Thursday, July 11, 2013

The People You See at the Gym- Part 2

Hi Loves!

As you all know, I've been spending lots of time in the gym lately. Working out? It's alright. But if I'm being honest here.. the best part of going to the gym is the people watching. Similar to going to the mall or airport, I get a weird thrill from watching people and making up things about them to myself. It may or may not be one of my favorite past times. I already talked about a couple of the people I see regularly at the gym here, and now I've got some more.

one. The teacher's pet

She is the first one waiting in front of the door for class to start. She gets her stuff and parks herself smack dab in the middle of the first row. During class she's trying to show off and asking unnecessary questions. Yo lady, chill out. We're all here to do the same thing and I can't see the instructor when you're raising your hands in the air because you have a question. It's not that serious.

two. The matching guy

You might not see this one at your gym, I have a feeling it's not very common. This guy is attractive and fit and the first time you make eye contact you might smile and nod. You happen to notice that he's wearing red shorts, red shoes, and red headphones. It seems a bit odd but hey, maybe he just did laundry? Then you spot him the next day.. blue shorts, blue shoes, and blue headphones. Wait what? This guy coordinates his entire outfit every single day, down to his Beats by Dre. Who has that much time, patience, or money?

three. That lady in the locker room

Oh dear lord, she's naked. Letting it all hang out for the world to see! But wait, she dropped something and she bends right on over to pick it up. Meanwhile, I'm changing my clothes in the bathroom stall so that nobody sees my naked flesh. Look lady, I give you some serious props for just not giving a shit but I just worked out, I'm tired, and I'm cranky.. I do not want to see that! Kindly utilize the free towels that the gym so graciously offers.

four. The hot trainer

He's just standing around training his clients, yet he manages to look extremely attractive no matter what he's saying or doing. Meanwhile, I'm sweating and cussing under my breath on the elliptical just watching him from afar like a total creeper. Then he looks up and sees me. Oh crap. Look away, look away. Start sprinting so it looks like you're working really hard. Then the girl he's training looks up and glares saying "I pay him a crazy amount of money to pay attention to me so back off!" She's right and I stop.. for about 30 seconds. If I don't stare at him then I'm forced to watch the minutes tick down on my workout and what's fun about that?

five. The sweaty guy

This guy isn't just sweating, he looks like he just took a shower or got thrown in the pool. He may also be breathing very heavily and his skin is pale. Actually, he looks like he might be about to pass out. On second thought, maybe I better go get him some help before he falls over. He's probably going to injure himself and the people around him.

So while it may seem like I love going to the gym and enjoy myself while I'm there? It's only because I get to silently judge the people above while I'm there. Don't lie, you know you do it too!



And this is why I don't go to the gym anymore.
Except not really, that's a lie. I just hate the gym.

Also, I think I just set a record for how many times that last gif has been watched.


I workout at home. I hate the gym. I feel like everyone is staring at me...and thinking "this girls sucks at working out!" haha


Hahahaha all of these are so true. Except for some odd reason, our trainers aren't that hot. Except one but I think he's gay.


I think I might be the sweaty gal.


Hahahaha, color coordinated guy definitely goes to my gym...and my yoga class...down to his yoga mat. Not even kidding, he changes his mat based on his yoga clothes. Although his abs are so good, I just might forgive him...


THIS made my day. Hi most accurate thing ever!!! I used to go to a gym where every morning the same lady would walk backwards on the treadmill in a sweatshirt and jeans. WTF?? NO.


Is it terrible that Caleb and I make a date out of "people watching" in Walmart??? Ha!


so... i do yoga and i have another character to add! the overweight person (can be male or female) THAT ALWAYS FARTS DURING YOGA.

*insert hysterical childish giggle*


I work out at my office gym and there's nothing more awkward then a co-worker walking around the locker room naked, standing in front of the mirror doing their hair. Put a bra on!


what about the people going at snail pace on any machine and just talking/texting/browsing on their phone the whole time?? & im not talking about the superhumans who can speedrace on the elliptical while reading a magazine but like the people who are moving slower than my grandma for no other reason than they cant miss what's happening on their phones? why even bother going to the gym!

i also judge girls who don't put their hair up when working out.



Only moments ago I was in the front row of a Body Combat class looking like a beached catfish flopping around! I like to watch beached fish when I'm not in the class, they're my favorite.


You are SO spot on with these. I can picture the EXACT person at my gym who fits your description. The locker room lady was once bending over drying her hair under the automatic hand dryer... Scarred for life.


Hahah, this is spot on. My boyfriend IS the super sweaty guy. Less embarrassing at the gym, but it's mortifying when we go to a Mexican restaurant and he sweats from the hot sauce :-/

Big Apple, Little Bites


I used to work at a gym and part of my job was to go into the girls locker room and just check to make sure it was clean and all that. There was this woman who was totally "that lady" and I would always try to avoid her but would always get stuck having a full on conversation with her while she stood there butt naked. It was so incredibly awkward.


