is perfection in my book. I will be back tomorrow to share the real life shenanigans that went down in Dallas, until then..

What did you do this weekend? Link-up and tell us all about it!



Mason- this shit is hilarious! I love it and can I say you were rocking Chambray so great at such an early age! ;) haha


She is hilarious! Can't wait to see more of her blog!


She sounds like a blast. Definitely going to check out her blog!


Well...she is a hoot!


Ha, she is too funny! Sami, your link wasn't working for me this week! Sorry I didn't link to you!!
