Hi Lovelies!
The other day I went online to make a purchase from Mario Badescu and it hit me that I had finally got a handle on my skincare routine. I know that I've talked about it in the past, but before I was always trying to find a routine that really worked for an extended period of time on my skin. I have used this set of products in both Summer and Winter and have found it to work wonders in both climates. So of course I have to share my thoughts.
I have to say I was blessed with pretty good skin. When I was a teenager I did have a bit of acne which eventually cleared up, but for the most part I've been pretty pleased. About a year ago, I noticed that my skin was having issues. It was extremely oily in some places and extremely dry in others. It was driving me crazy and I didn't know what to do. I tried a multitude of products and even went to a dermatologist, who didn't help at all by the way. Eventually I landed on this set of products below and I could not be happier!
Mario Badescu
I had heard about this brand for years and am kicking myself for not trying it sooner. These are salon quality products that work wonders and don't break the bank. They also last for a long time without re-purchase. I have purchased them at Ulta with a 20% of coupon, but if you buy from their online store you get free samples and there is almost always a 10% off coupon code available.
Botanical Facial Gel- This is my face-wash. It is formulated for oily skin and smells delicious. I use this both in the morning and at night.
Glycolic Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion- This is my toner. Again, it is formulated for oily skin but it's gentle and not drying at all. I also use this in the morning and at night.
Oil Free Moisturizer SPF 30- This is my morning face moisturizer. All of their oil free moisturizers come in different SPF and this is the highest. It is made for oily skin. The plus is that I don't have to worry about sunscreen unless I am going to be outside for a long time.
Silver Powder- This is a blackhead product. It works similar to a Biore strip but all you do is wet a cotton ball, dip it into the product, and dab it where you have blackheads. You wait for it to dry and then rinse with water and your blackheads have disappeared. I typically use this every one or two weeks.
Mia- I have the basic, one speed Clarisonic and I use it with the deep pore cleansing brush. I know a lot of people use theirs every time they wash their face, but I found that to be too much for my skin and it was causing breakouts. I now use mine every 3rd or 4th wash.
Ocean Salt- I am a huge fan of Lush all together, but this is hands down my favorite product. It is not technically a face product as it can be used all over the body as a scrub, but it's a bit expensive so I only use it on my face. Keep in mind that it is a strong scrub so it may not be good for all skin types, especially if you have delicate skin. When I use this product, I take a small amount and apply it to my face, followed by my face wash, and then I use my Clarisonic for one cycle. This gives me an amazing deep clean and exfoliation, which is why I only do it once a week.
Kate Somerville
EradiKate- I use this product strictly for blemishes. When I have a new blemish, I cleanse my face and use a q-tip to apply this product before I go to bed. It significantly shrinks the size of a blemish and cuts down the redness. Most times the blemish simply disappears and I don't find myself picking at it.
I can't even begin to explain how great it is to have my skin under control and know that I have an arsenal of products that work. If you have oily/combination skin then I would recommend any or all of these, especially the Mario Badescu!
Do you have tried and true skincare favorites?
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Hi Pretties!
For a very long time, I've been one of those people that has no filter. No, I'm not talking about Instagram, we all know I love a good Instagram filter. What I mean is that I say what's on the tip of my tongue without thinking about it for more than a second. After one too many times of offending someone with a comment, I started really trying to focus on not just blurting things out and actually thinking about what I was about to say. Some things are better left unsaid yes?
Well in the interest of having nothing to blog about today, I decided that I would blurt out some of my oh-so-deep thoughts. Judge if you must, these are just some of the ridiculous things that pop into my head on a regular basis.
While watching Breaking Bad.. "Who knew you could make so much money making meth? Maybe I should have studied Chemistry!"
Okay let's be real, I'm not actually trying to do something illegal.. but man do they make a lot of money.
While out at the bar.. "What is that girl wearing? Someone should tell her that a backless dress isn't flattering on everyone."
Would I ever say this to the person wearing it? Of course not. Would I say it to the friend standing next to me? Le duh.
While watching The Bachelorette.. "How long would it take for me to get skinny enough to go on the show?"
There is no way in h-e-l-l that I would ever put myself through the ridiculousness that is that show, but sometimes dating 25 guys at the same time does sound kind of fun. However, being one of 25 girls dating a guy? Not a chance.
While talking about my 10 Year High school Reunion.. "I'm only going to go if I'm rich, skinny, and/or have a really attractive boyfriend."
Did you guys know I hated high school? Yep, I could not wait to get out of there. Putting myself through the torture of talking to those people again would only be worth it if I had something to show off. That's just the truth!
While looking up workouts on Pinterest.. "How many guys would creepily stare at me in the gym if I attempted to this? Keeps scrolling."
Don't get me wrong I'm all about the kettle bells, I think they can do wonders for a great workout. I also think that I'm going to have to invest in a set so that I can do those exercises in the comfort of my home where only my dog can stare.
While reading an article about the Guidices' legal problems.. "Does Bravo not do any background checks? On second thought maybe they knew all along and wanted to use it for the show. I hope they show them in handcuffs."
I mean we all knew Teresa and Joe were crazy but little did we know that they are actually criminals and apparently Joe is not a legal US citizen. All I'm saying is that I hope to god they were filming this mess. Cray!
There you have it.. and I wonder why people can sometime think I'm rude. Weird.
For a very long time, I've been one of those people that has no filter. No, I'm not talking about Instagram, we all know I love a good Instagram filter. What I mean is that I say what's on the tip of my tongue without thinking about it for more than a second. After one too many times of offending someone with a comment, I started really trying to focus on not just blurting things out and actually thinking about what I was about to say. Some things are better left unsaid yes?
Well in the interest of having nothing to blog about today, I decided that I would blurt out some of my oh-so-deep thoughts. Judge if you must, these are just some of the ridiculous things that pop into my head on a regular basis.
While watching Breaking Bad.. "Who knew you could make so much money making meth? Maybe I should have studied Chemistry!"
Okay let's be real, I'm not actually trying to do something illegal.. but man do they make a lot of money.
While out at the bar.. "What is that girl wearing? Someone should tell her that a backless dress isn't flattering on everyone."
Would I ever say this to the person wearing it? Of course not. Would I say it to the friend standing next to me? Le duh.
While watching The Bachelorette.. "How long would it take for me to get skinny enough to go on the show?"
There is no way in h-e-l-l that I would ever put myself through the ridiculousness that is that show, but sometimes dating 25 guys at the same time does sound kind of fun. However, being one of 25 girls dating a guy? Not a chance.
While talking about my 10 Year High school Reunion.. "I'm only going to go if I'm rich, skinny, and/or have a really attractive boyfriend."
Did you guys know I hated high school? Yep, I could not wait to get out of there. Putting myself through the torture of talking to those people again would only be worth it if I had something to show off. That's just the truth!
While looking up workouts on Pinterest.. "How many guys would creepily stare at me in the gym if I attempted to this? Keeps scrolling."
Don't get me wrong I'm all about the kettle bells, I think they can do wonders for a great workout. I also think that I'm going to have to invest in a set so that I can do those exercises in the comfort of my home where only my dog can stare.
While reading an article about the Guidices' legal problems.. "Does Bravo not do any background checks? On second thought maybe they knew all along and wanted to use it for the show. I hope they show them in handcuffs."
I mean we all knew Teresa and Joe were crazy but little did we know that they are actually criminals and apparently Joe is not a legal US citizen. All I'm saying is that I hope to god they were filming this mess. Cray!
There you have it.. and I wonder why people can sometime think I'm rude. Weird.
Monday, July 29, 2013
It's Time for Weekend Shenanigans!
Hi Lovelies!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. Wine and a towel wrap getting ready on Friday night!
two. Delicious sushi at TAG: Raw Bar in Larimer Square.
three. Shameless selfie walking to dinner!
four. The view of downtown Denver and Coors Field from Viewhouse Bar.
five. Playing beer pong and pretending I'm back in college!
six. Watching Charlie go swimming at the dog park while Lily the diva dog wouldn't get wet.
seven. At the pool with Staci!
eight. Started watching Breaking Bad on Saturday night and I can't stop.
nine. Froyo on Sunday night!
