Remember when I was really into changing my lifestyle and was eating healthy and working out on the reg? Yep, me too. I had a crazy amount of motivation and I was so into it.
Then life happened. I got busy, I had stuff going on,
Excuses can be a real bitch.
I'm tired.
I want to go to Happy Hour.
I want to go home.
I want to sleep in.
It's just one workout.
I'll do it tomorrow.
I'm sore.
I'm stressed.
Here's the thing.. for all the excuses I can make up for why I shouldn't work out? They are all just reasons why I'm never going to reach my goals. They are all just reasons that I'm going to continue to be uncomfortable in my skin. They are all just stupid reasons, when deep down I know I need to get off my butt and just go do it.
But now it's time to come up with some new excuses. Excuses for why I shouldn't skip the gym.
My body is not going to change itself.
If I don't use my gym membership, it's a waste of money.
I'll feel better about myself.
You never regret a workout.
It's a great stress/anxiety reliever.
I need to make time for myself, not everyone else.
Endorphins make you happy, happy people don't kill their husbands.
So ya, there's that and although most of you could probably care less.. some of you may relate. Also when I say it out loud in blogland, I tend to remember that I have to hold myself accountable to follow through.
As my sweet friend Mal would say.. time to jump on the Skinny Train.
PS. I'm back to doing the My Fitness Pal thing if you're so inclined to play along.
Let's do the damn thing.
love love love this.. and i am bad at doing this too.. i go through stages but i think its normal!
It's sooooo easy to become un-motivated. Or to go out on a Saturday night and milk a hangover for four days / make an excuse to not hit the gym for four days because you feel like crap and you're tired. Every time we move my schedule goes all wonky and I find myself making excuses. I'm tired. I need to unpack. I need to work. And then I remind myself that a one hour workout is only four percent of my day. Some days that quote works, other days that quote doesn't. Damn it, I hate that quote actually, because it's so true. You can do this Sami-Sha-Nay-Nay. I loved your line about needing to make some time for yourself, not for everyone else. I think I'm going to set that to pop up when my alarm goes off. It's more motivating than the "Your ass isn't going to get skinny if you continue to sit on it!" that my alarm is currently set at ;) xoxo
I really liked this post. I am a week and a half into my gym and fitness journey and this time around I am trying to keep my motivation and positively up (which is difficult for me). I always try to remember the one about never regretting a workout, it's so true!
I love this. You're totally on point here!
love the legally blonde reference! you've got this lady
this post is perfect. i also just started using myfitnesspal and its helping me A LOT...was actually going to write a post about it tomorrow!
also i def just watched legally blonde on sunday and that quote is amazeballs :)
I'm going to need some mad motivation once I pop this second baby out! It practically fell off me last time and I don't think it's going to be the case this time around. I feel terrible about myself and I have made all the excuses in the world of why I can't work out this pregnancy... shame on me.. wah.. I just hate it!
I have the hardest time not drinking on the weekends...ESPECIALLY during football season! Then you know, there are nachos and hot dogs and other yummy game day food that you just cant pass up. Then Monday morning rears its ugly face and I am 4 lbs heavier and bloated. I feel ya girl.
good luck! it really is so easy to make excuses, but it's nice that you can always get back into it too.
-- jackie @ jade and oak
Amen! I started running last week...then stopped when I got a cold. You can do it!
Going to print this out and hang it on my fridge...I'm the queen of excuses.
Very well said!!! When I'm working out and I'm hurting and cussing myself I just remind myself if I don't do it my clothes won't fit lol
I feel ya. I am the queen of the damn excuses and just being lazy.
I know I've told you, but I'm really so happy you wrote this :)
Thanks for writing this! It hit home as I sit here (eating puppy chow) and thinking about how I'm too cold and tired to work out. I have every excuse in the book haha. Thanks for the motivation!
Just remember that you are a work on progress and you are still trying, which is more than most people do! No one is perfect! Just keep working on it and you know we are all here to cheer you on!
Ugh, I need to get on this skinny train too! I have had absolutely no motivation. Thanks for this. It's so true and helpful!
first of the legally blonde quote snuck in there :-)
i am a frequent excuse maker as well, always "im tired, ill do it tomorrow, etc." I think it also has to do with lifestyle with me sometimes. I know that if I go to bed late, im going to be so cranky and blah feeling the whole next day, therefore skipping the gym.
you can do it girl!! some people will just be like psshh whatever im over it...but you have the motivation i can feel it!!
I totally feel your pain. I will be doing so good for a few weeks and then it all goes to waste it seems like.
I've fallen off the wagon too... and it sucks. But I know we can both get back up. :) :)
I am right there with ya
excuses have been my best friend lately. My favorite, "oh, I'm on my i can't move..."
I always blame the weather for not getting to the gym, "it's too hot, it's too cold." It's kind of getting redic. I like you're take on it!
I consider my ability to make up excuses a talent. I find every single one under the sun. But you are so right, there are so many excuses to just do it! Thank you for the motivation I have been needing. Good luck on your fitness journey!
Oh wow - this was so what I needed to read today. I am so full of excuses - and let me tell you with two kids the list of excuses grows!! I can 100% relate to what you have posted today!! Here's to getting back on that train and doing something about! Sending good thoughts your way!!
I know I'm late to this party and I'm not sure if you've said this before or not so I apologize if you already did, but have you taken any progress pictures? I've found they're super helpful when you're getting into that "but I don't wanna" mindset. Even if you never share them with anyone and just have them for you to look at and check back from time to time they're such a great motivational tool - especially when you start feeling like it's not worth abandoning your comfy couch!
Happy people don't kill their husbands. ha ha. :)
Love it. And love you! You can do it, lady!
You got this, boo.
I'll be there with you every step of the way. Seriously, lets do this together. I have completely fallen of the train and started making bad excuses and bad decisions and you already know alllll of this. But lets get back in the game, okay?
I quit working out for two weeks because of my leg, and it's KILLING me. It has been nice having all the extra time on my hands, but I still miss it. All those reasons to work out are great motivation!!