Hi Lovies!
It's finally Friday and thank god for that. That Tuesday off just made this week seem about ten times longer than usual, and when I woke up this morning I had no clue it was even Friday. The great news is that I took Monday off, so there's a four day weekend in my future and I'm thrilled. Don't ask me what I'm doing for New Years Eve though.. because that has yet to be determined. I may have my resolutions figured out, but this I do not. As of right now? There are visions of champs and living room dance parties in my head. Leaving the house just seems like so much work!
I thought I would take today to remember my favorite blogging moments from 2012..
January- I adopted my angel of a dog Lily and saved her from a life in the doggy foster care system. I'm so glad I told everyone to shove it when they told me that adopting a dog was a terrible idea because I can't imagine not having that little nugget in my life.
February- I got a new job that doesn't make me want to cry every time I'm on my way to work and it put everything into perspective.
March- I was featured on the Birchbox Blog for this post and I started doing Weekend Update posts that would later turn into an awesome link-up!
April- I wrote one of my favorite posts to date, that still makes me laugh every time I read it!
May- I reached 100 followers, finally and Dana and I celebrated with our first giveaway!
June- I wrote the second part to my favorite post, I got real honest, and we started a link-up!
July- My Mom and I went to the YSL exhibit together and it really cool. I also made a list of things that I want to accomplish this year and we'll pretend that I've actually made a decent amount of those things happen ;)
August- My lover Gavin followed me on Twitter after I hung out with him in Denver, I made a list of things I never should have done, and I apologized to my Mom for being such an evil child.
September- I celebrated my birthday, I fell in blog love with Miss Whitney who later facilitated my BFF status with Ty and Brooke, and I reached 500 followers!
October- I went to visit my BFF's in Oklahoma, I went to see Madonna in concert, and I wrote a letter to my future husband!
November- I made my way to Chicago to meet some of my favorite blogging ladies! Plus I fell in love with Chicago and will be making my way back there as soon as I can. Oh, and I also talked about my first love that happened over AIM.
December- I celebrated one year of blogging!
I didn't realize how much fun it would be to look back on my whole year thanks to this little blog. All of my favorite moments are in one place and that's pretty cool.
Cheers to 2013..
PS. Yesterday I asked for some questions that I can answer when I do my first vlog, don't forget to submit yours before I attempt to do this thing!
Have a great weekend and don't forget that we are taking a break from Weekend Update on Monday. We'll be back in full force on January 7th. See you next year ;)
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Adventures in Vlogland
Oh hi.
So my sista from anotha mista.. Whitney has become quite the vlogging connoisseur and I now feel that it's my time to venture in the world that is the vlog.
Here's where all you pretty faces come in.. I need some material. I figure my first vlog should be an "About Me" of sorts so I need some questions.
Anything at all that you are dying to know about me? Now is your chance. Submit it in the comments and I will probably answer it in my vlog. Let's try to keep it PG though because this thing is bound to be seen by my family. Yikes.
Ready, set, GO!
So my sista from anotha mista.. Whitney has become quite the vlogging connoisseur and I now feel that it's my time to venture in the world that is the vlog.
Here's where all you pretty faces come in.. I need some material. I figure my first vlog should be an "About Me" of sorts so I need some questions.
Anything at all that you are dying to know about me? Now is your chance. Submit it in the comments and I will probably answer it in my vlog. Let's try to keep it PG though because this thing is bound to be seen by my family. Yikes.
Ready, set, GO!
Posted by
12:03 PM
Labels: about me, vlog
New Years Resolutions that Nobody Keeps
Hey girls hey!
This whole working thing is really for the birds this week. I feel like everyone around me is off work and I'd like to be too! Plus, I started watching Dexter last night and now I just want to go home and keep watching. There are like seven seasons so if I played my cards right I could totally not go to work for a week if I stayed home and watched them. Sadly, that's not an option.
Anyways, it's December 27th and you know what that means.. New Years Eve is right around the corner and what comes with New Years Eve? New Years Resolutions! Some people make them and take them seriously, some people make them and break them a week later, and some people don't make any at all. I made some last year and out of the four I stuck to one.. kinda. It all depends on the actual resolution so today I give you..