This weekend was not one of my most productive, but what can you do? Friday night I went out on the town with my girl, Sarah and Saturday I got to hangout with Staci and Charlie. The rest of the weekend was spent getting completely sucked in to Breaking Bad.
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Hi Lovies!
Look who finally got her act together to post on a Friday? PS. This post was also scheduled on Thursday night! I think hell has frozen over.
In case you're new around here or missed out earlier, every week month I round up my favorite things from Twitter land and post them for all of you along with my commentary.
If you click on the Tweet This, Tweet That logo above it takes you to my Twitter page. Throughout the week I favorite tweets I think should make the recap and on Fridays I narrow it down to fifteen.. believe me it's not an easy task. Check out my favorites list on Twitter to see all of the runners up!
Tweet this, Tweet that is now interactive so you can see my timeline above and can Reply, Favorite, or Retweet any of the tweets below. One of my goals is for people to have fun with it, and to find new accounts to follow so that your Twitter timelines can be as much fun as mine!
I figured that since I had a little hiatus for a month, that this week would be a super size edition. 20 tweets for the taking, ohhh hail yes!
Time for the tweets..
Oh you know if you want to feel bad about yourself. PS. They could also afford a lavish wedding in Italy. Insert eye roll here.
This is pretty much me when it comes to my Spotify recently played. Yes I just played some old school Jojo.. don't hate.
If we took bets, how many times do you suppose I think this during the day? I'd guess somewhere in the range of 30-50. Oops.
I mean I'm funny and hilarious when I'm drunk so it's really a gift to see me in that rare form. Considering I've never been approached by the cops in Denver, I guess they agree.
If there is anything family members are good for it's a good ole fashioned guilt trip!
I also get the feeling that she leaves no less than 27 voice mails if you don't answer her phone call. "Where areeeee you?"
I completely agree with this rule. How do we get that passed?
I have nothing else to say except.. LOLZ.
Story of my damn life. I should also probably put more effort into my appearance at the gym, but then I think.. nah better not.
Well is there a way to each a hot dog or banana that doesn't make you feel like a pervert? The answer to all three is no.
I'm not going to lie and say I don't think this on the regular. She's skinny, but my hair is better.
Or just how cold the office is in general? The other day I actually considered putting on gloves because my fingers were icicles.
It gets worse when you show the picture to your Mom and she tries to zoom in which in turn means she double taps the picture and likes it. COOL THANKS MOM.
There's still hope for me after all.. I think.
But seriously though, sweaty workout pants are actually the worst.
But do I actually have to get out of bed? I don't get it.
Yes, this. I always end up with either my eyes glued shut or the eye lashes hanging off my eyelid. Not cute.
So since he's 4th in line for King now does that mean there will be more nudity in Las Vegas? #TeamHarry
Oh memories! RIP The Hills. Now all we have is The Vineyard aka a cheap knockoff.
But if it's Gavin DeGraw, Adam Levine, or Justin Timberlake then this doesn't apply right? Okay good.
YOU GUYS. I am head over heels obsessed with this song. It gets played at work, during my workout, in the car, just basically everywhere. Enjoy!
Andddd since these are my FAVORITE Tweets that I happen to be a FAN of :)
Have a great weekend and don't forget to come back on Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!
Look who finally got her act together to post on a Friday? PS. This post was also scheduled on Thursday night! I think hell has frozen over.
If you click on the Tweet This, Tweet That logo above it takes you to my Twitter page. Throughout the week I favorite tweets I think should make the recap and on Fridays I narrow it down to fifteen.. believe me it's not an easy task. Check out my favorites list on Twitter to see all of the runners up!
Tweet this, Tweet that is now interactive so you can see my timeline above and can Reply, Favorite, or Retweet any of the tweets below. One of my goals is for people to have fun with it, and to find new accounts to follow so that your Twitter timelines can be as much fun as mine!
I figured that since I had a little hiatus for a month, that this week would be a super size edition. 20 tweets for the taking, ohhh hail yes!
Time for the tweets..
Oh you know if you want to feel bad about yourself. PS. They could also afford a lavish wedding in Italy. Insert eye roll here.
If you're feeling depressed, it's probably not gonna help knowing the Nickelback guy can afford a 14-karat diamond.
— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5)
This is pretty much me when it comes to my Spotify recently played. Yes I just played some old school Jojo.. don't hate.
I'm really self conscious about my Netflix recently watched list.
— Sarah Webb (@iamsarahwebb)
If we took bets, how many times do you suppose I think this during the day? I'd guess somewhere in the range of 30-50. Oops.
Oh, hello! I didn't see you there. I was just — yeah, I was just looking for the last fuck I had to give, but I can't seem to find it, so
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky)
I mean I'm funny and hilarious when I'm drunk so it's really a gift to see me in that rare form. Considering I've never been approached by the cops in Denver, I guess they agree.
i feel like "drunk in public" is less of an offense & more of a hobby, but idk that's just me
— marissa a. ross (@MarissaARoss)
If there is anything family members are good for it's a good ole fashioned guilt trip!
EVERY time I see my grandma it's the same thing: "I hope I live to see you get married!" Positive thinking is soooo nice
— Jay T (@OtherJuliette)
I also get the feeling that she leaves no less than 27 voice mails if you don't answer her phone call. "Where areeeee you?"
I get the feeling Taylor Swift has never left a voicemail message shorter than 7 minutes long.
— Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey)
I completely agree with this rule. How do we get that passed?
I strongly feel that my dog should count as my 2nd passenger for the HOV lanes.
— Jessie (@PearlsAndSpurs)
I have nothing else to say except.. LOLZ.
Idk about you but I'm feeling 22 pounds overweight.
— Common White Girl (@CommonWhiteGirI)
Story of my damn life. I should also probably put more effort into my appearance at the gym, but then I think.. nah better not.
I know why I'm single. It just occurred to me when I looked in the mirror and saw just how much I don't give a damn when dressing for work
— Allie (@toatsblog)
Well is there a way to each a hot dog or banana that doesn't make you feel like a pervert? The answer to all three is no.
There's gotta be a better way to clean a cucumber that doesn't make me feel like an absolute perv.
— Whitney Ellen (@WhitneyEllen)
I'm not going to lie and say I don't think this on the regular. She's skinny, but my hair is better.
Ok fine, girl on bus standing in front of me. Your legs are a mile long and they don't touch. But my blond is better than yours.
— Jenna Blackwell (@MissJennaB)
Or just how cold the office is in general? The other day I actually considered putting on gloves because my fingers were icicles.
If you have ovaries. you're pretty much required to comment on how cold the conference room is before starting a meeting.
— Andrea Lavinthal (@andilavs)
It gets worse when you show the picture to your Mom and she tries to zoom in which in turn means she double taps the picture and likes it. COOL THANKS MOM.
That time when accidentally click like on your frenemy's Instagram even though you aren't following her... Just creeping
— Helene (@heleneinbetween)
There's still hope for me after all.. I think.
Madonna is 55 & her boyfriend is 22. Jennifer Lopez is 43 & her boyfriend is 26. Dont worry if you're not dating, they might not be born yet
— Bernadette (@whitechickkkk)
But seriously though, sweaty workout pants are actually the worst.
Pulling up soaking wet workout pants rivals pulling up a wet one piece bathing suit.
— Mallory Whitt (@MalSmilesBlog)
But do I actually have to get out of bed? I don't get it.
Workout DVDs are so stupid. I've been sitting here watching one for like 30 minutes and I'm not even sweating
— elan gale (@theyearofelan)
Yes, this. I always end up with either my eyes glued shut or the eye lashes hanging off my eyelid. Not cute.
Like surgery and plumbing, applying false eyelashes should be left to professionals.
