Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blogging Things I Should Do But Don't.. and Why

Hi Lovies!

Guess what? I have tomorrow off! Oh you do too? And Friday too? Ugh, way to kill my thunder guys.

It's recently been brought to my attention that some of the things I do when it comes to my blog are considered big no no's. I have to admit I kind of knew this already, but basically I do what I want. I figured that some people might wonder why, and some people might think I'm a super diva bitch.. so I thought I'd shed a little insight.

one. Sometimes I don't comment on blogs

Here's the thing, I wish I had the patience to comment on every blog I read but sometime I just don't. I can tell you I spend most of the day reading and I generally see every blog post that comes up on Bloglovin', I just don't stop to comment on every single one. My good friend, Helene wrote a post today about the importance of commenting and it really made me think. I love getting comments on my blog so I know other people feel the same way. Also, how in the world do you know I even read your blog if I don't tell you via a comment? So I'll be working on this and trying my best to leave heartfelt comments on the amazing blog posts I read everyday.

two. I always forget to respond to comments

This one is the big dark cloud looming over my head at all times. I am unorganized. I open and read every email that I receive throughout the day right then and there.. and then I forget about them. I have over 800 emails sitting in my inbox and I know I need to go through them and respond but I just don't. I know people get frustrated when they leave comments and don't ever get a response but here's the thing.. I don't ever except a response from a blog comment unless it's something really specific I asked. Let's say you get 25 comments on average each blog post, multiply that by 5 times a week and that's 125 emails to send. It's extremely time consuming and I'd rather spend my time doing other things. I'm not saying that to be rude, I'm saying that to be honest. So, I am making an effort to answer questions when they come in via blog comment, but I can't say I'll be responding to every single comment I get and I hope that doesn't make you mad.

three. No giveaways

The reason for this is plain and simple.. I don't want to spend the time or the money. I have been asked to be a part of a multitude of blog giveaways and I've said thanks but no thanks to all but a few. Small amounts of money add up, and even though I know readers like them.. I just can't say yes to everything. I also don't do giveaways for my sponsors. I've heard from tons of people how time consuming putting together giveaways can be and I just don't think it's worth it the investment. I've been playing around with my sponsor options lately, but I've always heard one thing.. my sponsors get a lot of clicks without any giveaways. So I'm sticking to it.

four. I write, edit, and publish all at the same time

I have always been this way, but recently it's gotten to the point where I don't have time to sit and write out a blog post until 10:00 or 11:00 am. That's late in blog standards. I used to start writing at night and then only have to tweak in the morning, but that is just not happening anymore. Because life happened. I work until 4:30, go to the gym until 6:30, feed the dogs and make dinner until 8:00, and then go to bed at 10:00. There isn't time for me to even open my computer. So morning it is and even then it sometimes is afternoon. People still read and comment, so I'm not too worried about it.

So while I may not do everything the "blogging" way, I do them the "Sami's Shenanigans" way and I'm feeling pretty content with that. I hope you are too!

Questions, concerns, threats? 
Leave them in the comments and I promise I will do my very best to respond. No really I will!



I rarely write and then later edit and post. I do it all in one felled swoop. Ain't nobody got time for all that work!


Thats the best part of blogging, your space is your to do what you want! And even with all the "no-nos" you do I still love your blog =)


I like your style! :) I do almost all of the same I feel ya lady! I am great at commenting but lately suck at responding. Oh well!

Happy almost 4th!

Classy with a Kick


Oh heck , there's rules to doing this???


There ARE no rules!! Didn't you read my post yesterday?! ;) I just want everyone to be themselves, and I love that you do that and you keep it real!


Okay, not gonna lie - I hate blog giveaways. The idea is nice, but in practice it seems like so often they turn into a grab for followers - comment on my blog, follow me in all the places, go follow all these other people too - and then what? Have you really gained anything or just padded your numbers (and admittedly the ego)? I'm all for the occasional (one per year or less) giveaway when you have a product you're really passionate about sharing and you don't set too many restrictions or requirements to enter or maybe just because you love your readers and really do want to give back to them (in which case, why not pick someone who's already following you to spoil with a fun treat? Or mail them a nice card? Or even promote their blog/twitter/what have you?) Furthermore, I feel like I've seen some blogs I love get bogged down with too many giveaways and not enough real content and then that's just ugly.

And apparently I had a lot to say. But my point was that I don't think you should feel like a bad blogger for not doing giveaways. They're not a requirement to be a "good" blogger - replying to comments is a big one in my mind, at least for first time /infrequent commmenters!


Seriously, blogging is amazing but very time consuming. I've always been amazed the you work full-time and yet you've managed to keep such a successful blog. If you're not going to respond, I'm not going to be offended. I get you. You need to have your own life too.


Girl keep doing what you're doing. It's working :)


I love your blog! So I'd say your doing just fine girl!!!! I'm with you on some of your things though, here lately trying to pre-write a post for a day has just been too much so It gets saved for day of or I don't really write one, like today.. Have a good 4th girl!