New Years Resolutions that Nobody Keeps
Lose Weight
Read More Books
Be a Nicer Person
Volunteer to Help Others
Save Money
Stop Dating Jerks
Go to Church
Quit Smoking/Drinking
Stress Less
I think the main problem with New Years Resolutions is that if they were serious goals you wanted to achieve, you wouldn't wait until I certain date to start doing them. Making them New Years Resolutions is too much pressure and pretty much sets you up to fail. Oh, and you should also quantify them because otherwise they can be left up to interpretation. So this year I resolve to not make any New Years Resolutions and instead I promise to make 2013 the best year I can by doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. End of story.
This whole working thing is really for the birds this week. I feel like everyone around me is off work and I'd like to be too! Plus, I started watching Dexter last night and now I just want to go home and keep watching. There are like seven seasons so if I played my cards right I could totally not go to work for a week if I stayed home and watched them. Sadly, that's not an option.
Anyways, it's December 27th and you know what that means.. New Years Eve is right around the corner and what comes with New Years Eve? New Years Resolutions! Some people make them and take them seriously, some people make them and break them a week later, and some people don't make any at all. I made some last year and out of the four I stuck to one.. kinda. It all depends on the actual resolution so today I give you..
New Years Resolutions that Nobody Keeps
Read More Books
Be a Nicer Person
Volunteer to Help Others
Save Money
Stop Dating Jerks
Go to Church
Quit Smoking/Drinking
Stress Less
I think the main problem with New Years Resolutions is that if they were serious goals you wanted to achieve, you wouldn't wait until I certain date to start doing them. Making them New Years Resolutions is too much pressure and pretty much sets you up to fail. Oh, and you should also quantify them because otherwise they can be left up to interpretation. So this year I resolve to not make any New Years Resolutions and instead I promise to make 2013 the best year I can by doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. End of story.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Labels: funnies, holidays
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Thank god the Holidays are over!
Hey there friends!
Is it weird that I miss blogging this week? This whole Holidays schedule is really throwing me off. Plus I haven't been on gchat to talk to my bff's so there's that too. Mostly I'm just ready for January 1st and a new year. A clean slate and no family get togethers for awhile!
On the bright side, turns out that having a dysfunctional family during the holidays actually leads to great blog material so today I give you.. the things you don't want to hear on Christmas!
"Let's talk about Barack Obama!"
Politics always lead to red faces and yelling so let's leave them out of Christmas dinner.
"Well since you're my favorite niece.."
No this wasn't directed towards me, so yes it appears that I'm the least favorite. Maybe I should have responded with her being my least favorite aunt?
"Here's a little something we got you."
Yep, you guessed it.. Bath & Body Works. I'm assuming that's karma from this post.
"All we have is red wine."
Don't get me wrong, I'll drink red wine if I have to but those are not my favorite words to hear.
"Oh look it's on for 24 hours straight!"
I do enjoy watching "Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve, but once is enough. Watching the same movie on repeat is not my idea of a good time. Unless of course it's one of my favorites, duh.
"Sooo how's your love life?"
My family actually knows better than to ask me this anymore but this still remains a single girl's least favorite question!
And now a few thing you do want to hear on Christmas..
"I clicked on something on Twitter about your hero and it was a video of some drunk girl.."
Okay this one was actually just funny! My Dad watched Whitney's drunk vlog and was very confused, but I have never been prouder!
Gavin DeGraw's voice coming from the TV..
His concert DVD is truly the gift that keeps on giving because now I can watch it as many times as I want. Some might say crazy, but I just say true fan!
"Mimosas for everyone!"
The combination of champagne and orange juice just instantly makes a morning better.
"Thank god the holidays are over!"
My thoughts exactly.
Linking up with Shanna here.
Happy Wednesday!
Is it weird that I miss blogging this week? This whole Holidays schedule is really throwing me off. Plus I haven't been on gchat to talk to my bff's so there's that too. Mostly I'm just ready for January 1st and a new year. A clean slate and no family get togethers for awhile!
On the bright side, turns out that having a dysfunctional family during the holidays actually leads to great blog material so today I give you.. the things you don't want to hear on Christmas!
"Let's talk about Barack Obama!"
Politics always lead to red faces and yelling so let's leave them out of Christmas dinner.
"Well since you're my favorite niece.."
No this wasn't directed towards me, so yes it appears that I'm the least favorite. Maybe I should have responded with her being my least favorite aunt?
