Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Everyone is getting married.. and I'm over here like I love my dog.

Hey Pretties!

I was thinking about something last night and of course my first thought was "I need to share this on the blog!" I mean what else is new right? Thank god for blogging, otherwise my daily ramblings would never have somewhere to go.

You see, I'm 23 years old and I graduated college two years ago so apparently I'm supposed to be in a relationship or married? Hell to the no.

Everyone I know is getting married, and I'm just sitting over here like I love my dog. I get asked all the time, why are you single? I've had family members and friends telling me I need to do this or that so I can be in a relationship. Has anyone ever thought for a second that I enjoy being single?

I mean being single has its perks you guys, alot of them.

We all know that I'm basically having a love affair with my DVR. I think my Season Pass list is like 40 shows long. That's pretty embarrassing, but you know what? I can record all of those shows because I'm not sharing it with anyone. Every Real Housewives franchise? Done. Pretty Little Liars? Yes please. I thank god everyday that there is no ESPN or CSI taking up space on my beloved DVR.

I have a full-size bed. It's not the biggest but you know what it fits perfectly? A girl and her 7 lb dog. I can sleep on the left, on the right, or right in the middle. Whatever I fancy on that particular night. When I get up and don't feel like making it that day? Don't have to. I'm doing laundry and all I have clean are the mismatched sheets? Nobody sees them but me! It's fantastic.

Monday- Friday you'll find me at my 7:30-4:30 job and most days are great. I go to work and I come home and make dinner or I run some errands. Some days.. I want to go home and drink copious amounts of wine. The great thing about being single? I can have wine for dinner and nobody is there to tell me how ridiculous that is. My only wish is that someone was there to refill my glass when it's empty. I haven't taught Lily how to do that yet!

 Remember last week when I said one of the secrets to a successful marriage is hiding your purchases? Well when you're single, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want and nobody can say a word about it. Lily might be silently judging but I keep her quiet with treats. No I probably didn't need that 6th pair of yoga pants but hey I can go longer without doing laundry! Win.

One of the best parts of having a big girl job? Paid Time Off. Those three words are among my favorites when it comes to words that are used at work. Others being Lunch, Quitting Time, or Payday but that's besides the point. The great part about being single? All of my vacation time can go towards visiting my girlfriends and meeting blog friends and I could not love that more.

I'm sure one day I'll be happy and content in a relationship, but for right now I'm just going to enjoy the perks of being single!



If you teach Lily how to pour a glass of wine I will personally fly you to Orlando to train Ella the same trick.


being single rocks. no one to judge you bringing in your bags of clothes. no one to tell you that you've had too much to drink. i mean, i'm all about it - right now anyways : )


i have a feeling that the universe is going to read this post, laugh, and make you bump into a cute boy in the next month ;).


Right there with you, girl! I'm a marathoner when it comes to being single. Now get to teaching Lily to refill your glass! ;)



Not kidding, once I realized how awesome being single was, I accidentally fell in love with the most handsome man I've ever met. So I have to agree with Faith, your love life is about to get exciting!


I completely agree! I'm 24 and in an almost 3 year relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything, but I do wish I would of had more single time!! I think it's sad and crazy that girls younger than us are pressuring theirselves to get married and have babies! That all can wait!! I guarantee that if something happened and I became single again, I'd keep it that way for awhile.


HA. Single certainly has it's perks but so does being in a relationship. All that matters is you are happy where you are right now! :) And I love all those work words too. Those are the best ones!


I am like "everyone is having kids im over here like heres my dog" HAH! Love the post! I do envy the bed thing. Sharing a bed with a husband and 2 pitbulls..not easy!


I completely feel you. I love'd this post! No babies or weddings over here!


I love this post! I like not having to tell anyone what I am doing all the time. I can just go and I answer to no one! muwahaha! lol


OMGosh - I saw the title for this post and was like "I HAVE TO READ THIS BECAUSE IT'S ME!!!"

I'm 27...graduated undergrad in 08 and grad school in 10. And here I am...still single. Not that I haven't had guys who want to date, but it's ME who doesn't really want the whole serious relationship, let's get married, and have kids thing.

I'm still, at age 27, trying to find my footing and jump start my career. I'm going in the right direction, but I have other priorities to take care of before I even think about putting time/effort into a relationship.

Not to mention...my dog is totally amazing and spending time with him is fine by me! And yes, I can watch all my shows every day and have fun and relax!

Girl, I think we're doing it right. ;)

Have a great day!