— Dana Weiss (@Possessionista)
So since he's 4th in line for King now does that mean there will be more nudity in Las Vegas? #TeamHarry
Poor Harry. A tiny baby has more power than him. Unacceptable.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen)
Oh memories! RIP The Hills. Now all we have is The Vineyard aka a cheap knockoff.
Remember when Heidi Montag was adorable and wasn't made of plastic?
— Mason Whitley (@MasonLikeTheJar)
But if it's Gavin DeGraw, Adam Levine, or Justin Timberlake then this doesn't apply right? Okay good.
By the way, if it's your 17th time in a day tweeting at a celebrity, check yourself.
— The Chiffon Diary (@nichollvincent)
Posted by
Labels: #backdatazzupfriday,
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A Whole Bunch of Nothing
Oh hi pretties!
Somebody didn't show up for classor work yesterday. Weird. I was cough*cough "sick".. or something. Anyways, today I just have a bunch of things to talk about and all of you are the lucky ones who get to read it! Basically I'm pulling a Whitney, but I'm sure I won't pull it off quite as well.
- Okay so the real reason that I was dead to the world yesterday? Oh just being a hungover bum. I can't hang like I used to so going out and staying up until nearly 4am? That means that I don't attempt to get out of bed until 1pm. When I did wake up I had a mahhhjor headache so no computers for Sami.
- This week I was super lucky because Janna was in town for work. That meant I got to have Benihana on Monday and Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday. I really do feel lucky that we've built a friendship via blogging because she is sweet, funny, and I love getting to hangout with her.. even if I stay up way past my bedtime.
- Speaking of those two delicious restaurants, guess who managed to eat at both of them and not go over her calories? THIS GIRL. I budgeted my calories for the day and either portioned my food or ate off the skinny menu. PS. I didn't count any alcohol calories because a) that's no fun and b) I'm a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater.
- All this talk of eating is making me hungry, the writing of this blog post is now on hold while I go to Qdoba to pick up lunch for the office.
- I'm back now and this Naked (ooh scandalous) Chicken Burrito is delicious. Too bad I will never go to Qdoba ever again. I ordered online and the manager screwed up my order and then yelled at me for doing it wrong. He threw my food at me and I may or may not have left the restaurant in tears. I like Chipotle better anyways.
- Do you guys know Sarah? Who am I kidding I'm sure you do. She's blowing up faster than Justin Bieber. I got to hangout with her in Dallas and I can tell you she's pretty awesome. She's also a really good blogger and designer. In fact she just made me this pretty button for when I hangout on her blog next month.
- What if you want to hangout on my blog? No pressure or anything, but I switched up the spots so that there are guest posts, I have a discount right now, and I think it's pretty fun. Just saying. In case you're interested. Use code "FUNZIES" for 25% off! Weee.
- Are you guys sick of me yet? I'd like to tell you that there is a point to this post but I could be lying.
- According to yesterday, everyone thinks I need to go take a vacation by myself so I'm going to start planning it soon. Where should I go? There are so many options when you don't have to take into account other people's opinions.
- In case you didn't hear, I'm back to being a one dog household. Yep, Lily is an only child again. It's not permanent, at least I don't think it is. My Dad offered to keep Fitz for a few weeks to train him and get him neutered. Quite frankly he's been pissing me off a lot lately so I jumped at the chance. I won't lie though, I miss the little stinker just a little. I hope he still recognizes me in three weeks.
- The other day Juliette and I were talking and we both decided that we want to date professional athletes. Probably hockey or football. Preferably tall, dark, and handsome. Okay fine, preferably Eric Decker. It's a shame he's married.
- FOOTBALL! It's so soon. Did you hear Oklahoma State got rated first or something for the Big 12? I don't know what it was exactly except that it was a list and we were first so that's cool. I may or may not be crying in the corner over the fact that I won't spend a single game in Stillwater this year. Being a grown-up sucks.
-Okay I should really go back to work now. Come back tomorrow for.. TWEETS OF THE WEEK. Pinky promise.
Toodles! xoxo
Somebody didn't show up for class
- Okay so the real reason that I was dead to the world yesterday? Oh just being a hungover bum. I can't hang like I used to so going out and staying up until nearly 4am? That means that I don't attempt to get out of bed until 1pm. When I did wake up I had a mahhhjor headache so no computers for Sami.
- This week I was super lucky because Janna was in town for work. That meant I got to have Benihana on Monday and Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday. I really do feel lucky that we've built a friendship via blogging because she is sweet, funny, and I love getting to hangout with her.. even if I stay up way past my bedtime.
- Speaking of those two delicious restaurants, guess who managed to eat at both of them and not go over her calories? THIS GIRL. I budgeted my calories for the day and either portioned my food or ate off the skinny menu. PS. I didn't count any alcohol calories because a) that's no fun and b) I'm a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater.
- All this talk of eating is making me hungry, the writing of this blog post is now on hold while I go to Qdoba to pick up lunch for the office.
- I'm back now and this Naked (ooh scandalous) Chicken Burrito is delicious. Too bad I will never go to Qdoba ever again. I ordered online and the manager screwed up my order and then yelled at me for doing it wrong. He threw my food at me and I may or may not have left the restaurant in tears. I like Chipotle better anyways.
- Do you guys know Sarah? Who am I kidding I'm sure you do. She's blowing up faster than Justin Bieber. I got to hangout with her in Dallas and I can tell you she's pretty awesome. She's also a really good blogger and designer. In fact she just made me this pretty button for when I hangout on her blog next month.
- What if you want to hangout on my blog? No pressure or anything, but I switched up the spots so that there are guest posts, I have a discount right now, and I think it's pretty fun. Just saying. In case you're interested. Use code "FUNZIES" for 25% off! Weee.
- Are you guys sick of me yet? I'd like to tell you that there is a point to this post but I could be lying.
- According to yesterday, everyone thinks I need to go take a vacation by myself so I'm going to start planning it soon. Where should I go? There are so many options when you don't have to take into account other people's opinions.
- In case you didn't hear, I'm back to being a one dog household. Yep, Lily is an only child again. It's not permanent, at least I don't think it is. My Dad offered to keep Fitz for a few weeks to train him and get him neutered. Quite frankly he's been pissing me off a lot lately so I jumped at the chance. I won't lie though, I miss the little stinker just a little. I hope he still recognizes me in three weeks.

- The other day Juliette and I were talking and we both decided that we want to date professional athletes. Probably hockey or football. Preferably tall, dark, and handsome. Okay fine, preferably Eric Decker. It's a shame he's married.
- FOOTBALL! It's so soon. Did you hear Oklahoma State got rated first or something for the Big 12? I don't know what it was exactly except that it was a list and we were first so that's cool. I may or may not be crying in the corner over the fact that I won't spend a single game in Stillwater this year. Being a grown-up sucks.
-Okay I should really go back to work now. Come back tomorrow for.. TWEETS OF THE WEEK. Pinky promise.
Toodles! xoxo
Posted by
1:39 PM
Labels: miscellaneous
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
5 Things.. 8 Million Years Later
Hi Pretties!
Recently I've noticed that there are some new friends around here these days. This just puts a big smile on my face and I am so happy to have all of you! I figured that it was time to do a good old fashioned about me post. Not to mention, I keep a list of blog posts that I want to write and I noticed I still had "5 Things" on there from 8 million years ago when everyone in blogland was doing it. Better late than
one. I don't like to shop at stores like TJMaxx or Ross.
Don't get me wrong, I know you can find great deals and all that jazz.. but it's the process of digging around that gives me hives. Everything is close together and unorganized and it's just a very stressful situation for me. I like to walk up to a rack with a shirt I like and be able to quickly find my size, simple as that. I do have one exception though and that is Nordstrom Rack, specifically the shoe section. I have found so many great deals in there that I will put up with it from time to time.
two. You will never find me with bare nails.
I could not actually tell you the last time that I did not have nail polish on my nails, but I'm sure it was a very long time ago. I do get my nails done every two weeks, but even if I break one or decide to change the color I will repaint them before my next appointment. Maybe I get this one from my Mom, because she never has bare nails either. Polished nails are happy nails, le duh.
three. Very little makes me as happy as live music.
