As most other TV addicts know, the month of June is kind of a bummer as far as TV watching goes. All of your favorite shows had their season finales in May and now all you're left with is The Bachelorette. I mean at least last Summer we got Bachelor Pad and I would much rather watch that than any of these dweebs on Des' season.
But never fear, because towards the end of June and beginning of July, the good Summer shows come out to play. Here's what I'm watching and obviously I think you should too..
True Blood
I will say that I didn't get into this show until Season 3 but after a few episodes I was hooked. Shows like Vampire Diaries and True Blood are so much better than anything Twilight ever offered. Not even on the same scale. You should also know that shows about Vampires are the first sci-fi thing I ever got into so I'm not real embarrassed to say that I love vampires. Whatever. This show has a whole bunch of different sci-fi characters that I'm kind of like "Wow enough!" but somehow it works. I will say that after two episodes I'm not all that into this new season. The Bill storyline is just way too out there for me. Team Eric all day erryday!
Big Brother

I started watching Big Brother when I was in college because we were bored and used to hangout and drink while we watched the episodes because they are on three times a week. I have always been a fan of Real World as well as The Challenges, and this is a good mix of those two because there is drama and cat fights but also competitions and game play. I'm not as into as some people are and I don't watch the live feeds, but it's easy to watch and interesting. The newest season only started last night so if you missed it there is not much to catch up on!
A couple of months ago, I got free Showtime on my TV and I spent a good amount of time locked in my room being obsessed with this show. I watched all 7 seasons and was completely hooked. I mean it's kind of a genius concept, this guy who works for the police and is a serial killer.. but only of bad people. You are rooting for a murderer. It's weird, but so good. The last season is about to start and I can't wait to find out how they tie everything up and how they end it! Highly recommend as a show you can watch with a guy, because most of the shows I watch you cannot.
Pretty Little Liars
I mean obviously. This one has been discussed many times and you all know how much I love it. Yes it's on ABC Family but most of the time I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be. It's funny (not on purpose), scary, and leaves you wondering. I hate to admit this, but sometimes when I'm home alone and it's dark I actually have a hard time watching it because I'm convinced someone is at my house trying to kill me. It's fine. All of the previous seasons are on Netflix Instant so it's easy to catch up if you haven't been into the show before.
Oh Catfish. This is just some good quality WTF television. You sit there and watch these people actually believe they are in online relationships with people they have never actually seen. Sometimes they are like "But they don't have a webcam.. or a smart phone." I mean really? Every episode has some shock when you find out who the other person really is and that is just the best. Nev, the host and first person to ever be "catfished", tries to stay calm and be helpful and it's adorable. I tell you what, even if I was stupid enough to have an online relationship, I would never be stupid enough to go on TV and embarrass myself. Woof.
So those are all of the
Gosh I am so addicted to TV! I love True Blood & Pll! Catfish is just plain scary to me..but I can't help but watch it like a train wreck!
Big Brother used to be an ADDICTION for me... its just on like 3x a week and I can't keep up!!
i love True blood and PLL! My top fave shows!
Team Eric all the way! Gah, he is so sexy.
Omg I cannot wait for Sunday and Dexter! So sad it is going to be the last season. I am really interested in seeing where they go with it!
I watch waaaayyy too much tv as well. I am ok with it.
Yes, yes, and YES when it comes to True Blood, Dexter, and Pretty Little Liars!!
My cousin was just telling me about the show catfished yesterday.. I really want to see it :D
Didn't know Pretty Little Liars was on Netflix...I mayyyy now have to check it out. I've been wanting to, the Netflix reason just put it over the edge! Oh hello Saturday plans!
PPL is frightening and so suspenseful. I jump at least twice an episode.
Oh True Blood, I can't quit you. Seriously can't stop watching it no matter how out there it gets. Though I'm quite sad they killed Russel Edgington off again.
As much as I love Catfish these people need to use Google it's your BFF!
I can't watch true blood or dexter because I can't handle blood!! Haha but I think I would love catfish. And we know how I feel about PLL!
Oh I love love love Big Brother! I can't tell you how long I've watched that show and it makes me so happy that it's longer this year!
Say it with me... GOOGLE. It's free and people are only being Catfished because they are dumb. But it's still addicting :)
I watch and love all of those except for Catfish. I am so ready for Dexter! And definitely Team Eric!!
Seriously! HAHA I look in my DVR and get sad that there's nothing new! :)
We LOVE True Blood, but this season is a little odd. Dexter is another of our favorites, but we are always behind because we have to buy the DVDs since we don't have Showtime.
