Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Confess...

It's confession time my loves! 

I confess.. I love Gossip Girl. It's been a favorite of mine for a long time but it's starting to get a little out of hand. I'm wondering if it should have pulled an O.C. and stopped at four seasons because it's currently on season five and they are sure putting some crazy things out there. In Monday night's episode they even went as far as possibly revealing who Gossip Girl is! I'm sorry but if this doesn't quit I might just stop watching.

Oh heyyyy Chuck Bass. Remind me again why you're not my boyfriend?

I confess.. I love my dog. However, she is really trying hard to drive me crazy this week! She won't go outside to do her business, she wants to play when it's bedtime, and she recently started growling at EVERYTHING.. including me when I'm sleeping. Lily, I love you but let's be a better puppy yes? Because a better puppy makes for a happier dog mommy.

I confess.. I love my new job. It's such a good environment and I can see it really being something I stick with for a long time. I also love that I'm making a pretty good paycheck and while I have dreams of a pretty new place to live and fun vacations, I KNOW I am really going to have to keep my butt in check so I don't buy everything in sight simply because I can. 
This, instead of..


I confess.. that even though I am 22 and half of the people I know are engaged, married, or in serious relationships, I just don't feel the need to rush that part of my life. Ya it would be great to have someone to spend time with and don't get me wrong if the right person came along I wouldn't be opposed. However, I'm not actively looking and reading blog posts like this and this not only make me laugh but remind me that there are people that feel the same way! 
Just funny in light of recent convo's with my friends!

I confess.. I'm not sure why but I was kind of embarrassed when I found out that my Mom and Dad have been reading my blog. It's not that I don't want them to and I don't mind that they do but I guess when I started this in the first place I never really expected anyone to read it, especially not my parents. Ps. I know ya'll are probably reading this now so don't be upset I'm only speaking the truth :)

I mean our family is cute but isn't that background amazing?

I confess.. I wish that I had my own personal airplace service so that I could fly my friends out to visit me and go do things I know they would love. For example, concerts at Red Rocks. Hands down one of the coolest things to do in Colorado, and with bands like The Fray and Foster the People playing there this summer, I wish that all of my far away friends could experience it with me! Where's a money tree when you need one?? ;)

This one will do!

Last but not least..

I confess.. that it's THURSDAY! Which makes tomorrow Friday and that much closer to the weekend when I will be sleeping in past 5:30! Cheers to that! Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

sassysouthernliving said...

Being in the Deep South there is almost a rule that if you are not engaged by the time you graduate college you are a failure. It drives me absolutely insane and we wonder why our devoice rate is sky high? People jump into things way to fast if you ask me (not that I am one to talk, hello) however I feel like I have my head on my shoulders. Just keep your chin up and be you—because at the end of the day, that is the most important relationship, the one with yourself.