There is just something about live music and concerts that lights up my soul. I love that experience of just hearing live and raw talent, it doesn't even compare to listening to a record. I can actually close my eyes and just feel completely happy while listening to a musician I love perform. It's such an awesome feeling and it never gets old! Currently, I am anxiously awaiting seeing Bruno Mars at Red Rocks in less than two weeks.
four. I kind of want to go on a vacation alone.
I love to travel and there are so many places that I want to go. The problem is that it's so hard to coordinate and plan with other people. I started thinking the other day how fun it would be to just pick a place that I really wanted to go and just plan a weekend to explore it by myself. I am independent and don't have a problem spending time by myself and I think it would be a cool life experience! Mark my words, it will happen. Details, tbd.
five. I'll never stop loving GIFs, even if they aren't "cool" anymore.
Anytime I am bored I will always revert to scrolling through random Tumblr accounts looking at GIFs. I always laugh, and it's the easiest entertainment out there. Why are they so entertaining to me? I have no idea. By the way.. my favorites are , , and .
And that concludes an extremely lame blog post for the day. Does anyone else find it extremely difficult to come up with random facts about yourself? It's like my mind just goes blank.
Posted by
10:45 AM
Labels: about me
Monday, July 22, 2013
It's Time for Weekend Shenanigans!
Hi Lovelies!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. Can't stop, won't stop with the googly eyes. Again, it's Juliette's fault.
two. A hard day at the gym means some stress shopping at Target!
three. Obsessed with my new Kate Spade watch. It's perfection.
four. Dressed like a highlighter at the gym!
five. Kicking butt at the gym.. no if only I could keep it up on Saturday and Sunday ;)
six. Headed out to the Melting Pot for Mom's birthday dinner!
seven. I somehow managed to keep my white pants clean all night, it's a miracle.
eight. Went out to the bar to celebrate with Mom and her friends and got to hangout with a high school friend!
nine. This delicious Jimmy John's Beach Club cured my hangover.
one. Newest mani {Essie- Bond with Whomever}
two. All ready for Mom's birthday BBQ with the family!
three. The amazing cake my Dad got for my Mom. The bakery that made it was featured on Food Network's Cupcake Wars! So good.
four. Mom and I went to see Girl Most Likely with Kristen Wiig and I liked it a lot!
five. Just your average pool selfie.
six. I haven't spent nearly enough time at the pool this Summer. My tan is lacking!
seven. Sunday night dinner out on the back porch.
eight. My parent's yorkie Haley loves corn on the cob!
nine. I just knew I had to celebrate National Ice Cream Day. No this was not on my diet and no I didn't eat it all, le duh.
It was an extremely busy but enjoyable weekend and I'm ready to take on the week! Can you believe it's the end of July already? This Summer is flying by so quickly!
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. Can't stop, won't stop with the googly eyes. Again, it's Juliette's fault.
two. A hard day at the gym means some stress shopping at Target!
three. Obsessed with my new Kate Spade watch. It's perfection.
four. Dressed like a highlighter at the gym!
five. Kicking butt at the gym.. no if only I could keep it up on Saturday and Sunday ;)
six. Headed out to the Melting Pot for Mom's birthday dinner!
seven. I somehow managed to keep my white pants clean all night, it's a miracle.
eight. Went out to the bar to celebrate with Mom and her friends and got to hangout with a high school friend!
nine. This delicious Jimmy John's Beach Club cured my hangover.
one. Newest mani {Essie- Bond with Whomever}
two. All ready for Mom's birthday BBQ with the family!
three. The amazing cake my Dad got for my Mom. The bakery that made it was featured on Food Network's Cupcake Wars! So good.
four. Mom and I went to see Girl Most Likely with Kristen Wiig and I liked it a lot!
five. Just your average pool selfie.
six. I haven't spent nearly enough time at the pool this Summer. My tan is lacking!
seven. Sunday night dinner out on the back porch.
eight. My parent's yorkie Haley loves corn on the cob!
nine. I just knew I had to celebrate National Ice Cream Day. No this was not on my diet and no I didn't eat it all, le duh.
It was an extremely busy but enjoyable weekend and I'm ready to take on the week! Can you believe it's the end of July already? This Summer is flying by so quickly!
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
Posted by
5:00 AM
Labels: weekend shenanigans
Thursday, July 18, 2013
I am Just Not Good at Small Talk
Hi Lovelies!
Last week, I gave you all of the reasons why I'm embracing my single status. I did leave one small part out, but that's because I knew that I wanted to blog about it. All for the sake of the blog right?
Anyways, here's the truth. I am awkward. I know you are probably thinking that it can't be true, but it is. I'm not awkward around my friends and family because they all know me really well and know that I can say sarcastic and often weird things. I'm only kind of awkward when I meet new women, but anytime I am around a remotely attractive man? It's just a give in.
Have you guys ever watched that show on MTV Awkward? If not, you really should because it's hilarious. The main girl on the show Jenna is in high school and she just says and does really awkward things. Every time I watch I am like.. this is so my life. Story of my freaking life.
What would be the fun of me telling you this info if I didn't share a story too right? Right.
I work in a big office building that has a bunch of companies in it. Our company is on the 7th floor and right across the hallway from our door is the door to another company. Both us and the other company have to walk down the hallway to get to the bathrooms or elevators. Because of this, we cross paths with people from the other company a lot. There has always been this one cute guy that I pass in the hallway. He always smiles and says hi and although I think I say hi back, I probably just smile and stare because I am weird.
A few weeks ago I walked over to the elevator to go home for the day and the cute guy was there waiting for the elevator as well. He started making small talk and being super friendly and I am loving it and trying my best to smile and respond to him without sounding like an idiot. Cute guy: "I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!" Me: "Ya, Fridays are cool!" Fail. I am just not good at small talk, not even a little.
Sidenote: Earlier that day when I took the elevator up to my office, I noticed it was making a weird banging noise. I am also paranoid so I assumed I was probably going to die and decided that I would not take the elevator when I left. Why did I think I was going to die? Because I had just watched something on TV where someone died on an elevator. Clearly I forgot all of this when I saw the cute guy at the elevator!
So we get on the elevator and it's still making the weird banging noise. Cute guy mentions that it's probably not safe to be riding the elevator. How do I choose to respond? By telling him that I just watched a show where someone died on an elevator. He stared at me blankly while I laughed awkwardly and tried to think of why I had just said that to him. Needless to say, it was awkward and I have not spoken (or seen him) since.
Hopefully one day I will grow a pair and learn that small talk is really not that difficult of a concept. Only time will tell..
Last week, I gave you all of the reasons why I'm embracing my single status. I did leave one small part out, but that's because I knew that I wanted to blog about it. All for the sake of the blog right?
Anyways, here's the truth. I am awkward. I know you are probably thinking that it can't be true, but it is. I'm not awkward around my friends and family because they all know me really well and know that I can say sarcastic and often weird things. I'm only kind of awkward when I meet new women, but anytime I am around a remotely attractive man? It's just a give in.
Have you guys ever watched that show on MTV Awkward? If not, you really should because it's hilarious. The main girl on the show Jenna is in high school and she just says and does really awkward things. Every time I watch I am like.. this is so my life. Story of my freaking life.
What would be the fun of me telling you this info if I didn't share a story too right? Right.
I work in a big office building that has a bunch of companies in it. Our company is on the 7th floor and right across the hallway from our door is the door to another company. Both us and the other company have to walk down the hallway to get to the bathrooms or elevators. Because of this, we cross paths with people from the other company a lot. There has always been this one cute guy that I pass in the hallway. He always smiles and says hi and although I think I say hi back, I probably just smile and stare because I am weird.
A few weeks ago I walked over to the elevator to go home for the day and the cute guy was there waiting for the elevator as well. He started making small talk and being super friendly and I am loving it and trying my best to smile and respond to him without sounding like an idiot. Cute guy: "I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!" Me: "Ya, Fridays are cool!" Fail. I am just not good at small talk, not even a little.