This is my life. Literally EVERY SINGLE one of these things is something I struggle with! Same boat sista friend! XO


I'm definitely a write/edit/post all at once girl too. Even more so now because my laptop at home has taken a giant crap and I refuse to write posts on my phone!


I like this! :) You keep doing things your way!


I'm the exact same way. And as a baby blogger I'm breaking the cardinal rule of sponsoring other bloggers because I'm broke as all get out thanks to school haha. But mark my words as soon as I have cash monies you're number 1 on my list!


This whole post pretty much sums up my blogging to a T. I'm trying to get better about returning comments & scheduling post a head of time


I try to comment as much as I can. I also return all e mails on comments but then again; I don't have eleventy million comments per post! I'm on the fence about giveaways. I enter them like crazy because I've always entered contests even before they showed up all over blog land so I don't hate entering them but I agree when it's too much it gets ridiculous. I've only done a few and for the most part I'd like to keep it that way. I don't sponsor. That one still feels kinda odd to me. Blogging your way appears to be working out nicely!


Girl - it is your blog so you do what you want! We just enjoy the posts when we get them :) Keep being yourself.


The best way to blog is the way you want, not what everyone else is doing! You go!

I have been horrible responding to comments. And email in general. That's something I wanna work on.


I'd say you are doing okay in my book!!! I love reading your blog even without the giveaways and comments haha :) I have a hard time remembering to write back to comments too but I'm working on it!


There are no rules, I just enjoy commenting but it's not the same for everyone. And that's what's great about blogging. You can always do it your way!


(I'm not expecting a response to this haha) but I'm the same way when it comes to writing and posting at the same time (generally) which is why I'm always at the bottom of every linkup I join haha. I'm also on the west coast which puts me at 3 hours behind most bloggers anyway. Oh well.

And as far as responding to comments go...I only really get annoyed with bloggers who aren't *big* bloggers, and when people join a linkup they're hosting, promoting their blog, and there's only 20-30 entries and they don't take the time to at least read through the linked posts. I think that's kind of biting the hand that feeds you. Unless you're a larger blogger like yourself who hosts a linkup joined by over 100 people! Of course, i definitely do appreciate those bigger bloggers who do respond to comments, but I don't expect it out of them (meaning you!)


I read much more than I comment! Sometimes I don't have anything to say besides, YOU GO GIRL. And it would be obnoxious if I did that on every post!

I am getting bad at replying to comments...sooooo bad!


I rarely comment on blogs, but I have about 15 that I read everyday, plus others that I occasionally check out! Sometimes I find trying to write out my comments is a hassle. I also do not expect the blogger to comment back, we all have real lives too!


I am not a fan of blog rules. I am of the philosophy that it's your blog do what you want. If you like the way things are please don't change them. If someone doesn't like the way you do your blog well that's their problem.


I only comment on a few and read a bunch! I usually have to be a reader for a couple months before I feel like I have the authority to comment. I guess I'm a weirdo!


Sometimes I have days where I only have time to read and not comment on blogs and I feel bad!


i love getting comments on my blog! i only get a few on each post but it seriously makes my day that someone read and liked my post. so it's just outta habit to email them back even if it just to say thanks for stopping by. course i can understand where it can be time consuming. like giveaways..i seriously don't have the time or patience..or really even the confidence to host one.

it's yo blog. do what you want, girl! that's what i say when i have people comment badly on my's my blog! i do what i want!


I read a lot of blogs that I don't comment on. I don't know why. Some just drag me in more than others. Sometimes people post stuff that I have nothing to say about it. I would rather my comment be relevant to the post. :)

I pass up a lot of giveaways, too. Every once in awhile I'll splurge and do a few and buy some good sponsor spots...but probably 9 or 10 months out of the year I don't do giveaways.


Ahhhhh I love this! I think your're great, do things they way do them!



I don't comment on all posts either, sometimes I just have nothing to say about it! Obviously if I have something to say, I'll comment, but it doesn't always happen. Same with replying to comments.


There is no "how to" book on blogging in my eyes. A blog is a personal expression open book. Do what you want, people will always follow:):)


How on earth could anyone think you're a "diva bitch"?? LOL! I HATE that there are so many blogging "rules & regulations"! HELLO! If you're not out living your life you're not going to have anything to blog about! So I say do whatever the hell you want/enjoy/have time for! :)


Agree with you on everything, especially giveaways! It kills me when one of my favorite blogs only post of the day is just one long rafflecopter. I read the blogs that i do for content, not because I want to win something. And honestly, they're rarely work all the effort it takes to enter!


You are not alone!


I do the same thing about responding to comments - I read the emails in my phone and then I'll think "ok I'll respond later" and then I don't! But I do try really hard to make sure I visit the blogs of people who comment and/or make sure I respond to people who faithfully comment


Your blog, your rules!


As a new blogger I found all these "tips" I guess you'd call them, great advice. It can be hard to comment on every post you read, it's so time consuming and sometimes you just have nothing to say! Aside from all of these no no's you don't do I think it's obvious your blog is doing a-ok!