"Here's a little something we got you."
Yep, you guessed it.. Bath & Body Works. I'm assuming that's karma from this post.
"All we have is red wine."
Don't get me wrong, I'll drink red wine if I have to but those are not my favorite words to hear.
"Oh look it's on for 24 hours straight!"
I do enjoy watching "Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve, but once is enough. Watching the same movie on repeat is not my idea of a good time. Unless of course it's one of my favorites, duh.
"Sooo how's your love life?"
My family actually knows better than to ask me this anymore but this still remains a single girl's least favorite question!
And now a few thing you do want to hear on Christmas..
"I clicked on something on Twitter about your hero and it was a video of some drunk girl.."
Okay this one was actually just funny! My Dad watched Whitney's drunk vlog and was very confused, but I have never been prouder!
Gavin DeGraw's voice coming from the TV..
His concert DVD is truly the gift that keeps on giving because now I can watch it as many times as I want. Some might say crazy, but I just say true fan!
"Mimosas for everyone!"
The combination of champagne and orange juice just instantly makes a morning better.
"Thank god the holidays are over!"
My thoughts exactly.
Linking up with Shanna here.
Happy Wednesday!
Posted by
9:01 AM
Labels: funnies, holidays
Monday, December 24, 2012
Weekend Update Blog Hop
Hello Lovers!
It's that time again..
Weekend Update Blog Hop!
Here's the deal:
Write a post about your weekend
Grab our button
Visit my co-host Leeann
Visit my co-host Leeann
Meet new friends!
Sounds like fun right?
*All we ask is that you add our button or include a link-back to us.*
We do go through and read/comment on all of the posts so unfortunately,
if you don't give us any credit we will have to delete your submission!
We don't want to do that though, so please play by the rules :)
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Just a quick note.. there will NOT be a link-up next Monday December 31st. We figured everyone will be getting ready to party for New Years so the next Weekend Update link-up will be January 7th and we want you to share all about your holidays! Can't wait to see every one's celebrations :)
one. My BFF Alex sent Lily a Christmas sweater and she may not have loved it, but she sure did look cute!
two. An awesome mail day with tons of pretty jewels.
three. Just your average Friday afternoon Mean Girls quote off with my lovers!
four. Gorgeous necklace from Ny &Co for $5.99. I love a great deal!
five. My berries and bubbles drink at Ocean Prime! It had dry ice and was soo good.
six. Scallops and Parmesan Risotto at Ocean Prime.. this one's for you Jess ;)
seven. Dad and I at the Nuggets game on Saturday night!
eight. Nuggets vs. Bobcats and the Nuggets won! Woohoo!
nine. Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies
OOTN- Forever 21 Faux Leather Jacket, Ny & Co. Necklace, Target Watch, Bauble Bar Bracelet, Alex and Ani Bangle, faux Stella and Dot Bracelet, Forever 21 Skinnies, and DSW Booties
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
Hope each and every one of you have a wonderful Christmas with your families!
Posted by
4:00 AM
Labels: weekend update
Friday, December 21, 2012
Ghosts of The CW's Past
Hi Lovies!
Are we all a bit relieved that we're still alive and kicking? I know I am. According to the comments from my post yesterday, I have a Fedex man to confess my love for. I'll keep ya'll updated on that one ;)
I know alot of you guys tuned into the series finale of Gossip Girl. I did too and I actually really enjoyed it, I was glad they managed to tie up most of the loose ends. In honor of Gossip Girl being laid to rest, I thought I'd remind you all of other CW shows that have met their demise. I mean let's be honest here.. The CW is the network known for shows that are so bad they're good!
Let's reminisce shall we?
7th Heaven- 2007
Ohhh man. This show reminds me of my childhood. Who didn't follow along with the Camden family? Can you believe this show was on for 11 seasons? They had some crazy kids and some even crazier story lines. All from a pastor's children! Who would have thought that good 'ole Mary Camden (Jessica Biel) would end up married to Justin Timberlake? I guess it's true that life isn't fair! Let's also not forget that both Ashlee Simpson and Lance Bass had cameos on this show.
Gilmore Girls- 2007
I wasn't a huge Gilmore Girls fan, I think I've watched more as repeats than I ever did when it was live TV. It lasted an impressive 7 seasons before it passed away. For the record, from what I did watch I was always Team Logan.. I'm a big fan of the asshole guy. Also, I LOVE Lauren Graham on Parenthood.