Sidenote: Earlier that day when I took the elevator up to my office, I noticed it was making a weird banging noise. I am also paranoid so I assumed I was probably going to die and decided that I would not take the elevator when I left. Why did I think I was going to die? Because I had just watched something on TV where someone died on an elevator. Clearly I forgot all of this when I saw the cute guy at the elevator!
So we get on the elevator and it's still making the weird banging noise. Cute guy mentions that it's probably not safe to be riding the elevator. How do I choose to respond? By telling him that I just watched a show where someone died on an elevator. He stared at me blankly while I laughed awkwardly and tried to think of why I had just said that to him. Needless to say, it was awkward and I have not spoken (or seen him) since.
Hopefully one day I will grow a pair and learn that small talk is really not that difficult of a concept. Only time will tell..
Posted by
9:31 AM
Labels: about me, funnies
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
2013 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Haul!
Hi Pretties!
As someone who used to be employed by Nordstrom, I am well aware of the Anniversary Sale and how awesome it is. Never heard of it? I'll clue you in. Every July, Nordstrom brings out brand new Fall merchandise at a reduced price. The first two weeks of the sale are the "Pre-Sale" and are only available to Nordstrom card holders. After that, the sale is open to everyone. When the sale is over, all the pretty Fall things go back to full price. It's pretty genius if you ask me! PS. As far as dates, the pre-sale portion ends on Thursday July 18th and the sale will be open to everyone starting Friday July 19th and going through the end of the month!
This year I told myself I would only buy two or maybe three things and really keep a budget in mind. Well.. I failed. The deals were too good to pass up and of course I am going to show them to you so that maybe y'all will go crazy too and I won't feel so bad about my purchases.. or something.
one. Wit & Wisdom Black Skinny Jean-
So here is a little secret.. I don't own a single pair of designer jeans. Okay that is a lie, I have a pair of True Religions I got on super sale and they don't fit me anymore. ONE DAY PEOPLE, ONE DAY! Anyways.. I am a huge fan of this line of jeans. The material is soft, the fit is amazing, and the quality is outstanding. The price? Under $50! Can't beat that. I am excited to rock these black ones in the fall with a chunky sweater and some booties.
two. Wit & Wisdom Dark Skinny Jean-
Same exact jean as above, but in a dark wash! I only buy dark wash jeans because they are slimming and my thighs love that. Another reason why I bought two pairs is because I am down a size in jeans and I'm hoping to be down a few more sizes soon. I didn't feel guilty about the price of these knowing they may not fit in a few months!
three. Kate Spade Gramercy Grand Bracelet Watch-
Going into the sale I knew I wanted a nice gold watch. I have a silver Michael Kors that I love, but all of my gold watches are from Target and don't work anymore. I wanted an investment piece. I loved this one from the moment I saw it because it was simple and classic and pretty! I feel like such a grownup owning this watch. You really can't go wrong with Kate Spade!
four. Steve Madden Barton Boot-
These were definitely an unplanned purchase. I had no intention of buying any boots, but once I tried them on I had to take them home. Steve Madden is my holy grail for boots. They are good quality, comfortable, and don't break the bank. The has always been my go to but I loved the hardware on these. You can't see from this angle but they have a gold zipper that runs up the back as well. Swoon.
five. Nike Free TR Fit 3-
Another item that I knew going into the sale that I wanted! I purchased a pair last year and they have been my tried and true workout shoe. Last year's were the Nike Free Run, so I was excited that the Training version was available this year. I had every intention of getting a black pair, until I saw these beauties. I feel like people always stare at my shoes when I'm working out, but I like to think they are just jealous. Duh.
six. Zella Barely Flare Booty Pants-
These were a new find! I love the cut and they made my booty look amazing. The name totally makes sense. This brand is my favorite for workout pants because they are great quality, thick material, and the best part is the price is very reasonable. I think that they are comparable to Lululemon without the price tag. Try them and thank me later.
seven. Zella Booty Pants-
Same exact thing as above in a slightly different cut. I bought these ones on the sale last year and I decided that I needed another pair! I would live in these pants if I could. They are that good, trust me on that.
eight. Taylor Ponte Sheath Dress-
I picked this one up on a whim and wasn't sure I was going to purchase it, but my Mom and Aunt talked me into it. It's a really cute dress that can be worn both for work and to events. I think it will also look great with some tights in the winter. The material is soft and forgiving on curves and there is some really cute mesh detailing at the neck and shoulders. I hope I find a good reason to rock this pretty soon!
nine. Bobeau Camo Sweatshirt-
The more that camouflage stays on trend, the more I have wanted to break down and get something. This sweatshirt is perfect because it's not too much pattern and the colors are really neutral. It's also crazy soft and comfortable and I can't wait to throw it on in the Fall with some skinny jeans when I am running around on the weekend! Did I need this one? No, but the price was great and it was fun.
ten. Pleione Mixed Media Roll Sleeve Top-
Last but not least is this gorgeous purple top. I picked up the same top during last year's sale, but this year's version is even better! It's soft and flowy and something that can easily be work to work or with jeans. Versatile pieces are the name of the game. Oh, and I could definitely not say no because I was able to get this one in a SIZE MEDIUM. It's been a hot minute since I've purchased a size medium and I was doing a happy dance about it.
Well, there you have it. Do me a favor and don't try and add up how much I spent. It's a little crazy. However, I haven't been shopping and won't be shopping again anytime in the near future!
Did you shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? What did you get?
As someone who used to be employed by Nordstrom, I am well aware of the Anniversary Sale and how awesome it is. Never heard of it? I'll clue you in. Every July, Nordstrom brings out brand new Fall merchandise at a reduced price. The first two weeks of the sale are the "Pre-Sale" and are only available to Nordstrom card holders. After that, the sale is open to everyone. When the sale is over, all the pretty Fall things go back to full price. It's pretty genius if you ask me! PS. As far as dates, the pre-sale portion ends on Thursday July 18th and the sale will be open to everyone starting Friday July 19th and going through the end of the month!
This year I told myself I would only buy two or maybe three things and really keep a budget in mind. Well.. I failed. The deals were too good to pass up and of course I am going to show them to you so that maybe y'all will go crazy too and I won't feel so bad about my purchases.. or something.
one. Wit & Wisdom Black Skinny Jean-
So here is a little secret.. I don't own a single pair of designer jeans. Okay that is a lie, I have a pair of True Religions I got on super sale and they don't fit me anymore. ONE DAY PEOPLE, ONE DAY! Anyways.. I am a huge fan of this line of jeans. The material is soft, the fit is amazing, and the quality is outstanding. The price? Under $50! Can't beat that. I am excited to rock these black ones in the fall with a chunky sweater and some booties.
two. Wit & Wisdom Dark Skinny Jean-
Same exact jean as above, but in a dark wash! I only buy dark wash jeans because they are slimming and my thighs love that. Another reason why I bought two pairs is because I am down a size in jeans and I'm hoping to be down a few more sizes soon. I didn't feel guilty about the price of these knowing they may not fit in a few months!
three. Kate Spade Gramercy Grand Bracelet Watch-
Going into the sale I knew I wanted a nice gold watch. I have a silver Michael Kors that I love, but all of my gold watches are from Target and don't work anymore. I wanted an investment piece. I loved this one from the moment I saw it because it was simple and classic and pretty! I feel like such a grownup owning this watch. You really can't go wrong with Kate Spade!
four. Steve Madden Barton Boot-
These were definitely an unplanned purchase. I had no intention of buying any boots, but once I tried them on I had to take them home. Steve Madden is my holy grail for boots. They are good quality, comfortable, and don't break the bank. The has always been my go to but I loved the hardware on these. You can't see from this angle but they have a gold zipper that runs up the back as well. Swoon.
five. Nike Free TR Fit 3-
Another item that I knew going into the sale that I wanted! I purchased a pair last year and they have been my tried and true workout shoe. Last year's were the Nike Free Run, so I was excited that the Training version was available this year. I had every intention of getting a black pair, until I saw these beauties. I feel like people always stare at my shoes when I'm working out, but I like to think they are just jealous. Duh.
