Okay I'm joking, but I didn't post yesterday which makes that the first time in my blogging history that I didn't post on a weekday unless I was sick. Why didn't I post? Oh I don't know. I had a blank post window up all day and I just kept finding other things to do. I also just couldn't think of anything worthwhile to say. I suppose that's bound to happen.
After all, my life is pretty boring. It's also consumed with puppy training and working out so my brain feels foggy. Foggy brains can't write blog posts.
PS. Do you know how much harder it is to take a picture of two dogs over one dog? Le sigh.
Anyways, my glorious procrastination skills led me to a blog post idea. I can spend hours and hours wasting time on the internet. It's a skill really. One minute I'm checking Twitter and three hours lately my eyes are starting to hurt and I realize I should probably eat lunch. So today I'll share my favorite time-sucking websites. You're productivity is about to go out the window, you're welcome.
one. Twitter
Duh. I love me some tweets. I also love when I forget to check it and then I have a long timeline to go through.. except when Twitter cuts me off before I reach where I last read. Nothing irritates me more. There are also times when I can't take my eyes of Twitter. For instance, during any kind of Twitterama or when Amanda Bynes is posting topless photos. What will she do next?
This is hands down my favorite website to get GIFs from, but most times I just go on there and scroll and laugh. The creator makes the best ones from Housewives, Kardashians, and Honey Boo Boo. Feeling a little grumpy? Funny GIFs will cheer you up in no time. He also just added a feature that lets you click and get a random GIF each time. This is far more amusing to me than it should be!
three. Buzzfeed

Me, when I've been drinking. Twins.
Here's how this one works.. someone shows me a Buzzfeed article like this one recapping Reese Witherspoon's appearance on GMA this morning. Which leads me to this one about how this dog never wants to kiss it's owner. I would die. Anyways, you get the point. You read one article and before you notice you've read 15 articles. Time wasting 101.
four. Etsy
I try to make sure that this one is a last resort. Why? Because I'm bound to find something that I absolutely have to have yet somehow didn't know existed until five minutes ago. Time wasting plus spending money is bound to be dangerous! However, on the off chance that you need to buy a gift or you're looking for something specific? Etsy is a great place to find it.. and also waste lots of time.
five. Blogs and Link-ups
Some days I can get completely lost reading a random new blog I find or a great link-up. What am I going to do today? Stalk Helene and Sarah's link-up for Google Search Words. So funny. It's amazing how people will find a blog when they are looking for random shit on google. I talked about mine once if you're curious. My personal favorite? All my friends are getting married and I love my dog. I guess it is true..
Go forth and waste time! If you have any time wasting website that I left out please feel free to leave them in the comments.. Anything to avoid doing what I'm actually supposed to be doing (eating, working out, showering, cleaning, aka anything productive).
You forgot Gchat. With me.
About Buzzfeed.
Truth. Trying to get a semi-good picture of two dogs is a hundred times more difficult than snapping a picture of one dog.
Your new fur baby is precious! We added a second pup to the household a couple of months ago. They are a mess, but so worth it!
I waste a lot of time. Reading articles, looking at stupid sites like Epicfail (haha) and thinking about make-believe vacations :)
Remember when I used to sit in front of my computer and gchat with you all day long? I know you miss those days. I do.
Instagram and Pinterest are my major tools of wasting time... I just get so caught up in looking at outfits of the days and upcycled furniture.. sheesh!
These are all SO good. I work until 6:00, and every day when 4:30 hits I'm like, buzzfeed time! It's the best and easiest way to waste an hour and a half.
Totally read the title of this as Wine Tasting... which in my mind is not at all similar to Time Wasting ;)
LMAO so me too when I've been drinking! Oh Reese.
buzzfeed is my jam!
FB, Twitter, emails, tumblr, blogger, eBay, instagram, pinterest, and yahoo news. repeat.
Soooo I totally pulled up a page to comment and then clicked over to the reality GIF site....and here I am, 35 minutes later. Where does the time go?!?!?! Seriously...I am just as bad as you are. The internet literally sucks you in. And now I'm heading over to read some Buzzfeed. Geez, I'm productive today.
Love youuuu :)
NOTHING WORTHWHILE, EH? So you're saying that after you asked me about the celeb hierarchy post you decided it wasn't worth your while!? Hmph
Like I said....one of my favorite posts because it's all so friggin' true!! Except the Buzzfeed thing...apparently I am behind the times with this one!
I wasted two full hours on Buzzfeed Monday night, just clickin' and clickin' and laughin' and laughin' and then crying because I (1) laughed so hard and (2) had so much to do that could've been done in that two hours.
C'est la vie, the classy people say! Also, I'm gonna go waste 17 minutes looking at that adorable picture of Fitzy and Lils up there. Gaaaawwwww!!
Every celebrity story you need in one place with a splash of real news.
If only I could get paid for wasting time...
I'm out of the loop on Buzzfeed. Like Obama said the other night "I remember when Buzzfeed was just something I did in college around 2AM."
haha all of those yes. i am currently on buzzfeed and twitter right now...whoops
And now I have been looking at GIFS for an hour.
The gifs get me every time! And then my POS laptop freezes... more time to waste restaring it!
I have now been looking at reality tv GIFS for almost an hour.
crazy and I love it.
consider me feeling silly for not knowing what buzzfeed was......
So your comment on Helene's post about making the name of the weekend you come to Dallas a ridiculous name to attract weirdo google hits.... Thumbs up.
Story of my LIFE!!
Buzzfeed is seriously addictive, yes au do want to see the 27 worst dogs I went to college with and learn why I'll never be Carrie Bradshaw.
How much do I love Reese's hair color? Ugh.
I waste far tooooo much time on the internets, thanks to you bloggers. THANKS!! xoxo
The majority of my time is wasted with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, reading blogs and anything that doesn't involve actually doing the stuff I should be doing. Glad I'm not alone!
Twitter sucks me in! :) Also, I love blogs and link-ups. I can waste a ton of time on those as well! I need to check out the Reality TV Gifs! Thanks for the suggestion.
Oh Twitter... if I didn't have like real work to do (WTF is this!?) I'd sit on Twitter ALLLLL day. Best time waster ever!
Ha! I totally understand with the Etsy one. I have a shop, so I'm always on Etsy anyway, so I've found innumerable things that I've "had" to buy that I would never have known about. They are always so nice though so I don't get the same jipped feeling that you sometimes get buying online. ;-)
Haha Pinterest is the one that I get lost on!
Hey there! Here from the Blog Hop! Just wanted to let you know I'm following you via bloglovin' and GFC! Hope you'll get a chance to check me out :o)