Oh man are you in luck today, because my soon to be real life BFF Staci is here and she is hilarious. No really, she is. The first time I read her blog, I sat there at my desk and actually laughed out loud. She is a funny one. Oh, and I met her one time and she was pretty normal so that's cool too. I have to say I am a little sad that Middle School Staci isn't making an appearance, but this is another one of Staci's genius ideas and I think you'll enjoy it.
Take it away
Hi! I'm Staci & I blog over at High Cotton Blog. That's Staci with an I. Not a Y, not an IE, just I. And yes, I've heard the jokes about my mom. She's got it going on. Save it. Please.
Here's I am at a party. This is my response to everyone doing the Soulja Boy dance.
Are you bitter that Sami is going to Dallas to hang out with all the cool people like Helene & Max & Sarah? I'm definitely not. I never get bitter. I never get bitter & I never talk about celebrities. And I'm a lying liar who lies.
Here's a fun fact: Sami & I fundamentally disagree on almost everything that is truly important in this world. TV shows, which celebrities are the coolest, which salad is the most delicious, which Pretty Little Liars character is the sexiest, all the critical things.
Since she isn't here to argue with me today, I can say whatever I want about celebrities & have it live on her blog forever & ever!
Know what this all means? It's time for another round of a little game I like to call: Celebrity Terror Watch!
To assist us on this journey, I've brought along my favorite celebrity of all time, Britney Spears.
This week, I'm feeling nostalgic. I just want to eat a popsicle & watch Nickelodeon! So let's rate some of our favorite child stars!

Jamie Lynn Spears. Brit Brit's little sister & our favorite California boarding school chick is quite the Suzy Homemaker these days. Her scandalous teenage pregnancy turned into a non-scandal when Jamie got the hell out of LA the city & headed for LA the state. If there's any place 16 & pregnant kids thrive, it's the deep South. My high school even had a daycare attached for students to drop off their babies, not kidding. ANYHOW, Jamie Lynn is no longer 16 & pregnant- she's 22 & engaged! I mean...he's no K-Fed, but who is? This girl's gettin a GREEN light & a virginal Britney from me. She's got her shit together. You go Zoey 101!
Amanda Bynes. I'm not even gonna say anything, y'all. Except someone please call Stick Stickly. I feel like he could help.
That's all I've got, Sami readers. Can I call you Samders? Yea...bad idea. It's Friday! Go get your (snake twirling) Britney on!
Have a great weekend y'all! I'll be dancing in Dallas, but be sure to come back on Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!
Have a great weekend y'all! I'll be dancing in Dallas, but be sure to come back on Monday for Weekend Shenanigans!
Ohmgee that was too funny! I have a new blog to read and a new laugh for the morning! I was in much need of this post! The Amanda Bynes segment put me over the top! Awesomeness! XO
I love Staci! She's so funny! And this is all so very true lol
Staci always makes me laugh.
I didn't know about Jamie-Lynn getting engaged. Homegirl has her head set on straight, I'm impressed!
Love this and agree with all her choices here.
haha turnt it down a smidge. totally agree. that video freaked me out though. like i was scared.
Ahhh Stick Stickly! Hilarious!
All I have to say is...I love Staci so much but I don't trust anyone who doesn't think Ezra Fitz is attractive. Sorry, Staci. I'm onto you and your mental illness.
I am now going to try and break down all my life decisions and categorize them via your Britney scale...this could get ugly!
Great post!
I don't know your mom, but you got it goin on girl! This was hysterical! Thanks for this, will be following you girl!
Loved this!! Going to check out your blog page now!
Love this!!!!
Loved this post! Thanks Sami for letting Staci take over for a day. I already loved her but now I love her a bit more. :)
Lol!! Stick sticky!!
The Britney terror watch was one of my favorite things Staci ever came up with so I'm glad it's making an appearance here! xx
this girl needs to right a book! I'd buy it! :)
OMG. I just laughed out loud through this whole post!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
This was amazing. And Brit is my all time favorite celeb, too, so this REALLY made my day.
Also, aww, Stick Stickly...
a) i am more of a Wren fan myself. b) i am currently holding a contest on my blog for who can come up with the best miley haiku after watching that video. wtf wonder bread?!
That Miley video... was so intense. Definitely needs to turnt it down.
died at the stick stickly part! girl, you hilarious.
I can't even describe how much I love everything about this post. Staci, you are freaking hilarious (even though you don't think Ezra is attractive. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!). Killed me with Stick Stickly though. Omg.
OMG! That video was crazy lol
I had completely forgotten about Stick Stickly and now just really want the old Nickelodeon back.
Also looks like your having a blast in D-town!!!