I love PLL, but this season seems a little weird too. So sad.
I haven't gotten addicted to your other choices... but I DO miss Bach Pad!! :( :( :(
Catfish is definitely one of my guilty pleasures!
Most definitely Team Eric...Sigh...
PLL totally scares me too. Like I thought about turning it off and watching it during daylight hours Tuesday.
I thought I was the only one who watched big brother!! I used to watch true blood and dexter but then it all just became too much - ESP after Rita was murdered in dexter... I couldn't do it anymore. I like to use the summer tv breaks to arch shows that I hadn't gotten into before - most recent : SCANDAL!! Soooooo good!!
I think we have the same TV brain. I stopped watching True Blood towards the end of last season because I don't have HBO in Stillwater, and honestly I didn't really miss it. The whole Billith thing is to bizarre for me..
Have you seen the most recent episode of Catfish? I just cannot. They are so dumb.
I used to be obsessed with True Blood...and then I got bored in the middle of the last season and stopped watching. I decided to give it another chance when it started again a few weeks ago and so far, once again, I am NOT impressed. Bilith needs to GO AWAY
Huge Big Brother fan. Like, staying up to date on the live feeds kind of fan :)
And my smart TV came with a free episode of Dexter & I'm hooked. I need to catch up!
Big Brother and PLL! Yessss!
Catfish is an obsession for me! I don't get how people can be so dumb nowadays! If you can't skype, facetime, something they aren't who they say they are!
You need to watch Mistresses! It is a great show!
I LOVE dexter!! My husband and I watch every season and I cant believe the last one is about to come on!!!
soooo i totally love true blood and pretty little liars too! funny, since they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. and yes, i get a little nervous being home alone watching pll since i'm convinced someone is watching me. and then i remember i'm boring ha.
-- jackie @ jade and oak
-- $75 anthropologie giveaway
That Alan pic I'm dying over...hahaha
I want a blogger to get catfished, just once. would make a good post.
also, I love true blood and it's amazingness!
Haha. Love tv!!!
Yeah I haven't been too thrilled with this season of True Blood so far. But I am so so sooo excited for Dexter!
I seriously need to watch more TV! I actually have read all of the True Blood books and am SO INCREDIBLY BUMMED that I don't get the station that the shows come on. I need to suck it up and buy the seasons or something, cause I'm sure I'd love it!
Enough of Bill. I'm so tired of him. Blah. Supposedly they're going to kill Eric off. An then I'll cry and never watch again. It will never be the same without him.
Big brother was so good last night. Did you DVR Big Brother after dark? I did and watched a little this morning. Here is my cast recap... Aaryn- going to be a tough female competitor, Andy- reminds me of an elf, David- dumb as a rock and he is always playing with his nipples, GinaMarie- already gets on my nerves, McCrae- I think its hilarious that they really don't think he is a pizza boy and I was really shocked he won HOH, Judd- cracks me up! Jeremy- really does look like Taylor Lautners older brother and never stops smiling, Amanda- is really funny, Jessie- I really don't care for her, she just sits there and does nothing, shes going to be a floater. Aaryn and David are going to be the first hook up, And, no I don't have their names all memorized I had to look them up! Lol! What did you think?
Wow that is a lot of TV shows! Haha I don't watch TV a lot but I just started Dexter last year and I LOVE IT. So good.
Seriously in LOVE with True Blood. That gif has me rollllling.
I've always wanted to be a TV junkie but for some reason I can never remember when shows are on and who goes with what shows. I blame this on the sorority house and all the random shows that would play all day errrry day.
Hello, my name is Jenny and I'm addicted to TV. I'm dying with all my fave shows on hiatus, but so is excited for Dexter! There is also a new Rivals Challenge coming up! And Catfish... I die. But you totally forgot SYTYCD! Omg, best competition show ever!
Okay, I will stop now.
Haha I totally agree...the people that get catfished while we have ALL of the technology are silly. They deserve to get duped.
Cannot wait for Dexter on Sunday night! The bf & I have a bet over how it's going to end.
And Catfish...don't even get me started. I watch every single episode and just shake my head for an hour straight.
I LOVE Dexter. I was a little disappointed in the last season...and even more disappointed that the next season is the very last one.
I'm really not a fan of the Bill story line on True Blood either. It's just weird.
It baffles me how people are still being Catfished and aren't digging around until they come to film the show. Um hello, didn't you see season 1??
Dang Sammi, why didn't we hang out in Stillwater?? I've been a BB fan since season 1! Boyfriend has me watching True Blood & I agree Catfish is a WTF moment!