six. Zella Barely Flare Booty Pants-
These were a new find! I love the cut and they made my booty look amazing. The name totally makes sense. This brand is my favorite for workout pants because they are great quality, thick material, and the best part is the price is very reasonable. I think that they are comparable to Lululemon without the price tag. Try them and thank me later.
seven. Zella Booty Pants-
Same exact thing as above in a slightly different cut. I bought these ones on the sale last year and I decided that I needed another pair! I would live in these pants if I could. They are that good, trust me on that.
eight. Taylor Ponte Sheath Dress-
I picked this one up on a whim and wasn't sure I was going to purchase it, but my Mom and Aunt talked me into it. It's a really cute dress that can be worn both for work and to events. I think it will also look great with some tights in the winter. The material is soft and forgiving on curves and there is some really cute mesh detailing at the neck and shoulders. I hope I find a good reason to rock this pretty soon!
nine. Bobeau Camo Sweatshirt-
The more that camouflage stays on trend, the more I have wanted to break down and get something. This sweatshirt is perfect because it's not too much pattern and the colors are really neutral. It's also crazy soft and comfortable and I can't wait to throw it on in the Fall with some skinny jeans when I am running around on the weekend! Did I need this one? No, but the price was great and it was fun.
ten. Pleione Mixed Media Roll Sleeve Top-
Last but not least is this gorgeous purple top. I picked up the same top during last year's sale, but this year's version is even better! It's soft and flowy and something that can easily be work to work or with jeans. Versatile pieces are the name of the game. Oh, and I could definitely not say no because I was able to get this one in a SIZE MEDIUM. It's been a hot minute since I've purchased a size medium and I was doing a happy dance about it.
Well, there you have it. Do me a favor and don't try and add up how much I spent. It's a little crazy. However, I haven't been shopping and won't be shopping again anytime in the near future!
Did you shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? What did you get?
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Food for Fuel.. Not for Fun!
Hey Loves!
Remember last week when I said I was going to get back on my workout kick? Well, I did! I worked out 5 days and I burned over 5000 calories. I felt strong, confident, and enjoyed my workouts.
So did I lose any weight? Nope.
I didn't follow my eating as well I should have. It all started with Alexa's amazing banana bread. Which was the best banana bread I've ever made, by the way. Problem is that one girl with a sweet tooth should not be left alone with said loaf. I should have eaten one slice and given the rest to my coworkers. Instead, I hoarded that thing and ate it all. Every last morsel. I clearly wasn't thinking.
After the banana bread there was some ice cream, some french fries, and my mom's amazing spinach dip. Essentially, not only did I fall off the wagon.. but I clearly hit my head on the way down. I'm well aware that those things are not going to help me achieve my goals. I'm also aware that I can allow myself to cheat from time to time. Cheating every day? That's where the problem lies.
So this week I have made a promise to myself that I will give it my all, both in the gym and out of the gym. With that being said, let's talk about some of my favorite healthy foods. I know that I previously posted what I was eating here, but this is an updated version!
This is my go to almost everyday- egg muffins, Ezekial bread, Yogi green tea, and cantaloupe
Weekends- Breakfast Burrito {egg whites, turkey sausage, onions, salsa in a whole wheat tortilla}
Occasional treat to myself- Starbucks Spinach & Feta Breakfast wrap
Chipotle Burrito Bowl- {chicken, black beans, fajita veggies, salsa, guacamole, and lettuce}
Tuna Salad- {Albacore Tuna, Greek yogurt, and diced pickles}
Egg Salad- {hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, and mustard}
Lean Cuisine- If it's a busy week and I'm desperate
Leftovers from Dinner the night before
Laa Loosh Crockpot Italian Chicken- served over whole wheat pasta
Sweet Potato "Nachos"- {roasted sweet potatoes topped with ground turkey, black beans, onions, salsa, and Greek yogurt}
Martha Stewart's Favorite Turkey Burger- I eat it without a bun along with salad and sweet potatoes!
Stuffed Poblano Peppers- The recipe makes them in the microwave, but I like to boil the peppers for a few minutes and then stuff them and throw them in the oven instead!
Skinny Taste Cilantro Lime Shrimp- served with brown rice and veggies
My go tos- apples, hard boiled eggs, Nut Thin Cheddar Cheese crackers, natural almonds, Vanilla Greek Yogurt with Coconut Chia granola, and Angie's popcorn!
After workout- Quest Protein Bars {Cookie Dough, Cinnamon Roll, Banana Nut Muffin, and Chocolate Brownie} or Protein Shake {protein powder, banana, almond milk}
Sweet tooth attacks- Skinny Cow Bar, Banana Protein ice cream {frozen banana blended with chocolate protein powder, almond milk, and PB2 powder}, or Energy Bites
So that's my healthy eating plan. Good news is that it's Tuesday and yesterday I worked out and stuck to my calories without cheating and not logging something. Let's hope I can make it the rest of the week! We will just ignore the fact that I have to go to the Melting Pot on Friday for my Mom's birthday. I will cross that bridge when I get to it right? Woof.
Remember last week when I said I was going to get back on my workout kick? Well, I did! I worked out 5 days and I burned over 5000 calories. I felt strong, confident, and enjoyed my workouts.
So did I lose any weight? Nope.
I didn't follow my eating as well I should have. It all started with Alexa's amazing banana bread. Which was the best banana bread I've ever made, by the way. Problem is that one girl with a sweet tooth should not be left alone with said loaf. I should have eaten one slice and given the rest to my coworkers. Instead, I hoarded that thing and ate it all. Every last morsel. I clearly wasn't thinking.
After the banana bread there was some ice cream, some french fries, and my mom's amazing spinach dip. Essentially, not only did I fall off the wagon.. but I clearly hit my head on the way down. I'm well aware that those things are not going to help me achieve my goals. I'm also aware that I can allow myself to cheat from time to time. Cheating every day? That's where the problem lies.
So this week I have made a promise to myself that I will give it my all, both in the gym and out of the gym. With that being said, let's talk about some of my favorite healthy foods. I know that I previously posted what I was eating here, but this is an updated version!
This is my go to almost everyday- egg muffins, Ezekial bread, Yogi green tea, and cantaloupe
Weekends- Breakfast Burrito {egg whites, turkey sausage, onions, salsa in a whole wheat tortilla}
Occasional treat to myself- Starbucks Spinach & Feta Breakfast wrap
Chipotle Burrito Bowl- {chicken, black beans, fajita veggies, salsa, guacamole, and lettuce}
Tuna Salad- {Albacore Tuna, Greek yogurt, and diced pickles}
Egg Salad- {hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, and mustard}
Lean Cuisine- If it's a busy week and I'm desperate
Leftovers from Dinner the night before
Laa Loosh Crockpot Italian Chicken- served over whole wheat pasta
Sweet Potato "Nachos"- {roasted sweet potatoes topped with ground turkey, black beans, onions, salsa, and Greek yogurt}
Martha Stewart's Favorite Turkey Burger- I eat it without a bun along with salad and sweet potatoes!
Stuffed Poblano Peppers- The recipe makes them in the microwave, but I like to boil the peppers for a few minutes and then stuff them and throw them in the oven instead!
Skinny Taste Cilantro Lime Shrimp- served with brown rice and veggies
My go tos- apples, hard boiled eggs, Nut Thin Cheddar Cheese crackers, natural almonds, Vanilla Greek Yogurt with Coconut Chia granola, and Angie's popcorn!
After workout- Quest Protein Bars {Cookie Dough, Cinnamon Roll, Banana Nut Muffin, and Chocolate Brownie} or Protein Shake {protein powder, banana, almond milk}
Sweet tooth attacks- Skinny Cow Bar, Banana Protein ice cream {frozen banana blended with chocolate protein powder, almond milk, and PB2 powder}, or Energy Bites
So that's my healthy eating plan. Good news is that it's Tuesday and yesterday I worked out and stuck to my calories without cheating and not logging something. Let's hope I can make it the rest of the week! We will just ignore the fact that I have to go to the Melting Pot on Friday for my Mom's birthday. I will cross that bridge when I get to it right? Woof.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: my health, recipe
Monday, July 15, 2013
It's Time for Weekend Shenanigans!