I'm a relatively newer blogger and I don't follow most of the "rules" that the bigger bloggers seem to live by.

I don't pay to have ads on other blogs.

I don't expect people to pay me to have a button in my sidebar. If I like you, I'll put you there.

The only giveaways I have done are ones that I paid for with my own monies and I only did them because hey, I felt like it!

I respond to comments, but that's because I only get one or two a week, lol.

Keep doing what you're doing, girl! Love your blog :)


I'm a relatively newer blogger and I don't follow most of the "rules" that the bigger bloggers seem to live by.

I don't pay to have ads on other blogs.

I don't expect people to pay me to have a button in my sidebar. If I like you, I'll put you there.

The only giveaways I have done are ones that I paid for with my own monies and I only did them because hey, I felt like it!

I respond to comments, but that's because I only get one or two a week, lol.

Keep doing what you're doing, girl! Love your blog :)


I dont follow the rules either and I am terrible at responding to comments. But I am trying to do my best to comment and respond as much as I can just because I know its nice to be acknowledged when you comment and I like to let people know I am reading their stuff. I like giveaways but I have only joined in on 1 and done 1 they are time consuming and I like to spend my money on myself :)


This was perfection. I am normally pretty good at commenting and replying to emails, but as I've gotten more followers this gets harder and harder. My goal is to find time in my day to connect more with other bloggers, because the community is what makes this thing worth it, no?


I write the same way I did in college most of the time...right before I need to get it done!


I believe responding to comments is a nice thing to I generally do so. My general rule is that if it's a no-reply blogger or if the comment was very boring (i.e. "Great blog!!") or if I can't think of anything to say, I don't respond. But other wise I do, it does take a some time, though! If it comes to commenting on other people's blogs or responding to my own blog comments, I'll always choose commenting on others' blogs.


I try to respond to comments, but I get way less than you do so it's not too hard. Hell, you may not even READ this one because it's #43 or something!

I always have these great intentions to pre-write and schedule posts but it rarely happens and so I end up writing at work (ssshhhh), barely proofreading, and hitting Publish. Ugh.


I'm really bad about comments. I always read everything that my favies (you duh) post, but it's usually on my phone and it's a pain in the badonk to comment from my phone, so I always tell myself that I'm going to come back to it with a witty and charming little comment, but I never do. I'm the worst. #WhatWouldHeleneDo


Really glad you posted this. A) The pics are FABULOUS... for real #bonquiqui B) I received a comment on a post I did yesterday that was really a "I'll keep you in my prayers" kind of thing and all I got was a "Hey now! How are ya? I'm following you - wont'cha follow back?" UM... no bitch I will not. Thank you for your honesty because frankly if you don't have the time to respond, I'd rather ya didn't. Keep doing what you're doing girl!


I'm glad you posted this. I don't always comment too. I really should but there are times where I don't know what to say. I also try my best to write posts earlier in the week, edit and then publish them doesn't always happen.


I follow SO many blogs on Bloglovin that I just can't comment on every blog--some weeks, I only get to a few of them. I also won't comment if I have to jump through hoops. I had to make a decision and so if you have to enter more than the comment itself, I'm not leaving one. I also have a full time job and I can't respond to every comment. It's a full time job having a blog and I do that for fun. Don't sweat it! :)


Good for you for doing what you do and owning it! I respect that! :)


I found this blog post to be so reassuring. We are very similar in that I don't do any of these things either and I thought it was a huge faux pas - always nice to know you're not alone!

I don't comment on all the blogs I read because I barely have time to even catch up on my bloglovin' feed, let alone leave comments for everyone.

Although I do respond to my comments, I'm sure I don't get the amount you do per entry, so it's different.

I don't do giveaways or anything like that and I'm pretty sure I never will. I'm happy with a readership who reads because they like what i have to say or are supporting my writing endeavors.

Thanks for this post! <3


First and foremost, it is always your blog & you can do whatever you want. But personally, I've never gotten a reply from you no matter if I've commented, emailed, twittered, or instagramed. I find it very offensive when I take time out of my day to send a heartfelt email to someone and I can't even get a quick "thanks".

I am a smaller blogger, but I also work a full-time job and don't have tons of spare time. I don't know anything about "blogger rules" but just follow common courtesy. I like comments so comment when I can, not every blog I read but when I have something to say. And I always respond to my comments because its super easy even if its just to say "thank you for stopping by!" And I make a point to visit the people that constantly comment bc that means they are constantly reading MY blog!


Love this post! I think it's so funny that people think blogging is suppose to be done a certain way, when really ... it's your blog and you can literally do whatever the heck you want.
And can I just tell you that you always have the best gif's :)


I forget to comment sometimes, I get distracted by a certain little 2 yo lol

Responding to comments...forgetting....GUILTY! And the ones I actually do respond to end up being no-reply bloggers FAIL

I did 2 giveaways and never again! It's a pain in the ass!


i think you're swell.
never change.
