Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Young Love Over AOL Instant Messenger

Hey Lovies!

Is anyone else glad that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over? I sometimes feel like they overwhelm me to the point that I feel like I have to buy everything because "It's on SALE and it's my last chance!" While Black Friday may have damaged my wallet a bit, I stayed strong against the pull of Cyber Monday. From what I saw on Twitter though, many of you snatched up some great deals. You go Glen Coco.

Today I want to share a little story about 13-year old Sami.

She was about to start her freshman year of high school and was headed up to Six Flags in Denver with her best friend Ellie for some Summer fun. While standing in line for the oh-so-scary water slide, they met some boys who happened to be visiting from Dallas, Texas on a Boy Scout trip. Insert squeals and excitement! It was decided that these boys would accompany Sami and Ellie around the rest of the park and go on rides with them. This is obviously a 13-year old's dream!

While walking through the park and riding roller coasters, it appeared that one of the boys, Kyle made it a point to stay near Sami and sit next her on all the rides. This was new to Sami, since Ellie happened to be older, taller, and prettier and nearly every guy they knew was obsessed with her. Who knew that a 15-year old (gasp) older boy could be interested in her?

Soon it was dark and time for the boys to part ways with Sami and Ellie. Since this was back in 2003, teens didn't have cellphones yet and long-distance certainly wasn't free on land lines so what were Sami and Kyle to do? Well, exchange AIM screen names of course! They would continue their "relationship" as kyletx10 and samistar89.

Since it was Summer, they are able to chat all day long for hours on end and soon they were infatuated with one another. They were even able to hook up microphones so that it could be voice chat. No video though, this was 2003 after all. Soon they took it to the next step and added each other to the oh-so-coveted spot of the away message. Kyle love's Sami and Sami love's Kyle, so that all of their friends knew the status of their young love.

When August rolled around, they both went off to high school and their time was spent at football games and dances. They didn't have time to spend chatting on AIM like they used to and before she knew it Sami realized it was over when she signed on and noticed that Kyle's away message had changed. Instead of Kyle love's Sami, it was Kyle love's Sarah. Her little freshman heart was broken! Thank goodness MySpace was right around the corner and a whole new world was upon her.

Ohh the good old days of AIM. Do you have any funny stories?



I'm convinced this post is going to reunite you with Kyle. You can tweet about one another now! #truelove


Oh my goodness. The good ol' days of AIM! A guy broke my heart over an away message...so you're not alone!

...and so began the heartache of "relationship status" changes via social media!!


oh the AIM love stories. Shoulda stayed in Dallas Sami! and I have no doubt you were one hot 13 year old.


I used to chat for hoooours on AIM!! Good times!!


the hours i spent on MSN messenger as a preteen is embarressing.

maybe its good that it ended...you may have ended up on MTV's catfish show!

I kid, but seriously, there's nothing cuter than young love! Wouldn't it be so fun to read whatever we all talked about back in the day!?


I have the exact same Black Friday mentality...Its On Sale and Its my last chance!! I have to get it!!!


I stayed strong through cyber Monday as well!! Yeah! Oh, and your story is so cute...
Have a lovely day, Sami!


LOL to Whitney's comment. And seriously, this post is amazing. Such a good pick-me-up chuckle for a Tuesday. Heart you, pretty lady! XO


I first started talking to my husband through AIM. He stole my screen name from one of my friends and sent me a messgae. We both got yelled at by our parents bc we would leave away messages up for each other since we could never catch each other while we were on... I should mention this was before 2003 and we were home from college and had dial up ... AIM love


I'm with Whitney!! I have a feeling that Kyle is still out there and could be found on twitter ha!

I seriously thought the end was going to say that you ran into him somewhere! I'm such a hopeless romantic. I just knew it was going to be like a movie.


Hahah, I agree with Whit. You are going to be reunited with Kyle, and he will profess his undying love for you... mwahaha. This is too funny. I definitely remember the days, and had some heart break of my own over AIM.

Are you living in Colorado right now? I live about an hour north of Denver!


Maybe Kyle reads this blog every day. And then you two can have a joined twitter and facebook account.


We kill him ded for making you AIMsad.


HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love AIM stories. :)


Oh how horrible!!!!!

I don't have any stories like that! But I would be crushed if that happened!


Wow...I'm feeling all nostalgic for the late 90s....I LIVED on AIM. Until my mother needed to use the phone anyway.


Omg! You just made my day!

True Story-someone has asked me for my screen name in the last 3 years.


oh the days of AIM. that was my jam in college. i can remember my freshman roommate would talk to her boyfriend on that thing all the time...but in the middle of the night when i was trying to sleep. and i'd heard those little bleeps. then i said "get the bleep off...i'm trying to sleep!" and the away message...don't get me started on trying to perfect that sh*t.


OMG what if Kyle saw this?! hahahaha I so miss the days of AIM!


I miss AIM conversations lol we always had so much fun doing that! i still talk to a few friends MSN.


oh my, i miss aim profiles and away messages so much!


Oh AIM... In highschool my first "relationship" was mostly AIM-based... Things got awkward IRL so I dumped him over AIM. Mature, I know. Hahaha


AIM how I miss thee! I have lots of AIM stories. I was once broken up with over AIM, that would be the sad story. Do you remember chat rooms? There was a Houston chat room, and my friend and I thought it was hilarious to go in there and say "Houston we have a problem." People from Houston clearly did not have a sense of humor, as they did not find us funny!


this is soooo funny. I met my husband on AOL instant messenger.....kind of. we went to different schools but "knew" each other through mutual friends. our relationship started on AOL though.


Cyber Monday was giving me the WORST anxiety. And then I spent all my living money for the next week. Whoops.

Best story! I was in college by the time AIM got really popular (I think) so I did't use it *too* much. Think of all the great relationships I missed out on!


omg! this story is epic! i was the queen of ridiculous away messages!


Haha! Love it! I was so in love with a guy from Denver thanks to AIM!


Love this!! I found your blog on the GFC Blog Hop and its fab! Follow back if you like :)



Hahahaha!!! I loooove this post! I spent so much time on AIM it was ridiculous! Ahh true love!


Okay so I know this was probably extremely devastating at the time . . . but now it is hilarious! Sooooooo cute. :) I spent many an evening in my freshman dorm waiting for my long-distance boyfriend to sign onto AIM . . . sigh, those were the days!


OMG This is such a great post! I married my "Kyle" thanks to AIM. I must now go "borrow" this idea and write my own blog post about it. Crediting you of course!


This is amazing. I'm seriously giggling out loud in my office and reminiscing about good old AIM. Such a fun post!


Haha this is priceless! I so remember those days!


Oh my gosh.. I remember these "times"-- so many late nights spent chatting with my love, etc. Then there were AOL chat rooms for my small town and we would plan meet ups on the River or Beach. Those days seem so long ago but now that we have so much social media some of us still are "friends" and recount all the old days.

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