Veronica Mars- 2007
I didn't watch this show but I love me some Kristen Bell. Apparently this show was about a high schooler that was also a private investigator? That makes alot of sense. It only lasted 3 seasons before it was cut.
What I Like About You- 2007
Ohhh Amanda Bynes when she was innocent. I think I've watched every single episode of this show at least three times. I don't know why but I feel like every time it's on I just get sucked in. Like a train wreck you couldn't look away from. It did last 4 seasons though! Fun fact? Guess who made a guest appearance on the show? My lover Gavin!
Beauty and the Geek- 2008
I mean we have to give credit to Ashton Kutcher, he can come up with a great reality TV show. This and Punk'd were just classic can't look away shows. In case you never watched this gem, it was a bunch of nerdy guys and a bunch of pretty but stupid women competing with each other to win money and sometimes find love. So cheesy but so good! It very surprisingly lasted 5 seasons on TV.
Melrose Place- 2010
This was The CW's second attempt at bringing back an old show. I'm still shocked that 90210 is still alive and kicking but that's another story. Not even Ashlee Simpson and Katie Cassidy could save this show. It was awful but I kept watching until it got cancelled after just 1 season. Like I said.. train wreck, can't look away.
Ringer- 2011
I think Shanna will agree with me that cancelling this show after one season was one of the CW's worst mistakes. This was a great show and I was so upset when it got cancelled! It had me sucked in just as much as Vampire Diaries does every week. I still can't believe that I will never find out what happens with Bridget and Siobhan!
H8R- 2011
I never watched this show but the premise of it was pretty awesome! They found normal people that hated a certain celebrity and then brought the celebrity on to convince the person that they were actually cool. Who would agree to this by the way? Their first mistake was probably hiring Mario Lopez to be the host. That man is annoying. Probably why it was cancelled after just 4 episodes!
One Tree Hill- 2012
I talked about how sad I was that this show ended here.
Gossip Girl- 2012
Refer back to this post if you need a reminder of my love for this show.
What was your favorite CW show that has since been laid to rest? As long as they don't plan on cancelling Vampire Diaries anytime soon I think we'll be good!
Have a great weekend and see you Monday for Weekend Update!
Are we all a bit relieved that we're still alive and kicking? I know I am. According to the comments from my post yesterday, I have a Fedex man to confess my love for. I'll keep ya'll updated on that one ;)
I know alot of you guys tuned into the series finale of Gossip Girl. I did too and I actually really enjoyed it, I was glad they managed to tie up most of the loose ends. In honor of Gossip Girl being laid to rest, I thought I'd remind you all of other CW shows that have met their demise. I mean let's be honest here.. The CW is the network known for shows that are so bad they're good!
Let's reminisce shall we?
7th Heaven- 2007
Ohhh man. This show reminds me of my childhood. Who didn't follow along with the Camden family? Can you believe this show was on for 11 seasons? They had some crazy kids and some even crazier story lines. All from a pastor's children! Who would have thought that good 'ole Mary Camden (Jessica Biel) would end up married to Justin Timberlake? I guess it's true that life isn't fair! Let's also not forget that both Ashlee Simpson and Lance Bass had cameos on this show.
Gilmore Girls- 2007
I wasn't a huge Gilmore Girls fan, I think I've watched more as repeats than I ever did when it was live TV. It lasted an impressive 7 seasons before it passed away. For the record, from what I did watch I was always Team Logan.. I'm a big fan of the asshole guy. Also, I LOVE Lauren Graham on Parenthood.
Veronica Mars- 2007
I didn't watch this show but I love me some Kristen Bell. Apparently this show was about a high schooler that was also a private investigator? That makes alot of sense. It only lasted 3 seasons before it was cut.
What I Like About You- 2007
Ohhh Amanda Bynes when she was innocent. I think I've watched every single episode of this show at least three times. I don't know why but I feel like every time it's on I just get sucked in. Like a train wreck you couldn't look away from. It did last 4 seasons though! Fun fact? Guess who made a guest appearance on the show? My lover Gavin!
