Can y'all believe it's basically June already? For so long I was like Summer where are you and now it's finally here. I think that calls for some pool time this weekend! Unfortunately, I live in a townhouse so that means I'll have to sneak into the apartment complex next door. Cross your fingers I don't get kicked out. That would be embarrassing!
If you click on the Tweet This, Tweet That logo above it takes you to my Twitter page. Throughout the week I favorite tweets I think should make the recap and on Fridays I narrow it down to fifteen.. believe me it's not an easy task. Check out my favorites list on Twitter to see all of the runners up!
Tweet this, Tweet that is now interactive so you can see my timeline above and can Reply, Favorite, or Retweet any of the tweets below. One of my goals is for people to have fun with it, and to find new accounts to follow so that your Twitter timelines can be as much fun as mine!
Time for the tweets..
First up, let's talk Bachelorette. I loved some of the live tweets from this week's premiere!
Hands down, the best person to follow while watching The Bachelorette. She kills it.
Wait. He "invented" sign spinning? Great, and I invented throwing up after drinking too much.
— Dana Weiss (@Possessionista)
Weird guys, lots of alcohol, and awkward conversations? Sounds about right.
I still don't know why I watch . Isn't 25 men fighting over marrying you everyone's average night out at a bar?
— Crystal Ward (@Crystal11)
Oh the times when you can tell that production is feeding the lead her lines. Le sigh.
"I do think my husband is in there." You've met 25 guys for no more than 30 seconds and you already know this? Uh huh.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve)
So freaking true. I'm not sure that I would even date any of these yahoos if I met them on the street.
"That's just the first 15," Chris says. "Wait until you meet the next 10 unmedicated freakshows we found for you."
— Andrea Lavinthal (@andilavs)
Oh but he did. Thank god. I'm not sure I'd want to say "Hey Mom and Dad, here's my fiance the Magician/Tailor!"
Can this magician also make himself disappear?
— Jaclyn Swartz (@JaclynSwartz)
Okay back to the regularly scheduled programming..
This is exactly how I picture Twitter being for most celebrities. People say the most insane things to them!
Twitter is like a college boyfriend who I know I can't stay with forever cuz he's just too much drama but right now we're gonna live it up.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham)
People are so dumb. Mistaking a young black guy for a dead white guy? I wonder what he says to those idiots!
Every time someone says "john Lennon!" to John at the airport, an angel gets its wings and I laughhhh and laugh and laugh at him
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen)
Reason #578 why I would never have the patience to be a teacher. Also, why I'm glad there are people who do.
Apparently my students have forgotten two REALLY important unspoken rules1. dont touch someone with a sunburn 2. NEVER TOUCH YOUR TEACHER
— Meg Cady Scholz (@MegCady)
Yes, so much yes. No matter what, you can't look away.
Following Amanda Bynes on Twitter is like watching a bad car wreck. The longest, most annoying, never-ending, pointless car wreck ever.
— Ian Hecox (@SmoshIan)
No, I don't think he does! I can see him sitting down, flipping through the pages. No, no, no, okay ya she's next.
Do you think @ knows that the @ catalog actually sells lingerie & not just girlfriends?
— Alyssa Hertzig (@alyssahertzig)
Without a doubt the most annoying thing about elevators. Especially when you work on the top floor of the building. Typically, I let out an audible sigh every time someone new gets on.
There is nothing more frustrating in the world to me than able bodied people who ride less than 3 floors on the elevator.
— Stevie C (@ColorfulSCC)
This legit made me laugh out loud. Also, sexy time in a parking garage screams affair. Haven't you seen every movie ever?
Anytime I see couples making out in a parking lot, my only thought is affair... No one likes each other that much before 3pm
— Sarah Webb (@iamsarahwebb)
Story of my damn life.
Life is really just a series of moments where you think cute guys are checking you out and then you realize you have something on your face
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky)
Again, also story of my life. Housekeeper is not in my job title. So often I wish I had the money to pay someone to do it for me.
That moment when you open the window and a tumbleweed of dog hair rolls across the floor and you realize you're a horrible housekeeper.
— Nadine (@backeastblonde)
Text messaging ruined the art of the handwritten note. A real tragedy.
Is it so much to ask for a hand written note, on notebook paper, folded in some ridiculously complex way?
— Whitney Ellen (@WhitneyEllen)
Hope you all have a great weekend! See you on Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!