Friday, February 10, 2012

Facts on facts on facts

HELLO, my love bugs! 
Are you excited that it is Friday? I am!
I have to apologize for the title of this post.
I was trying to think of something cute and funny but this is all I got.
It made me laugh?
Listening to too much Jay-Z and Kanye this week? Guilty.

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? 
I'm going to the movies tonight and 
tomorrow I am making myself go going to Zumba and my parents are coming up to visit!
Sunday will be errands: nails and Hobby Lobby.
I'm pretty excited.

In today's post I will be filling ya'll in on 10 of the most random facts about me I could think of!
Because it's fun and Fridays are ALL about fun :)

1. I am convinced that someone is going to kill me.
Say wha? 
Well I live by myself and everytime I hear the slightest noise I think it's someone trying to break -in.  When American Horror Story was on TV I couldn't watch it unless it was light outside or I would go to bed having nightmares! Such a scaredy cat.

2. I LOVE to bake.
Seriously. Pinterest is no help either. Everytime I see a yummy recipe I want to stop everything I'm doing and make it. I kind of wish I could do it for a living but I said I love it..
I didn't say I was good at it ;)

3. Me + Saving money = IMPOSSIBLE
It's a bit ridiculous. 
If I have money in my possession I can always think of something that I want to spend it on. Thank the heavens I don't have a credit card. I really want to stop this habit so I created a reasonable budget and I am determined to stick to it.
Wish me luck.

4. I worked at Chuck E. Cheese.
This is always a fun thing to tell people. Yep, it's true. 
When I was in highschool I worked there for about 3 months I believe. It was hell. Oh and lets's not forget that I had to wear the Chuck E. Cheese suit more than once. VOM.

5. I am convinced my dog is a human being.
I know this is silly but I can't help it. 
I feel bad when I leave her because I think she will hate me. 
I ask her questions, expecting an answer.
I let her sleep in my bed, under the covers. 
I'm not ashamed.
She's essentially my child right?

6. I HATE the snow.
Ok, ok I know what you're thinking. Why do you live in Colorado?
Because I was born here.
Because my parents live here.
Because I love it here.
Let's get rid of all the snow and I will be happy.
Too much to ask?

7. I get really anxious about silly things.
Like finding a parking spot or parallel parking.
Like text messages that don't get a response.
Like traffic and being on time.
Usually there is nothing I can do to change it which makes it even sillier.
I should probably get over this.
This also leads to be easily embarrassed.
Also annoying.

8. I love giving people gifts.
Especially when I know they are going to love it.
It makes me excited and happy and on pins and needles until they get it.
Two of my favorite people to buy gifts for are my besties Alex and Katie.

9. My favorite food is Mac n Cheese and my favorite drink is a Lunchbox.
The first is a given.. macaroni and cheese can fix anything.
Especially hangovers.
Which you are bound to have if you have too many lunchboxes.
What's a lunchbox you ask?
It's this wonderful drink made of Coor's Light, a shot of Amaretto, and orange juice.
Sounds weird right? 
It's incredibly delicious.
Some people like to chug it, but I like it best on the rocks with a straw!

10. I read really fast.
Like faster than pretty much everyone I know. 
It takes me all of five seconds to scan a page and retain the information.
I think it's a pretty cool characteristic but I could be wrong.

Andddd now you know more about me than you probably want to?
It's fine. 
Hope each and every one of you has a fabulous weekend!
Until next time lovies..



Ok, so I noticed a certain pink cup in that picture...LOVE how every person who went to OSU has eskimo joe's cups : ) Also, love that you are sporting an osu cup in your last picture as well.

When were you at OSU? Why did you choose OSU if you are from Colorado...aren't you glad you did??

sassysouthernliving said...

I am a speed reader as well and ps I had no idea you worked at Chucky Cheese! That is all kinds of fabulous! I can’t imagine the things you came across while working there!