Hi Lovelies!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. A workout and a beer, my stress relievers last week!
two. Oh hey, Fitzy. Such a stinker.
three. My new kicks! I love them. I got them at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and I will share the rest of my finds later this week!
four. My favorite new sunnies from the Nordstrom BP. department. Only $12!
five. In college, I went on a Spring Break trip to NYC with my roommate. One night we got drunk in Chinatown drinking this beer and sometimes I buy it just to be sappy and reminisce.
six. Just getting googly eyed at the grocery store. I blame Juliette.
seven. The yummiest salad from the Nordstrom Cafe!
eight. Homemade Moscow Mules at our family BBQ.
nine. Sweet Potato "Nachos" for dinner. Roasted sweet potatoes topped with onions, black beans, ground turkey, Greek yogurt, and salsa. SO good!
This weekend was not the most exciting. Friday I worked out, made a pie, and went to bed. Saturday I spent all morning shopping at Nordstrom with my Mom and Aunt. Afterwards we headed to a BBQ at my Uncle's house. Sunday was spent relaxing, prepping meals for the week, and napping. Even the boring weekends fly right by!
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
It's time for Weekend Shenanigans.. a mutual place to share our weekends, catch up on other people's weekends, and find new blogs.
Here's how it works:
- Post about your weekend
- Grab the button
- Link-up on Monday at 5am MST
- Click around and meet new friends!
**My only rule is that you post something about your weekend, and post the button or link back to me!**
Let's get to it and have some fun!
one. A workout and a beer, my stress relievers last week!
two. Oh hey, Fitzy. Such a stinker.
three. My new kicks! I love them. I got them at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and I will share the rest of my finds later this week!
four. My favorite new sunnies from the Nordstrom BP. department. Only $12!
five. In college, I went on a Spring Break trip to NYC with my roommate. One night we got drunk in Chinatown drinking this beer and sometimes I buy it just to be sappy and reminisce.
six. Just getting googly eyed at the grocery store. I blame Juliette.
seven. The yummiest salad from the Nordstrom Cafe!
eight. Homemade Moscow Mules at our family BBQ.
nine. Sweet Potato "Nachos" for dinner. Roasted sweet potatoes topped with onions, black beans, ground turkey, Greek yogurt, and salsa. SO good!
This weekend was not the most exciting. Friday I worked out, made a pie, and went to bed. Saturday I spent all morning shopping at Nordstrom with my Mom and Aunt. Afterwards we headed to a BBQ at my Uncle's house. Sunday was spent relaxing, prepping meals for the week, and napping. Even the boring weekends fly right by!
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The People You See at the Gym- Part 2
Hi Loves!
As you all know, I've been spending lots of time in the gym lately. Working out? It's alright. But if I'm being honest here.. the best part of going to the gym is the people watching. Similar to going to the mall or airport, I get a weird thrill from watching people and making up things about them to myself. It may or may not be one of my favorite past times. I already talked about a couple of the people I see regularly at the gym here, and now I've got some more.
one. The teacher's pet
She is the first one waiting in front of the door for class to start. She gets her stuff and parks herself smack dab in the middle of the first row. During class she's trying to show off and asking unnecessary questions. Yo lady, chill out. We're all here to do the same thing and I can't see the instructor when you're raising your hands in the air because you have a question. It's not that serious.
two. The matching guy
You might not see this one at your gym, I have a feeling it's not very common. This guy is attractive and fit and the first time you make eye contact you might smile and nod. You happen to notice that he's wearing red shorts, red shoes, and red headphones. It seems a bit odd but hey, maybe he just did laundry? Then you spot him the next day.. blue shorts, blue shoes, and blue headphones. Wait what? This guy coordinates his entire outfit every single day, down to his Beats by Dre. Who has that much time, patience, or money?
three. That lady in the locker room
Oh dear lord, she's naked. Letting it all hang out for the world to see! But wait, she dropped something and she bends right on over to pick it up. Meanwhile, I'm changing my clothes in the bathroom stall so that nobody sees my naked flesh. Look lady, I give you some serious props for just not giving a shit but I just worked out, I'm tired, and I'm cranky.. I do not want to see that! Kindly utilize the free towels that the gym so graciously offers.
four. The hot trainer
He's just standing around training his clients, yet he manages to look extremely attractive no matter what he's saying or doing. Meanwhile, I'm sweating and cussing under my breath on the elliptical just watching him from afarlike a total creeper. Then he looks up and sees me. Oh crap. Look away, look away. Start sprinting so it looks like you're working really hard. Then the girl he's training looks up and glares saying "I pay him a crazy amount of money to pay attention to me so back off!" She's right and I stop.. for about 30 seconds. If I don't stare at him then I'm forced to watch the minutes tick down on my workout and what's fun about that?
five. The sweaty guy
This guy isn't just sweating, he looks like he just took a shower or got thrown in the pool. He may also be breathing very heavily and his skin is pale. Actually, he looks like he might be about to pass out. On second thought, maybe I better go get him some help before he falls over. He's probably going to injure himself and the people around him.
So while it may seem like I love going to the gym and enjoy myself while I'm there? It's only because I get to silently judge the people above while I'm there. Don't lie, you know you do it too!
As you all know, I've been spending lots of time in the gym lately. Working out? It's alright. But if I'm being honest here.. the best part of going to the gym is the people watching. Similar to going to the mall or airport, I get a weird thrill from watching people and making up things about them to myself. It may or may not be one of my favorite past times. I already talked about a couple of the people I see regularly at the gym here, and now I've got some more.
one. The teacher's pet
She is the first one waiting in front of the door for class to start. She gets her stuff and parks herself smack dab in the middle of the first row. During class she's trying to show off and asking unnecessary questions. Yo lady, chill out. We're all here to do the same thing and I can't see the instructor when you're raising your hands in the air because you have a question. It's not that serious.
two. The matching guy
You might not see this one at your gym, I have a feeling it's not very common. This guy is attractive and fit and the first time you make eye contact you might smile and nod. You happen to notice that he's wearing red shorts, red shoes, and red headphones. It seems a bit odd but hey, maybe he just did laundry? Then you spot him the next day.. blue shorts, blue shoes, and blue headphones. Wait what? This guy coordinates his entire outfit every single day, down to his Beats by Dre. Who has that much time, patience, or money?
three. That lady in the locker room
Oh dear lord, she's naked. Letting it all hang out for the world to see! But wait, she dropped something and she bends right on over to pick it up. Meanwhile, I'm changing my clothes in the bathroom stall so that nobody sees my naked flesh. Look lady, I give you some serious props for just not giving a shit but I just worked out, I'm tired, and I'm cranky.. I do not want to see that! Kindly utilize the free towels that the gym so graciously offers.
four. The hot trainer
He's just standing around training his clients, yet he manages to look extremely attractive no matter what he's saying or doing. Meanwhile, I'm sweating and cussing under my breath on the elliptical just watching him from afar
five. The sweaty guy
This guy isn't just sweating, he looks like he just took a shower or got thrown in the pool. He may also be breathing very heavily and his skin is pale. Actually, he looks like he might be about to pass out. On second thought, maybe I better go get him some help before he falls over. He's probably going to injure himself and the people around him.
So while it may seem like I love going to the gym and enjoy myself while I'm there? It's only because I get to silently judge the people above while I'm there. Don't lie, you know you do it too!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Hi Muffins!
Honestly, I don't know what I would do if I was on this whole health kick and I didn't have this blog. Every comment, every tweet, every text.. it's what pushes me and gets me into the gym everyday. You guys are awesome. Every single one of you. I feel like I don't say that enough. So thank you, really!
