TGIF friends!
I'm so excited about the positive response that came from my giveaway yesterday. I honestly picked things that I really loved, and I'm so glad that so many of you were excited about it!
If you haven't entered, don't forget to do so here.. it will be open for the week!
Dear New Girl,
You just might be my new favorite show, inching your way in front of Modern Family. The season premiere on Tuesday had me laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face. I can't get enough of Schmidt and his one liners, they truly make the show!
Dear Oklahoma Friends,
This email got me even more excited for my trip. In just one month we will all be reunited and I honestly can't wait. There is nothing better than Stillwater, Oklahoma on a gameday and I've been missing it something fierce. I'll be counting down the days until I leave! Bestie time in the works.. yes please! Also, I am hoping to meet some of my fave bloggers and I can't wait.
Your birthday is tomorrow but your shoutout will be today. Happy Birthday! I couldn't ask for a better Dad and I don't know what I'd do without you. I owe my love of football to you ;) Can't wait to celebrate this weekend even though you don't like celebrating your birthday. I love you!
Dear Ashton and Mila,
I seriously think ya'll are an adorable couple! So much more natural than his ex-wife, not naming any names Demi. I think we all saw this one coming ever since you were Kelso and Jackie, am I right? Oh, and the matching shirts? I die.
Dear Glitter Booties,
Thanks to Shanna, you are on your way to me for the lovely price of $50, instead of the $120 I was going to pay. I can't wait to rock you with pride! My feet will be looking good for Fall. Now I'm off to dream up all of the outfits I can wear you with!
Dear Loaner Car,
I miss you already. We had a great 24 hours together and then you were returned. My little Suzuki feels very unloved. I had seriously considered keeping you, but I didn't feel like tripling my car payment at this point in time. Let's hope we meet again in the future!
Dear Dana,
Words can not explain how excited I am to visit your beloved city of Chicago and have a girls weekend! Can't wait to turn this bloggy bff friendship into a real life one. I also can't wait to see that adorable son of yours.. he better be excited to meet his au pair/favorite faux aunt Sami. Oh, and I can't wait to run around Target like a maniac with you when we go to the Neiman Marcus collaboration release.
Pssst.. Chris and Steph, can't wait to see you two as well :)
Linking up with Miss Ashley here.
Have a fabulous weekend friends!
See you Monday for This Weekend I... Weekend Update.