Friday, July 26, 2013

Tweet This, Tweet That.. A Twitter Recap

Hi Lovies!

Look who finally got her act together to post on a Friday? PS. This post was also scheduled on Thursday night! I think hell has frozen over.

In case you're new around here or missed out earlier, every week month I round up my favorite things from Twitter land and post them for all of you along with my commentary.

If you click on the Tweet This, Tweet That logo above it takes you to my Twitter page. Throughout the week I favorite tweets I think should make the recap and on Fridays I narrow it down to fifteen.. believe me it's not an easy task. Check out my favorites list on Twitter to see all of the runners up!

Tweet this, Tweet that is now interactive so you can see my timeline above and can Reply, Favorite, or Retweet any of the tweets below. One of my goals is for people to have fun with it, and to find new accounts to follow so that your Twitter timelines can be as much fun as mine!

I figured that since I had a little hiatus for a month, that this week would be a super size edition. 20 tweets for the taking, ohhh hail yes!

Time for the tweets..

Oh you know if you want to feel bad about yourself. PS. They could also afford a lavish wedding in Italy. Insert eye roll here.

This is pretty much me when it comes to my Spotify recently played. Yes I just played some old school Jojo.. don't hate.

If we took bets, how many times do you suppose I think this during the day? I'd guess somewhere in the range of 30-50. Oops.

I mean I'm funny and hilarious when I'm drunk so it's really a gift to see me in that rare form. Considering I've never been approached by the cops in Denver, I guess they agree. 

If there is anything family members are good for it's a good ole fashioned guilt trip!

I also get the feeling that she leaves no less than 27 voice mails if you don't answer her phone call. "Where areeeee you?"

I completely agree with this rule. How do we get that passed?

I have nothing else to say except.. LOLZ.

Story of my damn life. I should also probably put more effort into my appearance at the gym, but then I think.. nah better not.

Well is there a way to each a hot dog or banana that doesn't make you feel like a pervert? The answer to all three is no.

I'm not going to lie and say I don't think this on the regular. She's skinny, but my hair is better.

Or just how cold the office is in general? The other day I actually considered putting on gloves because my fingers were icicles.

It gets worse when you show the picture to your Mom and she tries to zoom in which in turn means she double taps the picture and likes it. COOL THANKS MOM.

There's still hope for me after all.. I think.

But seriously though, sweaty workout pants are actually the worst.

But do I actually have to get out of bed? I don't get it.

Yes, this. I always end up with either my eyes glued shut or the eye lashes hanging off my eyelid. Not cute.

So since he's 4th in line for King now does that mean there will be more nudity in Las Vegas? #TeamHarry

Oh memories! RIP The Hills. Now all we have is The Vineyard aka a cheap knockoff.

But if it's Gavin DeGraw, Adam Levine, or Justin Timberlake then this doesn't apply right? Okay good.

YOU GUYS. I am head over heels obsessed with this song. It gets played at work, during my workout,  in the car, just basically everywhere. Enjoy!
Andddd since these are my FAVORITE Tweets that I happen to be a FAN of :)
Have a great weekend and don't forget to come back on Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!



I'm just going with the "someone will love me looking all hot mess express" idea. Sorry. I'd rather more sleep if I don't have to get all done up.... :)


This is my weekly pick me up. Makes Friday mornings so great. I love Allie's, Whit's, and Helene's! :)


I'm totally that person who is freezing cold ALL THE TIME.



The hair! I have to say that in my head for pep talks all the time! No, YOU HAVE BETTER HAIR< YOU GOT THIS lol so glad i am not alone!


Of course I am clinging to a really tiny piece of this post -- JoJo is AMAZING and her newest album (you can DL for free) is AMAAAAAZING.


Hooray! It's back! And I'm pumped that Whitney's tweet was included - it was probably one of my favorite tweets of the past two weeks. I still die laughing every time!



Our husbands might not be born yet? YES! Love that one. That's my favorite.

Happy Friday, girl!


So many amazing tweets and funny people. I just followed 10 new people. Thanks!


I was really starting to panic that you weren't going to do these anymore.... but here they are!!! I fully intend on including on my resume, "longest streak on tweet this tweet that"

Helene's tweet is my biggest fear EVER. What if you did that on an ex boyfriend. I would break out in hives.


Well I can cross one life goal off my list!! Also now that my sister is having a baby it's bringing more attention to how single I am. I don't think it should be that way.


The T-Swifty commentary is my far my favorite. I imagine you saying it in a Gloria from Wedding Crashers voice. ""Where areeeee you?""


I'm sure I got a few side eyes at work for laughing so loud at this post. Thank you for that this morning. Haha!


Helene's tweet....I had a frenemy click one of my pictures, quickly unclicked, then blocked me.

Saves me some trouble. Thanks!


Bahah love Nicholl's! So fun. Looove your twitter recaps!


I love these! I am going to have to stalk your Twitter closer, now that I think I might be getting the hang of it.


Oh Prince Harry! I'm looking forward to future (fun) scandals involving him now that he doesn't need to be as on his game. LOVE him!


Hahaha that Nickelback one make me laugh!


I'm thinking you either need to a) make this a link up because it's a great idea or b) let me copy you. haha. But seriously loved those tweets!

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