Beauty and the Geek- 2008
I mean we have to give credit to Ashton Kutcher, he can come up with a great reality TV show. This and Punk'd were just classic can't look away shows. In case you never watched this gem, it was a bunch of nerdy guys and a bunch of pretty but stupid women competing with each other to win money and sometimes find love. So cheesy but so good! It very surprisingly lasted 5 seasons on TV.
Melrose Place- 2010
This was The CW's second attempt at bringing back an old show. I'm still shocked that 90210 is still alive and kicking but that's another story. Not even Ashlee Simpson and Katie Cassidy could save this show. It was awful but I kept watching until it got cancelled after just 1 season. Like I said.. train wreck, can't look away.
I think Shanna will agree with me that cancelling this show after one season was one of the CW's worst mistakes. This was a great show and I was so upset when it got cancelled! It had me sucked in just as much as Vampire Diaries does every week. I still can't believe that I will never find out what happens with Bridget and Siobhan!
H8R- 2011
I never watched this show but the premise of it was pretty awesome! They found normal people that hated a certain celebrity and then brought the celebrity on to convince the person that they were actually cool. Who would agree to this by the way? Their first mistake was probably hiring Mario Lopez to be the host. That man is annoying. Probably why it was cancelled after just 4 episodes!
One Tree Hill- 2012
I talked about how sad I was that this show ended here.
Refer back to this post if you need a reminder of my love for this show.
What was your favorite CW show that has since been laid to rest? As long as they don't plan on cancelling Vampire Diaries anytime soon I think we'll be good!
Have a great weekend and see you Monday for Weekend Update!
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: tv
Thursday, December 20, 2012
See you all tomorrow.. or not!
Oh hi there.
I'm spending my last day on earth sick in bed. Oh you didn't hear? The world is ending tomorrow.
You see my besties all posted about the world ending so I figured I should follow suit.
See here, here, here, and here. You will not be disappointed.
Things I wish I had done before the world ended..
I should have gotten wifed up by Gavin. I mean if the world wasn't ending it was bound to happen, I only regret not speeding up the process.
I should have escaped to a tropical island to drink and gossip in real life with my favorite ladies. Hell I should have made Gavin buy us an island so we could have all lived there for the last 6 months!
I should have washed my hair more. There were so many days when that extra 30 minutes of sleep should have definitely been allocated to fixing my mop.
I should have gotten a dang flu shot. I could have been out celebrating my last day on earth instead of sleeping and coughing.
I should have bought a pair of Loubs and worn them everyday. I'm incredibly sad that it's my last day on earth and my feet have never graced those red soled beauties!
I should have watched everything on my DVR. All of those episodes of Teen Mom and Real Housewives of Miami are never going to be seen.
I should have told that Fedex guy at work that I think he's hot. I see him every week and he always smiles at me and tells me to have a great day. The least I could have done was tell him how good looking he is.
Good news is that if the world is ending tomorrow.. at least I don't have to try and get all of my Christmas shopping done this weekend. Award winning procrastinator over here!
Now since we all know the world is not really ending tomorrow, consider this my promise to do all of these things.. and soon! See you all tomorrow :)
I'm spending my last day on earth sick in bed. Oh you didn't hear? The world is ending tomorrow.
You see my besties all posted about the world ending so I figured I should follow suit.
See here, here, here, and here. You will not be disappointed.
Things I wish I had done before the world ended..
I should have gotten wifed up by Gavin. I mean if the world wasn't ending it was bound to happen, I only regret not speeding up the process.
I should have escaped to a tropical island to drink and gossip in real life with my favorite ladies. Hell I should have made Gavin buy us an island so we could have all lived there for the last 6 months!
I should have washed my hair more. There were so many days when that extra 30 minutes of sleep should have definitely been allocated to fixing my mop.
I should have gotten a dang flu shot. I could have been out celebrating my last day on earth instead of sleeping and coughing.
I should have bought a pair of Loubs and worn them everyday. I'm incredibly sad that it's my last day on earth and my feet have never graced those red soled beauties!
I should have watched everything on my DVR. All of those episodes of Teen Mom and Real Housewives of Miami are never going to be seen.
I should have told that Fedex guy at work that I think he's hot. I see him every week and he always smiles at me and tells me to have a great day. The least I could have done was tell him how good looking he is.
Good news is that if the world is ending tomorrow.. at least I don't have to try and get all of my Christmas shopping done this weekend. Award winning procrastinator over here!
