Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Day in the Life at Work

Hi Bunnies!

Work has been really crazy the past few weeks, which has resulted in the rest of my brain to mush. When my brain is mush and I can't bring myself to type up a blog post you get on of two things.. no blog post or GIFs.

What I really should have done is posted a before and after picture form my day. Before: hair down, makeup on, and a smile on my face. After: hair in a messy ponytail, makeup smeared, and a dazed expression. Dear Tuesday, please hurry up and be Friday. Okay thanks!

My work day in GIFs:

When I get to work at 7:30..

When I turn on my computer and see 50+ urgent emails..

When emails are answered and it's time to eat breakfast..

When someone asks for something to be done in the next 10 minutes..

When Spotify doesn't work..

When the phone rings 27 times in 5 minutes..

When I don't have time to leave my desk for lunch..

When my iPhone is dying and I forgot my charger at home..

When Excel freezes and force closes the spreadsheet I worked on for an hour..

When it's only 3:30 and I have an hour left in my day..

When I realize it's 4:30 and I get to leave..

When I'm on my way to happy hour..

Please tell me I'm not alone here.. I know someone has to have a similar work day!

That's all I got! See you all tomorrow!



This immediately put a smile on my face!! Happy Tuesday indeed.


What Spotify gets sassy I already know it's going to be a REAL rough day. AKA I might as well leave because shit's probably going to go up in flames without being able to listen to Katy Perry on repeat.


I love this post - too funny! I've had days similar to that at work :D


Haha, this post is fabulous!! Those are hilarious and some a little too close to home, haha. I think my brain actually turns to jello when I have an hour left in the day. New follower and loving reading your blog!


This is literally my life!


This. All of this. Except I work so closely with one person that I don't get a ton of emails everyday and I don't have a phone.


YES! Story of my life as well! Preach it!


When they blocked spotify at my job for good....there is no gif to express all the anger and sadness i felt!


bahahah YES!! Love this!


Ohhh hell yes. This is so true. Dear lord make it stop.


true story. all of it. the excel part especially!!!


Hilarious! I love it!


You just explained my day yesterday to a T. Except I cant listen to Spotify because I am on the phone with tax assessment offices half my day. The horror!


Hell Yeah!! This is like everyday on repeat!!


Haha YES a hundred times!


every dang day. I stopped being nice to a lot of people too, they do something annoying, I tell them its annoying, hateful, not making me be their friend.


You hit the nail on the head my friend!


this is spot on, gif for gif, my day. I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Gosh, I would pay someone to be able to leave work at 4:30 :p You nailed it, girl!


Story of my life right here, except I don't get to enjoy Spotify or any music at all!


Yep... pretty much summed up my work day to the capital T *sigh*

Come ooooon Friday!


Oh this is so my life.. Just living the dream one day at a time!


OMGsh ... YES!!! Do you work for the same company that I do? This is totally my day, errday!!
Where do you find such awesome GIFs?


yep, that looks about right!


lol... love this! I can definitely relate. Hope the rest of your week goes well.


Omg yes!


OMG these GIFs were perfect to describe a work day! My old job would be exactly like that! I'm lucky now that my job is a little more relaxed, but I can definitely feel your pain girl!


Thank post made my day! Thank you!


These GIF's should just be posted in my office as a timeline for everyone's reference.




That is my day everyday as well.


Hahah! this was me when I was in accounting...now that I am a teacher my day is full of pulling my hair out...then heading to happy hour!


Thank you for putting a smile on my face! Just what I needed!! :)


When emails are answered and you can eat breakfast. LOL My fav.


Stop it! Loved every single part of this, it made me laugh, love!


fahhreaking love love looove this.
My work life in a freaking nutshell!


hahahaha. This. made. my. night! lol. Such a fabulous post, love. If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit. :)



Hahahahaha thanks for the laughs!! This is spot on!!!


Yup. That's pretty much how it goes. Except I would add in the office gossiper coming in and sharing all the big "news" of the day. OK THANKS BYE!


This is so hilarious. You are certainly not alone!


I'm going to have to echo some comments above...do we work for the same company?? ;) I hear ya, sister!


lather, rinse, repeat.
this is my day. in a day nutshell.

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