I figured it's about time that I tell you about this one time I went to Dallas for the weekend and took a bajillion pictures that I must now share with the world. Except the weird ones. None of those for you. Okay fine, maybe a couple.
I arrived on Friday after spending about 4 hours in the Denver airport. It was really cute. I may or may not have consumed lots of wine and lots of cheesy artichoke dip.
I was greeted in Dallas by Helene and Sarah also known as the best two people to see at the Dallas airport ever.
We picked up Helene's sweet friend Lyndsie and went to dinner where we had an adorable gay waiter and yummy food.
We went to a bar and took shots and danced.
Saturday morning, I woke Helene up (oops) and she took me to get delicious coffee. Coffee that is great for hangovers.
Max arrived and we went to brunch and met up with Brynn, as well as my two gorgeous friends from college Jen and Rachel.
Brunch had unlimited cocktails for $7 and we took advantage. We were loud and obnoxious and the other patrons in the restaurant more than likely hated us. We did not care. Did you know that scarves can double as tents? Me either.
Drunk shopping happened. Except instead of buying clothes, I bought gelato. It was delicious. Helene bought this shirt.. just kidding she didn't. Max bought a shirt though.
Naps happened.
My first Dry Bar experience occurred and it was amazing. I'd like to be rich and go there on the daily. This was Sarah's idea and I am forever grateful to her, duh. PS. Denver you better get on the Dry Bar wagon right now.
Happy Hour happened. More drinks and some food.
We got in a cab with a big fan of Michael Jackson, then we went to some bars.
Sunday I wanted to die, literally. I felt like someone ripped out my insides and put them back in. Not chic. I don't know why it was important that you know this.
We met my best friend Katie and her boyfriend at Top Golf. I was dying so I did not play but it looked like so much fun. Plus they have a build your own Bloody Mar bar! Yum. PS. Denver does not have a Top Golf, this makes me sad.

Sunday night I spent the night with my other best friend, Lauren and alternated between sleeping and watching some guy walk across the Grand Canyon.
Monday I ate lunch at La Madeleine with both of my best friends and then I went to the airport and came back to Denver. PS. La Madeleine is another thing that Denver needs to hurry up and get. Come on!
I reunited with these little nuggets who have decided that they love each other. Precious.
My apologies that this is short and sweet, I am a crazy person at work this week! I know you all just wanted to see the pictures anyways.
I've said it once and I'll say it again.. go meet your blogger friends. Blogging is cool and weird all at the same time but meeting and hanging out with people you've met via blogging is always awesome. Thanks for a fabulous weekend girls and you are all welcome to come hangout in Denver anytime you want!
Ahhhh looks and sounds like so much fun. I NEED ONE OF THOSE CUPS AND STRAWS!!!
K, you convinced me, when's the next flight to Dallas??
a DryBar just opened a couple blocks from my house and I want to go sooooo badly!! looks fun!
ahh love all the pictures! I am rethinking I need that awesome shirt. so glad you were able to come to d-town despite your nasty 48 hour long hangover!!
I seriously need to have a blate one day! It looks like you ladies had a blast!
Also, I also that tight-rope walking guy cross Niagara Falls! Crazy stuff!
Fun fun funnnnnnnnn! Drunk shopping is THE BEST! ;-D
My BFF lives in Dallas and LOVES Top Golf.
Looks like you had a BLAST!! Gorgeous and fun photos as usual :-)
FIREBALLLL..... I still can't believe you had never had fireball before!
I want to try Dry Bar so bad! For now I have settle for the blow dry bars we have in Cincy!
Looks like you had an amazing weekend! I would totally buy more than gelato while drunk shopping...I already shop too much sober.
Looks like you had such a great time! I am slightly jealous of the alcohol consumed and drunk shopping that occurred.
Oh, looks like the best weekend ever! I was super jelly of ya'll all weekend! :)
So jealous of anyone in the same room as you and Miss Helene! Fabulousness!
Looks like an amazing trip, and Top Golf looks amazing! And bottomless drinks at brunch is a must!
I love everything about this. I wanna go to Dallas - you had me at Dry Bar and $7 unlimited cocktails
Drunk shopping is the best shopping :) Whether you buy gelato or shirts.
drunk shopping and a dry bar? what more do you need?! where are those rich husbands so we can all do this weekly?!?!
Where are those cups from?! They are so cute!!
I am so jealous of your amazing blogger filled weekend.
Helene, and that shirt. dying.
I really want it.
glad you guys had soo much fun!
Everything about this post makes me so happy for you friend. You seriously look amazeballs and it looks like y'all had such a blast. I think that bloggers are separated for a reason because I would not be alive if I lived next to my blog lovers. lol Hope you are having a great week.
Aww this looks like so much fun!! I think it's awesome that we can make friendships from this whole blogging thing! I seriously want to eat that artichoke dip! Yummy!
this looks like a BUSY weekend.
So glad y'all had fun!
What a fun looking weekend! I need to make a trip some where there is top golf....or they need to build one in KS.
I am so flippin' jealous! I love you and Helene to pieces!! She needs to come visit us!
Loved this whole thing...not just because you were in Texas, but that you realized that you need to put a fire under Denver's azz for a Dry Bar, Top Golf and La Madeline....guess you just need to move here!!