Now since we all know the world is not really ending tomorrow, consider this my promise to do all of these things.. and soon! See you all tomorrow :)
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: funnies, miscellaneous
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
One Year Later..
Hi Friends!
Yesterday was my one year blogiversary, but that day was about Sandy Hook Elementary so celebrations have been moved to today!
Dear Blog,
You were started one late night on December 18th, 2011 and I was pretty sure you were only going to last for five minutes. Yes I almost quit and yes it's been hard, but the good far outweighs the bad in blogland! Here we are one year later and I couldn't be happier.
For those of you who are curious, click here to read my very first post.. no judging allowed though. For all you new bloggers.. it was months and months of me writing to no followers and no comments, but it made me happy and it was an outlet so I just kept writing. Now I feel lucky to have so many people interested in what I have to say. Even more so when I bring out the sass and people still want to read ;)
Lets look at the numbers:
256 Published Posts
88,000 Page views
4 Giveaways
3 Blog Designs
1 Epic Blogger Meet-up
.. and countless friends and support!
The friends? Those are the best part of the blogging journey. I never thought I would say I had friends all over the country and now I do! I am so lucky to have such great girls in my life and most days I talk to them more than I talk to any of my other friends or family. Dana, Chris, Leeann, Whitney, Brooke, Ty.. ya'll are my rocks!
The support? That has to be my other favorite part of this blogging thing. My life is not always rainbows and sunshine and it is an amazing feeling when you get all of this support from people who have never even met you. I've shared things on this blog that I've never shared with the people in my life and that is pretty special. I've reached out for help and been stunned by how many people are willing to give it. I mean some of you even want to pay me to have your faces on my blog and that is something I never imagined!
Oh, and on Monday.. I'm pretty sure Gavin DeGraw read my blog and that's a whole nother excitement in its self.
Really I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there and thank you for listening! It truly means the world to me. Now that I feel like I've got the hang of this blogging thing I don't plan to stop anytime soon.
If you'd like to catch-up on some of my favorite posts you can find them here.
Have a great day!
Yesterday was my one year blogiversary, but that day was about Sandy Hook Elementary so celebrations have been moved to today!
Dear Blog,
You were started one late night on December 18th, 2011 and I was pretty sure you were only going to last for five minutes. Yes I almost quit and yes it's been hard, but the good far outweighs the bad in blogland! Here we are one year later and I couldn't be happier.
For those of you who are curious, click here to read my very first post.. no judging allowed though. For all you new bloggers.. it was months and months of me writing to no followers and no comments, but it made me happy and it was an outlet so I just kept writing. Now I feel lucky to have so many people interested in what I have to say. Even more so when I bring out the sass and people still want to read ;)
Lets look at the numbers:
256 Published Posts
88,000 Page views
4 Giveaways
3 Blog Designs
1 Epic Blogger Meet-up
.. and countless friends and support!
The friends? Those are the best part of the blogging journey. I never thought I would say I had friends all over the country and now I do! I am so lucky to have such great girls in my life and most days I talk to them more than I talk to any of my other friends or family. Dana, Chris, Leeann, Whitney, Brooke, Ty.. ya'll are my rocks!
The support? That has to be my other favorite part of this blogging thing. My life is not always rainbows and sunshine and it is an amazing feeling when you get all of this support from people who have never even met you. I've shared things on this blog that I've never shared with the people in my life and that is pretty special. I've reached out for help and been stunned by how many people are willing to give it. I mean some of you even want to pay me to have your faces on my blog and that is something I never imagined!
Oh, and on Monday.. I'm pretty sure Gavin DeGraw read my blog and that's a whole nother excitement in its self.
Really I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there and thank you for listening! It truly means the world to me. Now that I feel like I've got the hang of this blogging thing I don't plan to stop anytime soon.
If you'd like to catch-up on some of my favorite posts you can find them here.
Have a great day!
Posted by
9:23 AM
Labels: about me, blog love
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Today Is For Sandy Hook Elementary
Today is supposed to be a blogger day of silence to mourn those beautiful lives that were taken in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. If you know me at all, then you know I am never one to be quiet. I cannot just sit here and be quiet.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with the awful tragedy that conspired on Friday, December 14th and I respect each and every one of them.. even if I don't agree. I hope others will do the same. It is my personal belief that if I'm being silent, then I'm not doing anything to help and I want to do anything I can to help.