Today I want to get into something that I shockingly don't talk about that often on my blog. It's shocking, because it's such a hot topic in the rest of my life. I'll give you a few hints as to why it doesn't get talked about.. well first of all it's embarrassing. I hate being embarrassed. Secondly, I like to make jokes about it. It's my buffer, duh. Lastly, it's honest to god not something I think about on a regular basis.. until someone brings it up.
I have never been in a remotely serious relationship.
Boom there it is.
Is there a reason for that? Oh I'm sure of it. For as long as I can remember I've always been the least confident person in a room of my friends. I'm funny, sarcastic, and typically bitchy. I'm just guessing here, but I think that's probably not a super attractive quality to guys. I do it because if I'm making fun of something or someone then they are not making fun of me. Plain and simple.
In the past couple of years I think that I've tried to pump the brakes on that type of behavior, yet I'm still single. Now I think it's because I don't make a single effort. Right now I'm focused on me. I've got enough stuff to figure out. My body, my career, and my life. I don't need someone else swooping in and making these decisions harder. I like to think that when I'm in the right place to be in a relationship I will be.. and who knows if that's true.
Don't worry though because for as little as I think about it, everyone else is making up for it. Just the other day one of my friends said "You need to date. Aren't you lonely?" No, I'm not. In college, one of my friends and I used to drunkenly tell everyone "We don't need men to define our happiness!" and even though we were kidding at the time, I still genuinely believe that. I don't say that because I'm bitter or angry, I say it because it's true. When I'm happy and content with my life that's going to reflect in my personality and someone is going to be attracted to that (hopefully). So for all the people in my real life that read this or for any blog readers who were curious.. there it is.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Honestly, I don't know what I would do if I was on this whole health kick and I didn't have this blog. Every comment, every tweet, every text.. it's what pushes me and gets me into the gym everyday. You guys are awesome. Every single one of you. I feel like I don't say that enough. So thank you, really!
Today I want to get into something that I shockingly don't talk about that often on my blog. It's shocking, because it's such a hot topic in the rest of my life. I'll give you a few hints as to why it doesn't get talked about.. well first of all it's embarrassing. I hate being embarrassed. Secondly, I like to make jokes about it. It's my buffer, duh. Lastly, it's honest to god not something I think about on a regular basis.. until someone brings it up.
I have never been in a remotely serious relationship.
Boom there it is.
Is there a reason for that? Oh I'm sure of it. For as long as I can remember I've always been the least confident person in a room of my friends. I'm funny, sarcastic, and typically bitchy. I'm just guessing here, but I think that's probably not a super attractive quality to guys. I do it because if I'm making fun of something or someone then they are not making fun of me. Plain and simple.
In the past couple of years I think that I've tried to pump the brakes on that type of behavior, yet I'm still single. Now I think it's because I don't make a single effort. Right now I'm focused on me. I've got enough stuff to figure out. My body, my career, and my life. I don't need someone else swooping in and making these decisions harder. I like to think that when I'm in the right place to be in a relationship I will be.. and who knows if that's true.
Don't worry though because for as little as I think about it, everyone else is making up for it. Just the other day one of my friends said "You need to date. Aren't you lonely?" No, I'm not. In college, one of my friends and I used to drunkenly tell everyone "We don't need men to define our happiness!" and even though we were kidding at the time, I still genuinely believe that. I don't say that because I'm bitter or angry, I say it because it's true. When I'm happy and content with my life that's going to reflect in my personality and someone is going to be attracted to that (hopefully). So for all the people in my real life that read this or for any blog readers who were curious.. there it is.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Posted by
10:27 AM
Labels: about me, love
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
I Know Why I Want This
Hi Loves!
So you want to know a secret.. it's a big one.. you'd never guess..
losing weight is f**king hard.
Oh, you mean you already knew that? I suppose you're right. It's not really a secret to anyone that's attempted it.
You know what makes it harder? Doing it alone. Of course I had some struggles while I was working with my personal trainer, but even when I did I knew that I could look forward to our workouts together and I just knew that I would get my butt kicked and she would set me straight. When we were finishing up our sessions, we talked about my motivation and how I was going to move forward. I laughed and thought "I'll be just fine on my own!" I was so wrong. It's time to get really real here.
My first struggle was when I went to Dallas. I threw every rule I had for myself out the window. I ate, I drank, and I didn't workout. This was after two full months of working out, eating mostly clean, and really emulating a new lifestyle change. What happened? I got so sick. The last two days of my trip I was completely miserable. My body was screaming at me to stop. It didn't get better when I got home either. I was tired, sick, and drained. I went an entire week without working out and when I finally got back in it was hell.
So there I was back in the gym and I decided to get into Body Pump classes because I knew they are great for strength training and they are awesome. However, when there wasn't a Body Pump class I wasn't motivated to go to the gym, so now I was only going 3-4 times a week instead of 6. I knew in my head this wasn't good enough for me, but I didn't care. I was going to the gym at least.
What about eating clean? Most people say you should try to follow 80-20. Be perfect 80% of the time, and indulge here and there 20% of the time. I would say I've been doing about 50-50. Not good enough, nope not even close. I plan and pack and at work during the week.. I am golden. It's nights and weekends that kill me. Oh I'll just have some ice cream tonight. I think I'll just eat whatever I want at Cheesecake Factory. The problem is that I always feel like crap afterwards. My body tells me not to do it and I don't listen.
So what I'm trying to say is that yesterday was a bit of a wake-up call for me. I stepped on the scale and it had gone up instead of down (I know, duh). So I made a decision. It's time to get my head back in the game. I know why I want this. I want to be healthy, I want to feel good about myself, I want to walk into a store and not be afraid to try things on. I know that I have the motivation to do this. It's time to go to work.
Here's my plan for this week.. stick to my meal plan, get in six great workouts, and constantly tell myself I can do it. Because I can and I will.
So you want to know a secret.. it's a big one.. you'd never guess..
losing weight is f**king hard.
Oh, you mean you already knew that? I suppose you're right. It's not really a secret to anyone that's attempted it.
You know what makes it harder? Doing it alone. Of course I had some struggles while I was working with my personal trainer, but even when I did I knew that I could look forward to our workouts together and I just knew that I would get my butt kicked and she would set me straight. When we were finishing up our sessions, we talked about my motivation and how I was going to move forward. I laughed and thought "I'll be just fine on my own!" I was so wrong. It's time to get really real here.
My first struggle was when I went to Dallas. I threw every rule I had for myself out the window. I ate, I drank, and I didn't workout. This was after two full months of working out, eating mostly clean, and really emulating a new lifestyle change. What happened? I got so sick. The last two days of my trip I was completely miserable. My body was screaming at me to stop. It didn't get better when I got home either. I was tired, sick, and drained. I went an entire week without working out and when I finally got back in it was hell.
So there I was back in the gym and I decided to get into Body Pump classes because I knew they are great for strength training and they are awesome. However, when there wasn't a Body Pump class I wasn't motivated to go to the gym, so now I was only going 3-4 times a week instead of 6. I knew in my head this wasn't good enough for me, but I didn't care. I was going to the gym at least.
What about eating clean? Most people say you should try to follow 80-20. Be perfect 80% of the time, and indulge here and there 20% of the time. I would say I've been doing about 50-50. Not good enough, nope not even close. I plan and pack and at work during the week.. I am golden. It's nights and weekends that kill me. Oh I'll just have some ice cream tonight. I think I'll just eat whatever I want at Cheesecake Factory. The problem is that I always feel like crap afterwards. My body tells me not to do it and I don't listen.
So what I'm trying to say is that yesterday was a bit of a wake-up call for me. I stepped on the scale and it had gone up instead of down (I know, duh). So I made a decision. It's time to get my head back in the game. I know why I want this. I want to be healthy, I want to feel good about myself, I want to walk into a store and not be afraid to try things on. I know that I have the motivation to do this. It's time to go to work.
Here's my plan for this week.. stick to my meal plan, get in six great workouts, and constantly tell myself I can do it. Because I can and I will.
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