For a very long time, I've been one of those people that has no filter. No, I'm not talking about Instagram, we all know I love a good Instagram filter. What I mean is that I say what's on the tip of my tongue without thinking about it for more than a second. After one too many times of offending someone with a comment, I started really trying to focus on not just blurting things out and actually thinking about what I was about to say. Some things are better left unsaid yes?
Well in the interest of having nothing to blog about today, I decided that I would blurt out some of my oh-so-deep thoughts. Judge if you must, these are just some of the ridiculous things that pop into my head on a regular basis.
While watching Breaking Bad.. "Who knew you could make so much money making meth? Maybe I should have studied Chemistry!"
Okay let's be real, I'm not actually trying to do something illegal.. but man do they make a lot of money.
While out at the bar.. "What is that girl wearing? Someone should tell her that a backless dress isn't flattering on everyone."
Would I ever say this to the person wearing it? Of course not. Would I say it to the friend standing next to me? Le duh.
While watching The Bachelorette.. "How long would it take for me to get skinny enough to go on the show?"
There is no way in h-e-l-l that I would ever put myself through the ridiculousness that is that show, but sometimes dating 25 guys at the same time does sound kind of fun. However, being one of 25 girls dating a guy? Not a chance.
While talking about my 10 Year High school Reunion.. "I'm only going to go if I'm rich, skinny, and/or have a really attractive boyfriend."
Did you guys know I hated high school? Yep, I could not wait to get out of there. Putting myself through the torture of talking to those people again would only be worth it if I had something to show off. That's just the truth!
While looking up workouts on Pinterest.. "How many guys would creepily stare at me in the gym if I attempted to this? Keeps scrolling."
Don't get me wrong I'm all about the kettle bells, I think they can do wonders for a great workout. I also think that I'm going to have to invest in a set so that I can do those exercises in the comfort of my home where only my dog can stare.
While reading an article about the Guidices' legal problems.. "Does Bravo not do any background checks? On second thought maybe they knew all along and wanted to use it for the show. I hope they show them in handcuffs."
I mean we all knew Teresa and Joe were crazy but little did we know that they are actually criminals and apparently Joe is not a legal US citizen. All I'm saying is that I hope to god they were filming this mess. Cray!
There you have it.. and I wonder why people can sometime think I'm rude. Weird.
OK, I've had the same exact thoughts about Breaking Bad and The Bachelorette!!! I've had to filter myself too, it's not as fun but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
I've tried to explain to my trainer 1,000 times why I hate doing kettlebell exercises in the gym and he always acts like I'm unglued. So glad it's not just me.
Also you should be sitting with me while people are doing karaoke. I have a feeling we'd be worse than the old men on the Muppet show.
Kind of glad thats why I do crossfit, no one really has time to judge me in the gym for my ridiculous outfits and kettlebell swinging. but when it comes to voicing opinions about people being stupid, i have a lot of trouble filtering that too.
your thoughts are way less judge-y and more than sane than my own.
Grahm and I watched the Bach last night (painful episode), and we were wondering if we could both go on it just for the vacay! Totes worth it.
Loved this :) And I compeltely agree with the thoughts on the Bachelorette and a high school reunion. I hated High School too. So it would be nice to go back and see all the idiots who stayed bff's and are nowhere in life--but only if I was skinny!
I went to my 10 year high school reunion. Don't bother. No one's changed enough for it to be that entertaining. At 10 years you're not far enough out yet for the B's to have grown out of being B's and the creeps to have grown out of being creeps. On the other hand though, you might catch some LULZ worthy drama!
Like say, one of the used-to-be popular girls punching another used-to-be popular girls in the face. Which totally happened at mine.
Also, I had said the same thing about only going if I had a reason(s) to one up everyone and I totally did. My husband is basically a babe & I managed to stay skinny. :D
Ah I think the same thing with the Bachelorette!! It would be so fun to get to play with the 25 boys but I think I might actually rather be one of the 25 girls. But my strategy would be to drink as much free champagne as possible, take advantage of all the vacations and make a bunch of girlfriends.
Ah I think the same thing with the Bachelorette!! It would be so fun to get to play with the 25 boys but I think I might actually rather be one of the 25 girls. But my strategy would be to drink as much free champagne as possible, take advantage of all the vacations and make a bunch of girlfriends.
I have ridiculous thoughts like this all the time. Except that they seem totally normal to me.
I tend to not have a filter when I am out and see people wearing things they shouldn't....I mean do people not own mirrors?
And Teresa and Joe...Oh, I hope it folds out on TV!!
haha. Not only do I have that problem but I have dry humor, which most people don't get so they automatically thinking I am being rude. Uh, oh well.
What is this mess about the Guidices?!? I want to know! HAHA Send me the article!
I say things ten times worse than this on a daily basis. Don't worry. Also: Breaking Bad is amazing and I'm obsessed.
I'm pretty sure I have had all of those thoughts (except for the last one, I don't know who they are ha ha) at least a dozen times.. I'm the person to sit by if you don't have anything nice to say, because I am guaranteed to be saying it too.
Love this! I think we might be the same person...or make great friends! Ha!
Literally think the same thing about The Bachelorette every.single.time!
I think you hit it right on the head for every single one of these. ESPECIALLY the one about High School.. You would not catch me at my reunion even if I was skinny or rich! I hated those four years.
I would rather have killer African bees under my toe nails than go to my HS reunion. Even if I was rich.
This is a perfect post ;)
ha-ha Judging you is one of my favorite meme's out there. I have too much of a filter and need to live a little, piss people off and speak those amazing thoughts that fill my mind.
I refuse to have children until after my 10 year high school reunion. I want to be in the best shape of my life....I should probably start working out.
This is hilarious and so true! xo
MY fav. post of yours of all time!!! prob. bc ive thought 90% of these myself!!!!
Am I coincided for wanting to go to my high school reunion because I actually left the super small town and did something awesome with my life?
I am that bitch.
oh yes, let's talk about those Guidice problems shall we.
gooood god.
This post made me laugh, I think/say things like that all the time! You are definitely not alone in this.
BAHAHA! I loved this post! You are hysterical pretty lady. I, too, often wonder what it would be like to go on The Bachelor/Bachelorette. I'm just crazy enough to be one of those girls that flies head first off the deep end into reality TV psycho-ville.
Seriously everytime i watch breaking bad i think the same thing!! Girl you are already getting skinny, keep up the fabulous work aka keep body pumping(;
I dont know if i will go to my hs reunion i feel like A. i see everything through fb and b i live in such a small town i always see everyone anyways!!
HAd a great laugh! Thanks
honet! GUARANTEED no one judges you at the gym. In my experience? Everyone's so focused on themselves they don't have time to look at anyone else. At least that's how I see it. Anyone who judges others for working out and getting their fitness on is just dumb. Keep rocking!
I am a RHONJ addict and when I read about all their troubles the first thing I thought was "God, I hope they filmed all of this for me to see!" You know that Melissa is saying "Told y'all!" I would never wish ill on anyone, but my lord Teresa and Joe have had it coming!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
ummmm i just read somewhere that the bachelorette gets to keep the entire wardrobe she wears for the show. i mean - i might do the show just for that. just kidding - i'm too lazy.
That 'judging you' GIF is perfection. I love it.
Also, I have no filter and it's something that I need to change. I say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. Oops.
I completely feel your pain! All of my Family/Friends tell me I have no filter either. Honestly, I just don't think about it, but apparently they all notice. They all tell me it goes from head to mouth and that's it, no passing through a filter.