I have experienced loss before and I know that there are few things that those around you can do to provide comfort. It's just hard, and mostly you want people to listen. You want to talk about your love and happiness that was brought to you by that person. Unfortunately I can't do that for those who are mourning in Connecticut. What I can do is write letters. Hand written letters telling anyone that reads them that I am thinking about them and sending my love.
I will be sending my letters directly to the school at this address:
Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive
Sandy Hook, CT 06482
I will also be joining my sweet friends who are helping this project.
Today shouldn't be about silence.. it should be about reading, speaking, and remembering the names of those whose lives were taken much to soon.
Today is for Sandy Hook Elementary.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with the awful tragedy that conspired on Friday, December 14th and I respect each and every one of them.. even if I don't agree. I hope others will do the same. It is my personal belief that if I'm being silent, then I'm not doing anything to help and I want to do anything I can to help.
I have experienced loss before and I know that there are few things that those around you can do to provide comfort. It's just hard, and mostly you want people to listen. You want to talk about your love and happiness that was brought to you by that person. Unfortunately I can't do that for those who are mourning in Connecticut. What I can do is write letters. Hand written letters telling anyone that reads them that I am thinking about them and sending my love.
I will be sending my letters directly to the school at this address:
Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive
Sandy Hook, CT 06482
I will also be joining my sweet friends who are helping this project.
Today shouldn't be about silence.. it should be about reading, speaking, and remembering the names of those whose lives were taken much to soon.
Today is for Sandy Hook Elementary.
Posted by
7:54 AM
Monday, December 17, 2012
Weekend Update Blog Hop
Hello Lovers!
It's that time again..
Weekend Update Blog Hop!
Here's the deal:
Write a post about your weekend
Grab our button
Visit my co-host Leeann
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Yes, a new link-up button! Unfortunately there were some issues with the previous one (according to another blogger) so Miss Aubrey created this one for us! I think it's even prettier than the last. Be sure the check out The Kinch Life Designs. Not only is Aubrey great at designing, but she's also a sweetheart! Leeann and I plan to keep this button from here on out, we promise :)
On to the Weekend..
Friday night my Mom and I went to see Gavin DeGraw at the Gothic Theater. It was a radio show and I found out when I got there that it was an acoustic show. My first of the 11 Gavin concerts that I've been to! The concert was opened by Adelita's Way who were better than I thought I would be, but hard rock and not my cup of tea. Second was Grace Potter, she has an incredible voice and was alot of fun. She did a version of Madonna's "Like a Prayer" that was very cool. Finally it was Gavin time! I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking..
Adelita's Way- I think this was one of their first acoutic gigs!
It was definitely a tame concert so the crowd surfing was a bit much! Mom and I were just glad that we didn't have to catch him!

Grace Potter- Her outfit was crazy but so cool! Her shoes were pretty unreal.
Since the show was acoustic, there was no band. Just Gavin and his guitar player Billy Norris. It was intimate and very cool!
During "Follow Through" the microphone went out so he had the crowd finish the song. What could have been an awkward moment turned out awesome. That man does not skip a beat!
I took a bunch of pictures but didn't want to overload on this post, so make sure you like my because I'll be posting the rest of the pictures there later today!
Saturday I went with my parents and my brother to take my cousin Kate to the North Pole in Colorado Springs. It's a small, local amusement park and it's so fun for kids! She loved it.
one. The ornamanent ride. Unless it was required she wouldn't let anyone else go on the rides with her. She's Miss Independent!
two. This pole in the middle of the park is frozen year round!
three. Riding Rudolph on the carousel.
four. Visiting with Santa Claus!
one. Feeding the reindeer!
two. It was freezing! Ugg Boots, Hot Chocolate, and my favorite red peacoat.
three. My cute parents.
four. Photo-op on the sled!
one. Friday night at the concert! Taking selfies in the car to send to my girls.
two. I finally did it! Bought my new Macbook Pro and blogging from it as we speak :)
three. Apple is genius, you can transfer all settings and files from one computer to the other. Too bad it took almost 20 hrs!
four. Lily's first Christmas ornament
Want to see sneak peeks of my Weekend before Monday? Be sure to follow me on !
What did you do this weekend? Link-up and share!
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4:00 AM
Labels: weekend update
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