Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Blogging Conversation

Oh hi there.

We all know the saying "Good things come to those who wait."  I for one find it a terribly annoying saying to someone as that is impatient as I am. However, more often than not I've found that it's right. But let me explain..

For about 1.5 years of the time I've been in Denver I was miserable. I've changed jobs and I've lost more than one close group of friends. I went to work, I went home, and on the weekends I either ran errands or I went to visit my parents. It was terribly boring and I struggled hard with finding new friends. Then about three months ago, that started to change. I reconnected with a friend from high school, a friend from college moved to Denver, I met new people via work and now instead of never having plans.. I have to pick between two sets of plans. It's great and I'm happy.

There is one little thing that comes with the territory of new friends though..
the blogging conversation.

In my silly little head I thought.. there's no way they will find it and then I won't have to talk about it. Except I don't have a separate account for Twitter or Instagram. So someone sees that I have 1000+ followers on both and automatically wonders why. Which is understandable, especially when my personal Facebook page has less than 100 friends. It's funny how someone that leads a pretty private personal life is so willing to put it all out there on the Internet for strangers to read.. but that's another conversation for another day.

It's not that I don't want people to find out about it and I'm certainly not embarrassed about it, but how do you explain it? Well ya, I have this blog and it has followers and there are link-ups and buttons.. and then you've lost them. Don't even get me started on telling people that I've actually gotten on a plane and flown somewhere to visit someone that I've never actually met in person. If you're not a part of it, it's just not something that is easily explained.

Here's the thing though, of the 5-10 people that I've had to come clean and tell.. almost all of them have told me that they think it's awesome. How they could never do that and how they want to know more. That's when I breathe the sigh of relief, because even though I love blogging and think it's one of my best decisions to date.. there's always a fear that somebody else won't understand it. There's a fear that they will judge or laugh. But they don't. In fact, most of my friends get excited when they make appearances on my blog and I love that.

The moral of the story is this.. I'm sure some of you have the same feelings and fears about people in your life finding out about your blog, and I'm here to tell you that almost everyone in my life is supportive of me putting it all out there for anyone to read and that is pretty awesome.



Seriously though, I really think we both over think this on a regular basis because I, too, have gone through the same thing... especially with bear. I've been SO much more open about my blog since he's just one to put it out there with such confidence. Now it's our turn!

PS. It makes me all of the happies that you are going out and having so many funs these days. :)


I agree with you!! I'm slowly becoming more open with sharing my blog with some close friends. I'm not as ashamed because so many good things have come from my blog, and I've only had it for such a short time. Love you!


I know how you feel! My boyfriend doesn't understand how I can write for all these strangers but not want his mom to know I have a blog! It is SO different.


Recently, my blog was opened up to some people I hever wanted them to reaf . Pretty heck but I finally realized that I might uave to move on like this . If they're gonna read , it's okay . But I'll be happy with my own ways.


This is interesting to me...I'm not sure if I've made any new friends since I started blogging who I've had to explain blogging to...that could definitely be a slightly awkward conversation...


Yep I've definitely had this internal struggle with whether to reveal myself or not. Some of my oldest friends don't know about the blog. They find out sometimes by following me on IG or Twitter. You should have heard my dad when I tried to explain my first trip for a blate to him! HAHA


I completely understand! Even though blogging is completely public, it still feels like something separate to me. Definitely makes me feel awkward when someone from my "real" life mentions something they read on my blog. Yep, I'm weird, haha!


This is exactly what I needed to read today. I just started to post on my blog so I don't want to make it public to friends until I have more content on there but I'm going to re-read this post when I finally do have to make the decision about going public. On the other hand, I have tons of drafts on my blog that I don't want to publish until I have an audience.. so I guess it's a Catch 22. Regardless, Thanks for this post.


100% get where you're coming from, I'm nowhere near ready to make my blog public knowledge to my friends and those who know me in real life but I get super excited when I see that I've gained another random stranger follower! I don't know if I'll ever reach a point where I openly share my blog to friends but it's nice to know others have dealt with the situation and nothing terrible has happened!


I get where you are coming from too! I share my url with my husband and sisters but for a while I didn't even want to do that. Now I'm okay with it. I have blog only Insta and Twitter accounts though because I do not want everyone to know about it. The minute I add IRL people on any of those the cat is so out of the bag. I like it mostly private for for now but I also feel proud enough of my blog that if someone stumbles upon it then it wouldn't be the end of the world.


I used to be terrified of people finding out that I blog. How in the world was I going to explain that I find random & not so random things to talk about, regularly. Now, I post my blog link to my FB every time!! I've gotten several followers that way & I've also found that some people enjoy reading my blog. It is a huge sigh of relief when outsiders (non-bloggers) don't judge you about blogging!


Good for you for being open with your friends about your blog! I have to say, I don't really have the guts to tell my real life friends about it. It's almost like I live a secret life on the internet. Sometimes I wish I felt more comfortable telling people but I'm just not there yet.


You wrote this post for me today! I have been having issues with "le blog" being found in search engines these days and I'm not embarrassed but it is like "hey so uh, yea, I write about my life and dating disasters amongst other things". Hoping to gain a better attitude and become proud of it sooner rather than later :)


I had the same dilemma when I first moved to Orlando. I just wanted to make friends and ended up in crazy town and that ended badly. Now, I'm happy to say that I have found an amazing group of people here that I love calling my friends plus I'm fortunate enough to have amazing neighbors as well so I know how it feels to go from doing jack diddly squat on the weekends to trying to juggle 2 sets of friends. You go from 0-60 quick!