AW i LOVE this post.

just the other day my mom told me i need to get married so i don't have to borrow so many of her dishes. i was like seriously?! i don't need to get married to get that stuff..you gotta get boring stuff when your married not bright purple pots and pans....
i will say it does get pretty old when people ask me why i'm not married and i really really wanna ask them why they are bald or why they don't pluck their chin hair. but i just smile and say cause i like to do what i want to do when i wanna do it!!
happy tuesday!


Girl you go on with your bad self! I am *gulp* 29 going on 30 this year, and I am so thankful that I spent my early and mid twenties single. I had time to figure out who me is, live on my own and spend time with just me and my dog and life was great! It makes you a much stronger person! Now I am all like, all my friends are having kids on purpose and I am over here like hey look at these pictures of my dogs, aren't they adorbs?!


Totally agree!!! I was 28 when I got married, and I'm SO GLAD I had several years of being single and living alone. I kind of miss the days of having the whole bed and DVR to myself! Lol. :)


I completely agree, I am 23 and my family is like "when are you getting married" and "Oh, he's cute". I like my independence, and I decided a long time ago that I did not need a man to make me happy. I am perfectly fine being single. I loved this post!

Have a great day!
Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide


haha I love this. Also the second gif with Mackenzie from T&T is my favorite.


Can we just discuss the 19 year-old sophomore Adpi who had her engagement candlelight yesterday........... I'm not joking.
That toddlers & tiaras gif though, slowly becoming my life motto.



I am so on the same boat as you! I love being single and hate the pressure from family to be in a relationship and get married. We are young and should definitely enjoy this time we have!! Go ahead and drink that extra glass of wine tonight and you enjoy the real housewives!


preach it sister!!


My best friend and I actually had this conversation last night. We were like, well, we are doing what we do and not caring about relationships anymore. We can eat what we want and not share, have dance parties to embarassing Britney songs, not wear make-up some days. Ah, welcome to the good life; single life.


I didn't get married until I was 33. I started dating my husband when I was 25, but I spent from about 19 - 25 alone with pretty much zero dates and I loved loved loved it.



I love my marriage and my kids but girrrrrl, you said it right! Single days/years are some of the best times in life!


i do miss my times to myself. i love just chillin and doing what i want when i want. and no man can make me happy unless I like what's i got going on. love this Sami!


Thank you thank you thank you!!! I needed to read this :) My boyfriend of a year & I just broke up and I was hesitant to come back to the blog world and see a million and 8 things about awesome married couples younger than me but this is the first post I saw. LOVE it! Love you! Thank you again!!

--Kaela @ twentysomethingdating.net


Do you know sometimes the only way I can get my dog to come up on the couch and cuddle with me is by waving my wedding ring and saying, "Wanna get married???" Not joking.

And my husband and I joke all the time that we would LOVE separate houses. Mine would be decorated pretty much all white, with splashes of pink. It would be awesome. :)


I've been married for almost 20 years and after reading your post I now want to be single! lol....


I am so glad that I read this post!

Wait until you your friends get into what I like to call "mommy mode" and all the do is talk about "trying" for kids (gross i know but women like to talk about that I guess), the kids on the way, or the kids they have now. As a non-married in a relationship 29 year old I am ready to never be in "mommy mode"

love your blog!


haha AMEN, sista. I so needed to read this today too after reading like three of my favorite bloggers' proposal posts. BARF.


Not that we weren't already twinsy besties, but you watch PLL, so you just sealed the deal. WHAM BAM THANK YOU ALLISON.

Tonight, 8 p.m., take a wild guess where I'll be? Besides with my head stuck in a wine bottle, duh.


I am going to be 30 this year...and not married. Just imagine how "fun" family gatherings are with my giant Irish Catholic family and all of my married cousins. I told my mom I wasn't getting married until there was marriage equality in NJ...and I think I almost killed her. I do have a boyfriend and I yearn for the days where my bed belonged to just me and the cats.
Penniless Socialite
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Enjoy dem perks of being single right meowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


First of all, if you should be married - what am I supposed to say at almost 28? I couldn't be further from that!

Second of all, what kinda stupid question is that anyway? "Why aren't you married?" "Because I chose to dump my prince charming who laid the world to my feet just because I felt like it" --??? Seriously? If we had all been in happy relationships and proposed to, we probably would get married. Until that happens, we are single and it is ok that way for the reasons you listed and many more. But there is no reason for it and as a result no point in asking why.



Girl take your time! I did't get into a serious "i want to marry this guy" relationship until this past year and I'm 29. I'm so thankful I had my me time, friend time, I do what I want time. Live it up sista!


