Hi Lovelies!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. Wine and a towel wrap getting ready on Friday night!
two. Delicious sushi at TAG: Raw Bar in Larimer Square.
three. Shameless selfie walking to dinner!
four. The view of downtown Denver and Coors Field from Viewhouse Bar.
five. Playing beer pong and pretending I'm back in college!
six. Watching Charlie go swimming at the dog park while Lily the diva dog wouldn't get wet.
seven. At the pool with Staci!
eight. Started watching Breaking Bad on Saturday night and I can't stop.
nine. Froyo on Sunday night!
This weekend was not one of my most productive, but what can you do? Friday night I went out on the town with my girl, Sarah and Saturday I got to hangout with Staci and Charlie. The rest of the weekend was spent getting completely sucked in to Breaking Bad.
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
Oh man, Breaking Bad is addicting! We're currently rewatching them all in preparation for the final season. It gets intense!
You are so beautiful friend. YAY for some sun time with Staci. It looks like your weekend was just as amazing as you are. Happy Monday sweet friend.
that selfie is gorg! Looks like a nice relaxing weekend, we can all use those! :)
that selfie is gorg! Looks like a nice relaxing weekend, we can all use those! :)
YES for Breaking Bad Binges. I'd go through and watch it all again but I remember that it consumed a good month of my life. Final season starts soon!
sounds like you had a fun/ relaxing weekend girl!
sounds like a relaxing weekend!! that froyo looks so yummy!
ahhh beer pong! always brings me back to college days!!
i still havent started breaking bad yet!! i need to get that on the queue....along with the 10,000 other shows I currently watch haha #NoLife
you look gorgeous girly!
Oh yes, Breaking Bad will have you staying up until the wee hours, its so addicting! My hubby and I rolled through the entire series in the matter of a week!
my weekend was pretty unproductive too so i feel ya! looks like you had fun though and i've been craving froyo so much lately!
-- jackie @ jade and oak
I'm obsessed with Breaking Bad! I saw the first four seasons but not season 5 yet :( :( :( And i love your selfies and I'm jealous of your hair!
I love Breaking Bad! I started watching it right before Season 5 started and I was like a crack addict! I could not turn it off! Thank goodness my brother and I watched it together or I'd have felt terrible about the 48 hour marathon I had!
You look so pretty Sami! I haven't watched breaking bad, but heard it's addicting!
I look like a total douche in a fedora, so now I'm jealous of how well you rock one. Sigh.
you look gorgeous!! I really need to start watching breaking bad - all the talk i hear about it is giving me FOMO.
why hello most gorgeous selfie ever! Glad you had such a great weekend my dear!
this makes me want fro-yo real bad and i have been dairy free for over 2 months... hmmmmmm
Oh my lanta, isn't Breaking Bad just THE best?! I am so excited for the new season to come on!
You know, for me living in Cali..I haven't had that many pool days..I think I have actually seen more beer pong days haha.. I think it's time to find a massive body of water soon ;)
I resisted that Breaking Bad bandwagon for so long... and then I finished the whole series in a few weeks! It's so good and I can't believe it's ending!!
Michelle @ Mishfish13
Breaking Bad will take over your life in the best way possible! My husband and I are watching our way through it for the second time to get ready for the new episodes that start next month. If you want/need someone to obsessively talk about it with, I'm your girl! :)
Can we talk about 5 for a second? Can it just be a rule that playing beer pong post-college is acceptable until we're 50 ?
That selfie is beautiful!! I'm super jealous of your weekend and pool day, it looks like you had a great time! Sushi and fro-yo on top of it? NO. FAIR!
Breaking Bad and Homeland were two shows that destroyed any type of social life ever thought of having.
I posted with a typo in my link. :(
And I can't fix it.
Monday Fail.
OK this won't ruin anything but my friend posted something about breaking bad not too far back and it went something like: what, if at the end of breaking bad, walt ends up in witness protection and then BAM it's the beginning of malcom in the middle. MIND.BLOWN.
uh, your selfie is gorgeous.