I've opened up about my blog to certain people, and even one of my IRL friends here in Orlando is now blogging as well which is pure awesomeness. The only group I keep this world a absolute secret from is my job. No nosey co-workers allowed!


I can so relate to not knowing how to tell people that you blog. I am still new to blogging - however its still hard. I told two people and I really think only one of them paid attention! Its hard to know what and or how to say "yeah so I have a blog" etc.


I totally can relate. I know my MIL's best friend reads my blog and I'm sure a handful of friends/acquaintences that I'm not even sure of; I often find myself wondering: am I repeating myself because this person already knows this from my blog?

It's not embarrassing, but like you said, just a bit awkward initially! Glad you have having a blast!


I've had the opposite reaction. I'm enough of a curious and snoopy person that I ALWAYS go stalk people's blogs when I find out they have it always amuses me when some of my best friends are like, "oh wait..I do have a blog, don't you?" lol


SO. MUCH. THIS. I try to tell people, kind of a fair warning type of thing, that I have one that way if their photo ends up being shared they don't freak out but it is SO AWKWARD!! Especially when you're like "oh, my friend [blogger]" and they ask where you met your friend. UHHHH....


I totally agree ... and relate as well. Whenever the issue of my fear of sharing my blog link (it's not on my fb or instagram for example..) comes up, I have to admit that I am essentially worried about being all of myself and open to some people which in "real" life I probably wouldn't be. Sad for them or sad for me? I wouldn't say I am a different person, but not everything that goes on the blog makes it into a conversation with everyone on my facebook or who I interact with in my life. It's an insecurity - will the like me, as in the real all of and blog me? Or will they think it is stupid what I am doing, saying etc.? It is sad to have these insecurities, but I think that is mainly why I am so afraid to share the bloggy link.


i used to not tell people about it, but now I do all the time. I think im proud of it, even its silly. it feels good to tell people about it and now i'm not as scared that they "find" it. i don't feel the same way however, about my work finding out. that is not good.


I always told people about my blog and posted it in all my public social media; all my friends and family know I am a crazy person, so why not let them know I have a blog!

- Marissa @ For Glitz & Giggles


I started my blog for my family/friends, so honestly, they've always known even if they don't get it.


It makes me happy that you have found some good people there and your heart is happy friend. I constantly worry about what if people at work find out because I'm so private about my life in general...even though I blog. ANYWAYS...LOVE YOU. That's all.


i'm pretty sure almost everyone i know in real life reads my blog because just like you, i don't have a separate twitter or instagram sooo it's all out there. i've definitely been made fun of by people who think i'm just conceded and want to sit there all day and talk about myself and display my every move. but what they don't understand is it is so much more than that. but then again there are so many people that are like "omg that is the coolest thing ever" and i've even inspired some of my friends to start their own blogs. that's what i love the most. inspiring people when i don't even realize i'm doing it.


I was the same way, so scared to tell any of my real "facebook" friends about my blog. A lot of them are old high school friends/aquaintences/boyfriends It's so scary having your life be such a candid open book, but having those people tell you how great you are doing, or how to help THEM start a blog it makes it all soo worth while!
I am over the days of being ashamed for sure!


I think the blogging is great and I hate that someone wouldn't understand. It's almost like.. "you don't understand blogging but you have an instagram that isn't private"? Hmm. The only person in my life that doesn't understand my blogging is my fiance and that's because it takes my time away from him-- but that's usually because he's watching something stupid on tv that would make me pass out and drool anyway. The only person I would prefer not to read my page is my Mother (even though I've given her the link numerous times), and that's because lately I've been voicing my want for a child and she's against it.


So true! I get so embarrassed when my blog is mention in real life. It' like I'm afraid people are going to think I'm a weirdo or something. I rarely tell people about it unless it comes up in a conversation about some blog someone read. You just don't understand it unless you are a part of it!

Elyse @ My Life with a Cherry on Top


omg, sami this is awesome.

more than half of the people i follow on instagram, i have never met in real life. i just know them through their blog or we just stumbled upon each others igs and started following. i like and comment on their photos just like they do on mine. and at first when i told my friends who asked who they were, i felt awkward. but all my friends think it's cool. (referring to them as my "fans") whew talk about a huge relief!

also, i told one of my best guy friends that i blog..and he thought it was cool, too. i was sure he was going to make fun of me, but nope he just asked if he could read it.
great post.


So crazy you blogged about this! So I've only been blogging for a few months- hence my poorly designed blog however I was super nervous to give it out to people I actually know- I've only told about a handfull of people about it but after reasing this I might go public :)


Your posting on this topic inspired me to final answer my dreaded question of "Why do I blog?". I linked mine back to yours. I hope you check mine out at



I totally understand that "sigh of relief". I'm ok with people in my everyday life knowing but there's always that fear of what they'll think or how they'll react. We should be damn proud of our blogs!


i don't tell new people in my life about my blog... unless they're on my blog. I openly post links on my FB, so everyone basically in my life knows about this.. but I get anxiety when I think about telling new people. I feel you on this.
Thanks for the extra little boost on this, lovey.