There's an older guy that I see every morning who grunts SO loudly during every single rep. And it's not like he's curling 50lbs or anything. Weird people live at the gym...


I think the matchy matchy guy might be universal. And I bet I tied with Whitney for the number of times I watched that last gif. I can't get enough. Too funny!


Seriously, the best thing about going to the gym!


I used to have a gym membership for a 24 hour gym so I could go late at night and not have to worry about seeing anyone else. i went one time during the day and saw someone I worked with and I never went again. I hate seeing people when I work out!


i just went to the gym during my lunch break and had the pleasure of seeing naked lady. jeez louise!


I don't use the women's locker room because there is only so much lady vag I can handle on a given day.

Yes, I realize it's ladies only, but please, if you're going to sit on the community benches/stools, please put some drawers on.



OH this is soooooooooooo GOOOOD, Sami!! SPOT ON ;-D

Love love love each of these (I WISH I had Matching Guy at our gym!!) I did once see Cosby Sweater Guy which was awkward and impressive (total Cliff Huxtable sweater on the 10 grade treadmill...)

And I WISH I did NOT have Lockerroom Lady, but I suuuuuure do!

And PS: The Girl who talks on her phone while working out from Part One? Eeeeeew, I hate that girl! ;-)


Matching guy, my fiance isn't near that bad but yes, he does want to match. I'm over here like hey i got dress and I'm here to sweat...a lot...don't care. AND WHY do people insist on being nude in the locker room, no bad bad bad esp when you work out at work and its your coworkers!! EKEKKEEE (yes, its happened to me)


I was on the last treadmill, the one against the front windows, and all of the other treadmills were open.

Then a fella came in, took the treadmill RIGHT next to me, and started running.

While running, he started punching the air. Like he was beating up an invisible foe.

I. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing.

I didn't know if he was doing it on purpose to mess with me or if he was genuinely trying to do karate while running, but he hopped off after about 10 minutes and left me alone.

It was amazing.

P.S. There's another kind of person at the gym: the person I am. The one mouthing and dancing to Britney Spears on the treadmill. Or maybe model walking it out. Because why shouldn't your work out be fun and silly?


Ha ha I love the gym for that reason - people watching. I get such a kick out of it, plus it makes time go by faster. Unfortunately I haven't been to the gym in a long time.. but my boyfriend goes religiously and is always coming home telling me about some of the crazy things people do. I get a kick out of it :D


Ha! This is too funny...I especially like it because I'm now dating "the hot trainer"! And it cracks me up when girls/women (mostly older, middle-aged women) give him googly eyes during his classes. :)

I recently found your blog in my quest to find fellow Colorado bloggers!

- Hannah


SAMI. A lady legit fell off a treadmill yesterday. I didn't see it, but my conversation about the personal training signup was interrupted because she felt she needed to tell the front desk people. I would RUN OUT and never go back!


OMG I have seen the matching guy!So weird!! And the naked women in the locker room...I used to be a camp counselor at the YMCA and they would sometimes be in there after the kids went swimming....just imagine how THAT went haha!


So. True.
The teacher's pet. So. True.


The post, the gifs , I love it all! I am the ultimate people watcher, glad I'm not alone!


Reason why I don't work out at the gym...

Who am I kidding! I don't even work out. Period! HA!


Six. The person that pretends to work out, but really is just tweeting 'at the gym' and Instagramming a picture of their feet on the equiptment.

(Raises hand.)



Ughhh the naked old ladies in the locker room will never cease to surprise me... yick.

And the sweaty guy? Umm excuse me.. please clean your machine pretty please? And then I still won't use it because ewww...


Matching guy? That's crazy. Ain't nobody got time for that!


This is all so true not to mention is it me or are the women who are naked always like nintey with there tits hitting the floor!!


The last gif made me lol. Love it.


The naked lady, you forgot when she tries to TALK to you while changing. Really, do I look like I want to chit chat while I brush my hair and your boobs hit the floor when you bend over. EW. Scarred for life.


The gifs make this post all possible. Love me some gym personalities.


This is great!


I love these!! and yes - people watching is by far the best activity at the gym!


Bahahahaha!! OMG!! Hilarious!! I change in the stall and can't stand the women who dont. I seriously don't need to see those tots flopping all around. And there is a guy at our gym we call the Rubber Band Man. He does all that band training but does it completely wrong!! A few times the bands have snapped back and hit him. hahaha. And he awkwardly giggles to himself while he's working out. We thought he listened to comedy when he trained, but turns out my husband heard him doing it one day with no headphones on. haha. I hope I'm one of the normal people at the gym!!


Oh this is too funny! I work with a lady that has to match everything even down to her towel for the gym. Super sweaty guy runs at lunch around our office. Then stretches in his gap kids sized shorts. Ew lol.


every monday and wednesday i have to listen to a geriatric woman grunt, scream, and moan her way through a work out. it's tragic.

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