Ohhhh even though I just got engaged I LOVE THIS. I'm 5,000 miles long distance so let's just chalk that up as I still get to work around my own schedule. #winning


I love this post! I'm 24, Single, and an very independent girl! Even though, I desperately want a relationship, I love my Single time!


yes that was a big fight when Matt and I first moved in together/ got engaged/ married for a year/ now...the DVR is filled with his ESPN and football games and I definitely pulled the "it's my TV" card once or twice because I bought the dang thing and the cable was in my name (at first)....I do miss the shopping with no judging, but now I relaly want a house instead of my tiny apartment so i guess I have to prioritize...but I will NOT give up my pampering!! I need to be beautified haaha


This is amazing, I feel the EXACT same way, thank you!

Sparkles and Shoes


I love the title of this..hahhahaha. I am constantly picking up after my boyfriend and having a bitch about how many soccer games he records and never watches...so you're not missing out, that's for sure!


Hahaha! My husband recently asked, "Can we please stop recording Gossip Girl?! You never watch it." To which I replied..."but its THERE if I want to! You never watch this football game that's been on here for 2years either!" So we deleted something else. Give and take, my grandma says, bahaha! (Yes, I'll take a new pair of black Lululemon yoga pants...and brown riding boots...and perfume...and, and, and!) Even if you're married, you'd still have problems, namely if you don't push out a baby right away. We've been married 8 years and my husband's family CANNOT UNDERSTAND why we have not had a baby yet. Well, we wanted to wait awhile, but that was hard for them to understand, so I had to show my a$$ in front of a bunch of them to make them leave me alone. All joking aside, I think people "expect" you to have done something by a certain time and it's like, if you haven't...they really don't know what to talk to you about! (Probably because they never experienced being young and single and LIVIN IT UP, or young and married and LIVIN IT UP, or blah blah blah).
I'm just rambling now, sorry :P


and um I'm sorry for world's longest comment


Coming from a married lady, I agree with every point you made. Enjoy your single life! I know I did!!!!!


Preach! Thank goodness I don't have to explain to anyone as to why I bought 3 pairs of shoes I don't need! :)


You and me both, girlfriend. I literally just posted that I have like 6 weddings to attend over the next 4 months. Aint nobody got time for that!


I heart you and I'm jealous! Enjoy being single!


Girl, you are freaking 23!!!!! I am glad you are living it up!!! I got married waaaaaaaaay too young and wish I would have waited. Don't get me wrong, I love Ross, but I feel liked I missed out on so much in my 20s!!! have fun with your girls, be wild, be crazy and be YOU!!! You have plenty of time!! People need to just SHUT it and mind their business! ;)


hi... are we soul sisters?!?
my thoughts exaaaaaaactly. well, minus the wine, but only cuz I don't drink (:
everytime I get a little down for not having some hot bod by my side, I realize, helloooo... those shopping bags in your car? not possible if marriage was part of this picture. haha I'll buy things and my married friends act jealous and always say things like "well when you're married, you can't just buy things like that anymore." And my answer? sucks to suck. haha ;)
there are a TON of perks to being single and we should definitely take advantage while we can!

... I just need a pup in my life. like NOW. and I'd really be content.


enjoy every moment, girl! you have the rest of your life to be old and married and boring like me! :)


Take it from your old married friend... 23 is an amazing time to live YOUR life and have fun. I didn't meet Nate until I was almost 28 and I didn't get married until I was 30. Take your time, enjoy life and your adventures! Love you.


Almost 25 and get these questions ALL. THE. TIME. Single, do what I want, and I'm fine with that. Relationships, marriage, and kids will still exist in a few years.


Ron Swanson is my hero!


I'm with you on the bed situation. I love having it all to myself and being to move as much as I want.


I was always single until I met Ben and I LOOOOOVED it. I would party with my roommate every night like I was a socialite or something. It's great.


Although I agree with your list, I've got it made (for me). I'm in a relationship but still enjoy every one of those perks you've listed... except maybe the bed one. I have a queen and I *despise* sharing my sleeping space. Mainly because I sprawl out =]

I'm glad you see the positive aspects of being single. Most people overlook them.


Amen! I love my single life! I'm honestly not in a place in my life where I want to be tied down to anything right now. I like having all of my evenings and weekends to myself where I can plan to hang out with my friends or just chill be myself.


I know about the whole love affair with the dvr thing, I just got one while my husband's been in the hospital. He has no idea what he's in for.


I wish my fiance would let me drink wine for dinner and STFU about it-- or find a friend of his own to go drink beer with. He thinks he is Mr. Awesome because I ALWAYS get to watch what I want on TV and he never complains. Greatly tho, we both love the dog. -- awesome blog post!


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